Related To The Light Race

"You, who are you and what are you doing here?, how dare you barge into the room?, guards, where are my guards?, what the.. is that blood?" The middle aged man said with agitation as he stared at the blood on Felix's body.

"Hmm, I am going to ask you some questions so sit down and shut up" Felix said coldly as he sat down while secretly observing the Kreed.

"How dare you?, a mere E rank Esper dares to talk to me like that" The middle aged man said angrily as he tried to suppress Felix with his aura.

"Hahaha, you really consider yourself a D rank, you have to be the most weakest D rank that I have ever seen, seeing your shaky foundation, I am sure that you only became a D rank through the use of pills and other materials so shut up and sit down, I still have other people to kill" Felix said impatiently as he stared at the middle-aged man straight in the eye which made him shiver unconsciously.

"Hey, who do you think you are to talk to our boss like that?" The mountain like man said arrogantly as he stared at the weak looking body of Felix, if only he knew how it would have been easy for Felix to snap his neck.

"You don't get to talk!" Felix said with rage as his aura and killing intent erupted like a volcano and pressured everyone in the room to the point that they had difficulty breathing but he later controlled it and he was surprised because it seemed like a remnant soul of the previous Felix still remained.

He could feel the hate from the soul had almost made him lose his mind, he could also feel that the remnant soul hated the man to the core which had almost manifested into something.

Having something like this in him was unhealthy so he immediately resolved to avenge the previous Felix in order to be free.

As he stared at the middle-aged man, he couldn't help but smile at his plan and when the man saw the smile, he felt like he was being stared at by a dangerous beast.

"You, don't think about killing me, I have serious backers so if you kill me, you will be hunted down" The middle aged man said with fear and arrogance to try and scare Felix as well as assure himself, he didn't know why but he felt like even with all of them in the room, he couldn't kill this seemingly insignificant E rank who was able to kill his way into his mansion, killing several E and E+ ranks, discover his shaky foundation in one glance and stay composed in front of a D rank and two E ranks not to mention the fact that he is only a E rank.

He had a feeling that the man sitting in front of him could kill all of them easily which frightened him and as he tried to think of who could have sent the man to kill him, he heard the man speak.

"I know that you are probably wondering who I am, we will get to that later but first, I have a message from Shadow, your son offended the wrong people so he got what he deserved, if your backers have a problem then they can talk it out with shadow" Felix said calmly as he waved his hand and a body appeared with a card which he threw to the man.

"Noo Jeremy, I am going to skin you alive and feed you to my hounds" The middle aged man said in anger as his eyes went red in rage, he didn't seem to hear what Felix said nor did he see the card but Felix's next words made his legs go cold.

"Now to the main question, why are you working with the non humans?" Felix said calmly seemingly unperturbed by the man's temper as he said every word one by one.

"Hehe, did you think that I wouldn't sense you, a mere E+ rank trying to ambush me, you must have woken up on the wrong side of the bed, I will take care of you later" Felix laughed as he stared at the kreed who froze in shock because it had been approaching him carefully to kill him.

"Do you know that it is a major offense to side with the non humans?, the least punishment you will get is to be fed to the monsters" Felix said coldly as he glanced at the middle-aged man who was unconsciously trembling.

"What nonsense are you spouting, what do you mean I am siding with the non humans, that is a serious accusation, if you don't provide evidence then don't blame me for being impolite" The middle aged man said with pretence as he pointed his finger at Felix but within his mind, his brain felt like it had been struck by lightning, what was a kreed?, it was a non human which was known for its stealth and this E rank Esper had easily spotted it like it was nothing, what terrifying perception was this, was he still human? or could it be that he was actually a high ranking Esper who had suppressed his rank but why would he even need to come here, he was confused but only one thought was running through his mind at the moment, he couldn't be allowed to grow, he had actually forgotten about his son who was lying lifelessly in front of him.

It was normal human behavior for someone to hate another because of potential and jealousy so when the man saw Felix's potential, he couldn't control his jealousy and he had the urge to kill him but Felix's next words were like a bucket of cold water poured on him.

