Chapter 4: Xie Sui

In the left corner of the auditorium, Xie Sui leaned into a chair and dozed off.

He was caught by the head teacher watching the interview.

The teacher in charge originally wanted to educate these incompetent guys, but Ji Feifei told of his touching experience of illness and pain throughout the whole process. They were not moved at all. Playing games and sleeping while sleeping.

When Jibai was speaking, Xie Sui became more awake, opened his eyes slightly, and fell on her.

The girl's facial features were three-dimensional, and her skin was as pure as the first snow, which reminded him of the seemingly innocent little beasts in the forest, but her dark eyes were faintly sharp.

He refreshed a little and stared at her.

Jibai continued: "If possible, I would rather suffer from the disease than my sister. I think I will face my destiny and try to overcome it."

Ji Feifei grinned.

Jibai continued: "When you stare into the abyss, the abyss is also staring at you; when you fight the devil, you must also be careful not to become the devil. I hope everything will be better, and I hope my sister will become better. people."

The leaders in the audience nodded and looked at Ji Bai approvingly.

The students whispered about

"Although I don't understand, it seems to make sense."

"Jibai is usually silent, and now it seems that she is not so dumb."

Ji Feifei's face sank as he listened to Ji Bai's profound words.

The host said, "My sister is really a kind girl; she would rather help her sister endure the suffering. I believe that as long as the two sisters work together, they will be able to overcome the disease. By the way, the sister is also her most loyal supporter. Why? It rarely appears in public view."

Seeing that the momentum was wrong, Ji Fei-pi suddenly interrupted: "My sister is more introverted and not very talkative. This time, she is very reluctant to let her go on stage. Let's not embarrass her. By the way, I have more of an inspirational story I want to share with everyone."

Ji Fei successfully snatched the camera, but the staff ended up with Ji Bai.

Although the scene is short and the future is long, she is not in a hurry.

Jibai took out her phone and opened her sister's Weibo. Her latest status is a selfie photo in the background.

In the photo, she is pouting her mouth and smiling cutely. She looks good because of her makeup.

"It's almost on the show; I'm really a little nervous. Please cheer for me. I love you! "

The comments are naturally flattering.

"I really like your optimism and cheerfulness."

"Feibao is so cute."

"Come on, Feibao, we are your solid backing!"

Jibai scrolled down the comments, and at the end of the popular comment, there were a few less conspicuous comments.

"When you are fighting with the devil, you must also be careful not to become a devil. I always feel that what Ji Fei Fei's sister said has no meaning."

"Will the upstairs think too much?"

"I don't know; it may be my conspiracy theory. I don't think it is that simple."
