A Glimmer of Hope

Sophie was taken aback, her eyes widened in surprise as she heard the news. Well, well, it seemed that Morgan was finally tying the knot with that bitch. From the moment she first laid eyes on Melody Brynleigh, she knew deep down in her gut that she had been right all along. That bitch was a real deal!

Her jaws clenched, and her grip tightened around the phone as she mustered a response. "What sort of help can I do for you, Mrs. Blodwyn?"

"I need your help to come between them and make them call off their plans to get married."

Whoa, what? That old lady was all up in her business, trying to convince her to cancel the wedding? Sophie could not believe what she heard.

The unexpected turn of events had caught her off guard, leaving her heart skipped a beat as she struggled to process what had just reached her ears. The words hung in the air, refusing to be ignored or dismissed. Her mind raced, desperately trying to make sense of the situation.