Chapter 51: Experience the suffering

Cong Yuzhou walked in from the back door of the classroom carrying a basketball, put down the basketball, leaned over to the sleeping Xie Sui table, reached out and tugged at his little bangs.

Jiang Zhongning made a gesture of wiping his neck, and said, "You have to finish."

Xie Sui's anger broke out when he got up, and most people couldn't bear it.

Cong Yuzhou smiled slyly, attached it to Xie Sui's ear, and said softly: "Xiao Bai asked you to go to the auditorium to watch a movie in the afternoon."

Two seconds later, Xie Sui's body suddenly moved mechanically. He raised his head, and his hazy light coffee-coloured eyes were a little sexy.


Cong Yuzhou smiled and said: "It's nothing, I'm talking nonsense, you keep sleeping."

Xie then got up, walked lazily to the balcony sink, turned on the faucet and patted his face, then rubbed his hair with water.