"I know you are probably thinking of killing me right now so could you get it over with, I have places to be" Felix said calmly as he stood up and took out two daggers.

"You.. both of you, attack him now" The man said in shock before ordering the two by his side to attack.

"Boss..we can't, he is too powerful and only you can stop him" The two of them said in fear after remembering Felix's aura.

"What!, I don't care attack or you are fired" The man said angrily as he threatened them.

"Okay boss, we quit, we can't do this " They both replied as they stepped away from him.

"Ahh, I don't have time to watch this drama, well then if you won't attack then I will" Felix said as he rushed towards them and punched out.

"Hmm, you actually dared to clash head on with me, how foolish of you" The man sneered as he released his full strength to clash with Felix.

When the two fists connected, the man was pushed back 3 steps but Felix was pushed back 6 steps before he stabilized himself, he planned to use this battle to hone himself and see the disparity between himself and a D rank but he wouldn't think of something unrealistic as to kill a D rank relying on his strength alone but that was just what he wanted him to believe.

"Haha, you see the difference in our skills, did you really think that you could defeat me a D rank Esper with your measly strength" The middle-aged man boasted arrogantly but he was still shocked that Felix's hand wasn't broken by the force, he didn't know that Felix had ordered all his skill points to be invested in strength so he could barely clash head-on with a weak D rank Esper like him.

"Come on, less talking and more fighting" Felix said with a laugh as he rushed forward again with a punch.

"As you wish, hahaha" The middle-aged man replied as he once again punched out and when their fists collided, this time he was pushed back 4 steps and Felix was pushed back 5 steps.

"What the?" The man was shocked because he previously thought that Felix had used his full strength to resist him but now he had actually increased his strength and he was still forced backwards, how can a E rank be this powerful, this only further increased his urge to kill him.

"Are you tired old man?, do you need to take a breather?, hahaha, is that all you have got?" Felix mocked the middle-aged man as he laughed.

"You.. I will kill you, who are you calling an old man?" The middle aged man said angrily as he rushed forward and threw a punch with his full strength not holding back in the least, he wanted to crush all the bones in his body.

"Good, that's the spirit, don't let your old age hold you back" Felix taunted the man with a grin as he also rushed forward to receive the punch.

The two punches connected creating aassive shockwave that destroyed everything in the room and caused the mansion to shake, the two idiots who killed the previous Felix were sent flying backwards into a wall by the shockwave which made them lose consciousness, the Kreed who was just a messenger also met the same fate and the room also looked like it would collapse but the two fighters didn't seem to care, one of them had a smile on his face as blood trickled down his mouth, his whole figure was ruffled and the other also had a ruffled figure with an ugly expression on his face.

"Hahaha, I thought you were a D rank Esper, look at how a E rank Esper forced you into this shape, you are a disgrace to the entire D rank, how pitiful old age has made you" Felix repeatedly taunted the middle-aged man who just stood there in shock, he had nothing to say.

"Since you want to experience the strength of a D rank then I will show you, in a battle of strength, I am not your match but as a D rank Esper, I will suppress you to the extent that you wont even be able to breathe" The middle-aged man replied with a sign as his aura suddenly increased and his mana physically manifested into a sword which was yellow in color.

"Well, I see you are now taking me seriously but do you think that I will walk into my death without a plan" Felix said with a grin as several fireballs had appeared in his hand which revolved around him, since he came here and he wouldn't leave anyone alive, he was determined to show some of his cards.

Felix waved his hand and the fireballs flew towards the middle-aged man who closed his eyes and stamped the floor which caused the ground to shake and when the fireballs were about to strike him, he suddenly waved his mana sword and struck each of them at a particular point, scattering the energy used to condense them.


[System has sensed a D rank support ability "Mana sense"]

[Does host wish to steal it, it costs 1000 system points]

"Yes, steal it" Felix said absentmindedly as he replayed the scene in his mind, he had seen how the middle-aged man had struck the fireballs at a particular point and as the one who had created the fireballs, he realized that the points that were struck were the cores of the fireballs.

