Meticulous Plan

After a brief pause, the curiosity was evident in her voice as Sophie responded, "Yes, Mrs. Blodwyn. I'm listening. And please call me Sophie."

Sophie felt both intrigued and cautious, as she was eager to know more about the unexpected call from a woman of Juliette Blodwyn's status. This was a name that carried weight in their social circles, and the fact that she was reaching out to Sophie sparked her curiosity.

Juliette curved her lips into a subtle smile, but the person on the other end of the line certainly didn't see it. "Alright, Sophie. I'm offering you a chance to do something that could be beneficial for both of us. Something that helps you reach your goals and fulfill your dreams."

As she spoke, Juliette could feel the weight of the words she was saying, knowing how important the idea she was putting forward was. On the other line of the phone, Sophie paused briefly to process the information.