Chapter 126: That's mine

Xie Sui was dizzy and seemed to be flying.

However, Xie Sui was not a vegetarian. His rich on-the-spot experience allowed him to avoid Zhu Kai's fatal blows, and his fist fell on Zhu Kai's body, which didn't seem to be so intense for him.

Fighting a madman who couldn't feel the pain, Xie Sui fell to the wind.

Cong Yuzhou yelled like crazy: "Are you **** taking medicine?"

As soon as this remark came out, most of the customers who bought Xie Suiying went crazy with them. A few excitedly rushed onto the court and grabbed Zhu Kai's collar and said: "Fuck! Damn it taking medicine!"

"con man!!"

"Damn! Pay it back!"

Xie Sui stunned and held on to the edge of the fence of the boxing ring, dazzled and unable to move.

Cong Yuzhou was stopped by the excited crowd more than ten meters away, unable to get close to him at all, just shouting: "Get out of the way, let me pass, how about thanking you!"