
After finally catching a glimpse of their enemies under the dimly lit street, Melody's heart instantly sank to the bottom. The five menacing men in black wore an unreadable demonic expression as they approached her car.

Her body stiffened instantly, and she couldn't help but wonder what had brought them here and what their intentions might be.

The man on the left had transformed himself into an unsettling clown-like figure with paint on his face. His smile, though treacherous, seemed oddly out of place. Despite his small, skinny stature, he carried a formidable-looking weapon slung over his shoulder.

On the right stood a man with striking blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. His fair complexion and delicate features gave him an almost feminine appearance, which sharply contrasted with the menace surrounding him. His crafty smirk, directed at Melody, sent a clear message of cunning and arrogance.