
The next day...

Morgan's face darkened with anger as Max reported the incident. His eyes narrowed, and his jaw clenched as he absorbed the details of the assault. The tension in the room escalated, and the air seemed to thicken with his frustration and concern for Melody's safety.

He slammed the table hard, the crackling sound reverberating through the room, as he spoke with uncontrolled anger, "This is despicable! How did they dare to attack Melody? I want every detail, and I want to know who orchestrated this."

Unfazed by Morgan's outburst, Max replied calmly, "I handled it, Morgan. They won't be causing any more trouble. But we need to be vigilant; someone out there has a vendetta against Melody."

The tension in the room lingered as Morgan processed the information, his eyes burning with determination to protect her.