Killing Two Birds With One Stone

"Hello remember me, congratulations, happy death day" Felix said to the man who had caused trouble for him in the weapons shop before slitting his throat.

After slitting his throat, Felix let the body drop as he wiped the blood off his dagger then he searched the body and found a book and a white crystal.

"Hmm this book, it looks like.." Felix said as he tried to open the book but he couldn't so he tried to remember something but when he couldn't he placed the book in his dimension ring and observed the white crystal.


[System has discovered a low level rune crystal in the possession of host]

[Does host wish to extract rune]


"Rune crystal, hmm, that's why it looked so familiar then it means that the book is a basic rune book, yes extract" Felix said with a smile as he gave the initiative to the system.

[Rune extraction begins]

[Rune extraction: 1%]

[Rune extraction: 2%]

"Why is it so slow, it takes 30 seconds for it to increase by 1%, I guess I won't be hearing from it anytime soon, now I going to pay your father a visit" Felix said with furrowed brows as he realized how slow the extraction process was then he grabbed the body of the man he just killed and placed it in his dimension space and left.

In the huge room containing the powerhouses of the continent, the silver cloaked man sat comfortably on a chair awaiting the decisions of the Espers.

"Don't just stand there, I am awaiting your decision, I give you 5 minutes to make your decision otherwise I will take it that you have chosen the second proposal" The silver cloaked man said arrogantly as he stared at the others.

"Hahaha, who do you think you are?, no matter how strong you are, in the face of 6 SS rank Espers and 1 SSS rank Esper I don't believe we can't defeat you" Shadow said angrily as he snapped out of his daze.

"Well you can try but I warn you that I won't go easy on you" The silver cloaked man said indifferently with a mocking tone.


"Before we can make a decision, we need to know if you are a friend or foe" Alexander said calmly as he also took a seat.

"Hmm interesting, well I am neither your friend nor your foe, yet but I am willing to extend my help to you because I believe we have a common enemy, the demons" The silver cloaked man said calmly then at the end it sounded like he spat out the word "demons" like it was a poison and at that moment, a suffocating pressure enveloped the room but disappeared immediately.

"It calms me to know that you are willing to help but it also surprises me that you think the demons are behind this and from your tone I can see that you harbour a great dislike towards the demons" The Emperor said with a sign as he sat down which caused the others to follow suit.

"Did you really think that the non humans stood a chance against you, hahaha, they know that so why will they intentionally take such actions against you, they will only do that if they have backup and who do you think will help them?" The silver cloaked man explained with a laugh.

"The demons" The Emperor said with shock as everything made sense.

"The question still remains, are you willing to work with me?" The silver cloaked man asked calmly.

"First you have to prove your strength to us first before we can agree" Shadow replied arrogantly.

"Oh well then, which of you is it going to be?" The silver cloaked man asked as he relaxed on the chair.

"I will do it, don't expect me to go easy on you" Blake said as he stood up and walked towards the silver cloaked man.

"Hahaha, did you really think that I was the one you were going to fight, you are not worthy enough, my disciple will fight you but don't underestimate him" The silver cloaked man said as he waved his hand and a handsome red haired young man appeared.

The red haired man was so handsome that he looked like a divine being, his hair was blood red and it radiated a strong intent of fire which caused even Blake who was the second strongest fire manipulation Esper in the continent to step back.

"If you can last less than 4 moves against him then I will consider it our failure, go on don't be shy" The silver cloaked man said arrogantly as he waved his hand and they all appeared in a huge field with a thick concentration of mana.

"Such thick concentration of mana essence, he has an independent dimension, who is he?" The emperor said in shock as he glanced around the dimension which had an assortment of flowers that were rare even in the continent but he soon decided that it was a illusion.

"Are you really that arrogant that you will not consider giving me even a little face, you have only considered yourself winning but what if I win?"Blake said with a grin as he walked out and the surroundings suddenly became hot.

"4 moves is already giving you face, if you win them I will give you this SS rank golden furred double winged flaming panther's core, I believe you know how valuable this is" The silver cloaked man said as he waved his hand and a golden core appeared which radiated a strong intent of fire.

'Wow if I can get this core then I may be able to move to the SS+ rank but for him to place such a valuable bet, it means that he has absolute confidence that I will lose but I will prove him wrong' Blake thought as he stared wide-eyed at the beast core.

"Are you ready?" Blake asked the red-haired youth with a smile.

"Always am "The red haired youth answered indifferently as he rushed forward, summoning flaming snakes that danced around his hands.

