Chapter 57: Visible unfairness

"Let me catch it again; I won't be gentle to you anymore."

Xie Sui used both soft and hard words, but these words had some effect, and Ji Bai withdrew his hands in fright and backed away.

There was a little defence and fear in her dark deer eyes.

"I know I'm afraid; I'll make more rules."

Xie Sui was satisfied with her reaction and taught: "Don't do what you shouldn't do, and be your good student."

Jibai replied perfunctorily and dissatisfiedly, "Oh."

Xie Sui opened his hand to Jibai and said, "Hand it over."

"Pay what?"

Xie Sui raised his eyebrows and asked, "What do you think?"

Jibai pouted her mouth, reluctantly fetched out of her bag the pop-bead lady's cigarette that she had just opened, and only smoked one.

The cigarette case is flat; obviously, there are not many, in line with the delicate and elegant aesthetic of women.

Seeing that his hands were still spread, Jibai frowned and took out the lighter from the right bag and slapped it heavily on his hand.