After Thoughts

Lucas made sure to drop her right in front of her house, he did wonder where she got the money for such a big house if her parents had died. It wasn't his business, and if he was to know, she would tell him later.

Audrey took shelter in front of the house as she watched Lucas's car roar to life and drive off. She smiled thinking of their unplanned outing hours before.

She pressed the doorbell, indicating that she was home, it didn't take a long time before the door was opened, she was met with an exasperated Prisca, huffing like she just finished a marathon.

"Thank God you're okay!!", she squealed before wrapping Audrey in a hug, Audrey who was caught off-guard lost her footing, but she quickly recollected herself and returned the gesture.

" Yes, Thank God, what happened?"Audrey asked, wondering what went wrong. "You didn't text or say you were going to come home late!", Prisca said, ushering Audrey into the house and locking the door behind her.