Blake also summoned a huge flaming snake which rushed towards the red haired youth and when compared to his little flaming snake, it looked amusing but Blake never underestimated the power of the red haired youth because he could sense the amount of power compressed within those little flaming snakes.

As he reached within 10 feet of the huge flaming snake, the red haired youth thrust out his arms and the little snakes flew towards the huge flaming snake as they merged together, increasing in size.

After thrusting the two snakes forward, the red haired youth rushed after the two snakes.

As the huge snake collided with the small snake, a surprising scene occurred, when the small snake clashed with the huge snake, instead of getting destroyed, the small snake devoured the huge snake and when it did, it's size and power rose to another level as it rushed towards Blake who stood there in shock but soon recovered as he closed both eyes and when he opened them, his eyes glowed with a blazing red flame as pillars of flames appeared around him which merged to form a huge spear that delivered a scorching heat that destroyed all the flowers around it.

"What?, Blake is actually using this skill now, it looks like he wants to end this battle quickly but to be able to force him to use this skill, this red haired youth is really strong" Frost said with shock as he stared at the skill which was being used by Blake, he and Blake were good friends since childhood so he was aware of the extent of his skills.

After seeing the huge spear, the red haired youth smiled as he ordered the snake to move faster and when Blake saw this, his lips curled upwards as he threw the huge spear towards the huge snake.

'This boy really underestimates me to clash head on with my mystic flaming spear' Blake thought as he stared at the huge snake which was only a few meters from the spear. The skill he just used was a cultivation skill that was passed through his family, it made use of the pure fire essence core in his body to condense a flaming spear, the power of the spear wasn't to be underestimated, he had cultivated it to the peak and it's power was capable of tearing a SS rank purple scaled two headed alligator to shreds but the only problem was it's huge energy consumption, him using this skill signified that he intended to end the battle immediately but the red haired youth had actually charged head on to clash with the spear, this was similar to rushing to his death.

When the huge snake was around 5 feet away from the spear, it suddenly changed shape and turned into a thick flaming wall and when the spear struck it, it paused for a little while and lost some of its radiance before crushing the wall and resuming it's advance towards the red haired youth who expressed a little shock then smiled as he stopped then clapped his hands once which released a powerful shockwave that destroyed the surrounding areas and when it touched the spear, it actually split the spear into two then destroyed the split spear before continuing it's advance towards Blake who stared in shock as it advanced towards him and by the time he recovered, it was too late so he closed his eyes and waited for it to hit him but after waiting for some seconds, he still hadn't been hit and that was when he heard an emotionless voice.

"You have lost" The red haired youth said with an emotionless voice as withdrew the flaming blade from Blake's neck and walked towards the silver cloaked man who waved his hand and they appeared in the room.

"Are you convinced now or do you still want more proof?" The silver cloaked man asked as he took out the beast core.

"I am sorry for my previous arrogance, you are more than worthy enough to be our ally" Blake said respectfully as he made a martial bow to the both of them.

"Take this as a symbol of my friendship, if you had acted arrogantly then I would have never gifted this to you but you aren't proud, instead you know when you are weak, in this world the strong rule over the weak, it has been like this since the beginning of time and it will continue to be like this" The silver cloaked man said as he threw the beast core to Blake who caught it in surprise, although these words may we ruthless on the surface, they were actually words spoken from the heart.

"The demons will not make a move now because according to my sources, in 1 and half years there will be an all out war between humans and demons, because of that I am willing to extend my help to you, I will provide you with resources to use to cultivate talents within the continent, this is just a tip of the iceberg, oh and in three days, I will be back to help you seal the portal" The silver cloaked man said as he waved his hand and a dimension ring appeared which he threw to the emperor who caught it.

"How strong are you?" Frost asked curiously as the silver cloaked man turned to leave.

"Do you know of the realms above the SSS rank?" The silver cloaked man asked and indirectly answered his question.

"No, but I have heard stories about it" Frost answered with shock.

"Then you don't need to know about it" The silver cloaked man said.

"Why are you helping us?" Alexander asked with a curious look.

"Because I don't want your people to end up like mine" The silver cloaked man said as he paused and then waved his hand then he and the red haired youth disappeared leaving the Espers in shock.

"What the..." The emperor suddenly exclaimed as he looked into the dimension ring the silver cloaked man gave to him.

Meanwhile, Felix had moved through a series of alleys and he had appeared in front of a huge mansion, there were several E and E+ ranks patrolling the surrounding, this was where the proud man he just killed resided.

