Chapter 189: Intimacy

In the afternoon, the two went to the ice shop to eat iced dumplings.

Xie Sui doesn't like sweets, so Jibai ordered only one and ate it with her head down and in small mouthfuls.

He sat opposite her, looking at her tenderly.

The brown sugar water was soaked with ice slag. When she ate the cold glutinous rice balls, she couldn't help but shudder, and the whole body's warmth dissipated.

Eating iced desserts in the summer is so happy.

She smiled crookedly.

Xie Sui ordered her the largest portion, and Ji Bai couldn't eat so much. There were still a few iced dumplings filled with sugar in the bowl, so Xie Sui took the small bowl and the spoon to eat.

Ji Bai is like this: her eyes are hungry, and she has to pick a large portion of everything she eats, but her appetite is very small; like a little rabbit, she can't eat after two bites.

Xie Sui always picks up her leftovers. She can't eat them, so he takes them to eat. Only one serving is enough for each order.