Contract Signing

Music recommendation: Call out My Name by the weeknd. ( I had this on repeat!)

The weekend passed by with Audrey enjoying every bit of it, it was like she imagined, away from sitting on a weirdly shaped chair for hours, away from the constant dings of the elevator. Just there, at the dessert shop, with the luxury of taking in the first bites of the meals before the others from the batch are served to the eager customers.

The alarm she had gotten on her side table dinged, snapping Audrey into reality, she reached out to stop the deafening noise that disturbed her fantasy. She had set the alarm for six in the morning, but there and then, she regret she even set an alarm.

She dragged herself out of her bed, rearranged the sheets, cleaned the rest of her room, and brought out the clothes she was going to wear that day. She settled for a dress shirt, a fitted below knee-length skirt, a pair of heels, and a strapless bag.