"Hmm, 4 E ranks and 3 E+ ranks outside and maybe more inside, this is going to be tricky but this will serve as a refresher for the main course" Felix smiled evilly as he blended into the shadows and approached the mansion, by main course, he meant the D rank Esper.

He walked slowly as he activated camoflague and approached a E rank Esper who was taking a piss, he snuck up behind him and gripped his neck with the dagger around his throat taking him also into camoflague.

"Answer my questions and I will let you live" Felix whispered into the ears of the E rank Esper as he unleashed his killing intent to pressure to him.

"Yessss, please don't kill me" The E rank Esper said with fear as he burst into tears, his wife was sick and he had searched for a job for so long before he was just employed a few days ago and now someone had come here trying to kill him, he wasn't afraid of death but he was thinking of what would happen to his wife if he died, if Felix knew what he was thinking now he would probably faint.

"Hey, hey what's your name?" Felix asked in a gentle voice as he heard the man's cries, from this he knew that this man was inexperienced in this type of work.

" name is dave" The man said as he stopped his tears.

"Okay Dave, I am a man of my word, if you tell me what I need to know then I won't kill you, understand?" Felix said gently to the man who grew embarrassed as he nodded.

"Okay now, how many guards are inside?" Felix asked the man with the dagger still to his neck.

"There are 8 guards inside and all of them are E+ ranks" The man answered truthfully.

"Okay good, is your master in the mansion?" Felix asked again as he released his pressure from the man.

"Yes he is, he said he was undertaking a very serious business so he shouldn't be disturbed" The man replied as he felt Felix release his grip on his neck but the next moment, he felt a huge force slam into the back of his head and he lost consciousness.

"Sorry Dave, this is for your own good" Felix said quietly as he lay the man in the shadows.

"Now where does a D rank Esper get the money to hire all these bodyguards and why, hmm it seems life something strange is going on in this mansion" Felix said suspiciously as he made a plan then took out 3 daggers and walked slowly towards the Espers.

As the Espers were patrolling around the mansion, 3 daggers flew out of the shadows and struck the E+ rank Espers, hitting their vital points and killing them instantly.

"Move one step and you will end up like them" Felix said coldly to the 3 E ranks that remained, ever since he reached this mansion, his senses have gone on high alert so he knew that something strange was going on in the house and he confirmed it from the words of the man, there was no way the E+ ranks did not know what was going on in the house but these E ranks were innocent so he didn't want to kill them but if they decided to play thug then he wouldn't show mercy.

"Who are you?, what are you doing here?" One of the E ranks asked with fear.

"Drop your weapons and surrender and I won't kill you" Felix said calmly as he stared at the E ranks.

"Who do you think you are?, hmmp do you think we are scared of you" Another E rank said but if one was to place his hand on his chest, he would find out that his heart was beating furiously.

"Oh do you plan to stop me then?" Felix smiled evilly as he released his full killing intent on the man.

The man felling the murderous aura coming from the man immediately fainted from fear which surprised Felix and the other two E ranks seeing Felix distracted tried to send a message to the Espers inside but before they could, they only felt a gust of wind and a strong force slammed their faces, knocking them out.

"I told you to surrender" Felix said as he picked them up and placed them in the shadows then he also searched the bodies of the E+ rank Espers and kept them with their treasures in his dimension ring.

"8 E+ ranks, why would he need so much protection?, what is he hiding?, whatever it is, I will find out" Felix said suspiciously as he walked into the mansion and closed it, moments later screams of pain sounded in the house but they soon stopped.

"Now, where the hell is that D rank Esper" Felix said as he walked through the mansion, half of his clothes and hands were soaked with blood and around him lay the bodies of several E+ rank Espers, some of them had several part of their bodies stabbed multiple times and the others had most of their body scorched black.

"Hmm this must be it, a sound isolating barrier, jackpot" Felix said with a grin as he placed his ear on the door but after he didn't hear anything, he observed the door and discovered some runes carved on the door.


"Who.... " A voice sounded inside after Felix kicked the door open.

"Hmm, what " Felix said with shock and rage as he stared at the scene inside the room, there were 3 people in the room but he sensed 4 people with his terrifying perception and this could only be if the last person had the ability to become invisible but he had sensed that aura before and he knew with 100% certainty that it was a Kreed.

The Kreed was not what surprised him the most but the two people standing before the middle aged man who he assumed to be the D rank Esper because they were the ones who had killed the previous owner of this body, the mountain-like man and the other one referred to as "Red" and when Felix saw them, he was filled with rage and excitement because this would save him a lot of effort and was simply killing two birds with one stone.