The Montegueaux Family Dinner

The Montegueaux family dinner was super fancy! The dinner table was filled with a variety of delicious dishes, from juicy roasted meats and tasty veggies to creamy pasta and sweet treats for dessert. It was a real feast, and everyone was excited to dig in and enjoy the scrumptious meal.

The dining hall was all posh with chandeliers and fancy paintings on the walls. But remembering everyone's names was tough! They all had titles and connections that made Morgan's head spin.

They were all so confident and charming, sharing stories and accomplishments. Morgan tried his best to keep up with the chit-chat and join in the laughter. It felt good being part of such a prestigious family, even though he'd been distant from them.

Joyce, Oliver Montegueaux's wife, leaned forward and asked him, "Tell us, Dorian, how did you come to find your way back to us after all these years?"