Every offensive or defensive ability had a core which supplied energy to the entire ability but that was also the weakest part of the ability and to make up for that, the core of an ability was perfectly hidden within and it was almost basically impossible to find, it required a terrifying amount of perception as well as a great control to find it but it seemed like the middle-aged man had an ability that gave him all those things and that was why he was able to accurately pinpoint the cores in each of the fireballs, this ability was basically a gem if used properly but he knew that there was no such thing as a free meal in this world, there would surely be a downside of the ability.

"Is that all you have got child?" The middle-aged man mocked Felix with a grin.

"Actually I am just getting started old man, remember that every advantage has a disadvantage" Felix replied with a hidden meaning as he once again conjured more fireballs which were bigger then the last ones and as he did, he smirked and waved his hand.

The middle-aged man once again closed his eyes and when the fireballs were about to hit him, he struck the fireballs at some particular position and scattered the energy within but as he opened his eyes and was about to insult Felix, his eyes suddenly widened as a punch connected with his jaw and he was immediately sent flying into the wall.

" did you know?" The middle-aged man asked in shock.

"Well as I told you old man, every advantage has a disadvantage, I first thought that with your ability, you should naturally be unrivalled but remembering your shaky foundation, I realized that in that state where you are able to sense the cores, you no longer know what's happening in the real world so I managed to come to a simple conclusion because your combat ability is rather mediocre, you are rather vulnerable in that state" Felix replied in a tone that said "isn't it obvious".

"As you can see, you are no match for me so you better surrender if you don't want to end up like your son" Felix said coldly as he took out his poison dagger and walked towards him.

"You, don't think I can't kill you" The middle-aged man said in fear as vomited a mouthful of blood with half of his teeth.

"I give you 5 seconds to make your choice otherwise, hehe" Felix said with a menacing grin.

"If you kill me, my backers will hunt you down" The middle-aged man said as he tried to act tough while moving back.

"One" Felix said indifferently as he continued walking towards the middle-aged man.

"I can give you money" The middle-aged man said when he saw that he couldn't scare Felix.

"Hahaha, do you know how foolish you sound?, when I kill you, I will by all means take your money, two" Felix laughed as he continued counting.

"Please don't kill me, I won't pursue the case of my son" The middle-aged man pleaded as he realized that his back was to the wall and there was nowhere to go.

"Do I look like I care, three" Felix replied indifferently as he moved closer to the man.

"I don't know anything and even if I did tell you then I am dead anyway" The middle-aged man replied as he gritted his teeth.

"Four" Felix said and by now, he was only a few feet away from the man.

"Wait, I will tell you what you need to know, just don't kill me" The middle-aged man said when Felix was about to say five.

"Good, now tell me why you are siding with the non humans? and don't even think of trying anything funny" Felix asked with a grin as he squatted near the man.

"I don't really know who my backers are, I only communicate with them through a series of encoded messaging, they found me 3 years ago when I was just a E+ rank Esper, they offered me a lot of money and pills and in return, I should monitor a particular person and since I wanted so much to become a D rank Esper, I accepted the offer but I never knew that it required me to side with the non-humans and by the time I knew, it was too late to quit, I was too deeply associated with them and they threatened to expose me if I tried to back out but there were also several other ways that they could take care of me easily" The middle-aged man said with a sign as he paused to spit out some more blood.

"You said that they asked you to monitor someone, what was so special about him?" Felix asked curiously as he played with the dagger.

"I am only a pawn in a bigger game, the only thing I know is that he is somehow related to the light race but I don't know how" The middle-aged man replied then he saw Felix pause for sometime before turning to him.

"You you said a "he" right?, what's his name?" Felix stammered as he asked in a hurried tone but he already knew the answer.

"I hired these two idiots to monitor him and I was told that he had a bookshop and his name was Felix.. yes, his name was Felix Argus" The middle-aged aged man replied.