Chapter 84: I thought u were gone

The warm spring sunshine poured into the piano room through the checker skylight.

Xie followed the door into the room and saw the girl standing on a chair, wiping the skylight of the piano room with a rag.

The goose yellow long skirt was stirred by the wind blowing from the window.

Sunlight poured on her fair and clear face, and those beautiful eyes were as clear and clear as glass **** under the sunlight.

She is not tall enough, even standing on a chair and trying to wipe the top of the skylight clean, she has to stand on her toes.

Xie Sui walked over and roughly hugged her down.

Jibai exclaimed, and he carried the whole person on his shoulders.

Jibai patted his back vigorously: "What are you doing, let me down!"

Xie Sui put her firmly on the ground, grabbed the rag from her hand, stepped on the chair, and carefully wiped the dust on the glass.

Standing on the side, Jibai looked at Xie Sui's skilful movements, saying that he was really good at work.