Getting Audrey Back

One of the lackeys who was guarding Audrey went straight to report the latest developments to Liam.

"Boss said you can go in now!", Jeff said before the other lackey entered.

" It better be important!"Liam said as he was annoyed that the lackey had disturbed him when he was about to go to sleep.

"It is boss!", " Alright then, spill!".

"The lady just woke up!", " Good, commence with the next phase of the plan!", Liam replied.

"Tonight?", the lackey asked to be sure. " Yes, tonight!! It would be even better, we have the shelter of the darkness!", Liam said before dismissing the lackey.

As planned, when Audrey eventually woke up, they would make a call to

Lucas, requesting the terms of the exchange.

Liam on the other hand gladly left his bed, changing into the clothes he had worn earlier, he had work to do.
