Intense Fight

In an instant, the fight erupted.

The secluded area was buzzing with the sounds of the intense struggle–shouts, hits landing, strikes cracking, and powerful kicks thudding. It was a bloody scene, a real showdown between Max and the menacing gang.

From inside the car, Melody caught a wild mix of sounds.

Thud! Grunt! Bam!

The whole noisy show gave her a mental movie of the gritty fight going on outside. The loud smacks and gruff noises told the tale of Max duking it out with those menacing guys.

Fresh blood splattered, coating the ground in a gruesome scene...

The scent lingered in the air... She can catch a whiff of blood...

The blood was getting thicker and thicker, reaching a point where it made her feel queasy.

Staying still in the car, Melody clutched the edges of her seat as the sounds of the escalating fight outside filled the air.