Chapter 15: Ruined Life

Encore was desperate, so cue reached Jibai and hoped she could help explain.

Now, the number of Jibai' s Weibo fans has almost increased to the power. Numerous netizens asked Jibai and asked her to explain the blood-sucking thing. There were even a few dizzy netizens who asked her sharply why she wanted to be with Encore Hang Xun framed his sister in one fell swoop.

Ji Fei Fei has millions of fans on Weibo, but not everyone is concerned about Ji Fei's tearing. Older netizens do not say anything about it. Those who are excited are young fans who are more likely to be incited.

In just one day, Jibai' s Weibo followers reached 40,000.

Netizens are waiting for Jibai' s answer.

But to disappoint them, Jibai will not respond to anything.

One Encore used to bite people against her indiscriminately by a mad dog; two, it is not too early.

After rebirth, Jibai understood a very profound truth. The grievances you can say are not grievances, but justifications. Only when others feel your grievances can they be truly wronged.

So, she will no longer complain like the previous life.

Ji Fei Fei is a little scared in her heart. Jibai' s Weibo has been discovered by many fans now. She is very worried that her sister will say something that will damage her image.

Fortunately, Jibai' s Weibo was quiet and did not respond to An Kerou.

Jibai' s Weibo contains mostly positive and beautiful content, such as going to a boudoir's house for a party, or going shopping for milk tea...Although occasionally he is unwilling to blood transfusion, his words are not intense. He didn't say anything bad about Ji Feifei, and it didn't affect her badly.

Ji Fei Fei was relieved, and the stalemate with Ji Bai had eased a lot, and she began to hypocritically greet her with warmth and care.

Parents are naturally relieved to see this situation.

Half a month later, An Keyou's parents came to the house and personally apologized to Ji Fei, hoping that she would let her daughter go. Now An Keyou was babbling all day long and said that she might be depressed after seeing the doctor.

All this thanks to Ji Fei Fei, An Kerou's parents gritted their teeth towards Ji Fei, but in order for their daughter to get out of this nightmare, they walked the door with shy faces and said to Ji Fei personally. apologize.

Ji Fei Fei accepted the apology from her elders, and came forward to appease the restless fans, saying that this was a misunderstanding. Now that An Kerou has realized the mistake, I hope that fans will stop personally attacking her and let this pass.

The fans scolded for several days, but finally couldn't move the scolding, and stopped, and An Kerou also deleted her's Weibo, which finally came to an end.

Half a month later, An Kerou returned to school, her cheerful personality became a little gloomy.

In the end of September, Xie Sui and a few buddies walked out of the teaching building and passed by the renovated bicycle shed.

A few big boys without long eyes ran by like a gust of wind, turning over a row of bicycles, and the chain reaction of the crash made passers-by look back and watch.

Xie Sui rubbed his ears and turned his head to see a pink-white car lying on the ground.

The car is foldable, the body is scrubbed clean, and a fresh white basket is hung in front of the bridle.

A few big boys in black T-shirts were totally unaware of their unintentional failures, laughing and playing and leaving, not wanting Xie Sui to suddenly turn sideways, blocking the way in front of them.

Several people asked defensively: "What are you doing?"

Xie Sui looked at the little pink bicycle, raised his grim eyebrows, and his voice was low and cold--

"Help up."

The boy in the black T-shirt whispered, "You care too much."

Xie Sui tilted his head slightly and moved his neck a little bit domineering.

"Don't let me repeat it a second time."

The boy in the black T-shirt couldn't afford to thank you, so he was so frustrated, he could only get soft, walked to the bicycle shed, and helped the bicycles that tripped around one by one.

"That's all right."

Xie Sui yielded to him, his tone calm but with a taste of irritability and prestige—

"Walk and watch."

After the boys had left, Cong Yuzhou slid up to the bicycle and watched for a while with his chin, "Let me take a good look with my eyes, this car is...a girl?"

Xie Sui ignored him, and the house took out a wet tissue from the bag and wiped the dirt on the bicycle seat.

"No way! Just this little car, please take care of your old man to wipe it personally, leave it to me."

Cong Yuzhou was about to take the tissue Xie then pushed him away: "No."

Cong Yuzhou's eyes dizzy with a smile, holding his arms and leaning on the side with his brothers to watch the excitement: "Brother Sui, her basket seems to be crooked."

Xie Sui went to the front to check, and the cart basket was really slumped crookedly.

This is easy, just break it right.

He stretched out his hand, "clang", the cart basket actually fell down!

Xie Sui looked at the basket in his hand, then looked up at the brothers, twitching at the corner of his mouth.

Cong Yuzhou was also dumbfounded: "This... Brother Sui deserves to be the champion of boxing, he's a good player."