Back On Track

Liam and the rest of the gang were indeed cautious, they showed no signs that they even inhabited the place, but unfortunately their actions were about to be exposed.

Some of the men had been assigned to stealthily go around the warehouse for any information they could possibly get, and when they came back, the information they brought sparked the dying hope in Lucas.

"They have her and she's tied to a chair!", Seth said as he had led the stealth operation they had quickly conducted.

"We're going in!", Lucas didn't need any other approval, he already had what he needed to bust their actions, and to think that they had the audacity to tie Audrey to a chair.

Of course, in order not to attract attention, not all the men went, but those that went were enough to over power Liam and his men.

As planned, they infiltrated the warehouse, waiting on Lucas's signal to go in.