Chapter 187: Whoever dares to bully you, I will deal with them!

"I said how dare our daughter dared to disobey the adults and become so disobedient. It turned out that it was broken by your little bastard!"

She had a sharp voice and yelled: "You don't know yet, this guy is not a good thing. He used to be a boon in school when he was in high school. No, I didn't even study in college. Oh, yes, his dad is still murderer !"

The employees around were eager to cover their ears. They were silent, and did not dare to look up at Ji Bai's face.

"Security! Get them out of me!"

Jibai's cheeks were red and furious, and the hand pointing at Tao Jiazhi couldn't help trembling: "Kick them out immediately. From now on, they will not be allowed to step into the Jishi Group building!"

Several security guards rushed up immediately and left with Tao Jiazhi and Ji Mingzhi.

Tao Jiazhi yelled: "Jibai, you want to be such a gangster, don't you want your parents!"

"I have no home for a long time."