Unexpected Encounter

A two weeks later...

When Melody walked in, Edward's face was a whole storm of anger. She could practically see the lightning bolts in his eyes. The vibe in the room was like a ticking time bomb, just waiting to explode with all that tension.

"My dear, how on earth could you make such a big decision without even bothering to ask for my opinion?"

Her expression shifted slightly as she hadn't anticipated this reaction. "I... I thought it was the right thing to do. I didn't want to burden you with it."

"It's nonsense! I'm your grandpa, my dear, and I have a firm grip on the workings of this entire Duskville city. Do you honestly think that I'm not worthy enough to be included in making such a significant decision?"

"It's not about doubting your wisdom, Edward. I just wanted to take matters into my own hands. I thought I could handle it and prove myself."