Chapter 164: Fireflies

As night fell, Xie Sui carried Ji Bai and strolled back to the hotel.

The breeze was blowing through her hair, and scrambled at Xie Sui's ears, making him itchy.

"Ah! Look!" Jibai pointed to the front lawn: "Fireflies!"

Xie Sui looked up and saw that there was nothing in front of him.

"What a pity, I flew past in front of you. The tail is green and beautiful."

"What's a pity, who has never seen a firefly."

"I saw it when I was a child, and when I grew up, I never saw it again." Jibai wrapped her hands around his neck and asked, "Do fireflies only like children and don't like adults?"

"Even if the fireflies don't like adults, they will like Xiaobai." Xie Sui's expression is very gentle, and the tone is soft: "Who wouldn't like Xiaobai."

Ji Bai lightly smiled: "What kind of fairy boyfriend is this, he can talk so much."

"I'm a real person." Xie Sui said, "I never talk nonsense about anything."

Jibai happily gave him a kiss on his cheek.