Happy Death Day

As Felix was moving to his seat under the astonished and shocked gazes of the others, a black arrow suddenly appeared and flew towards him with lightening speed then struck him in the chest.

He was immediately thrown backwards by the force of the arrow which caused him to fly backwards and crash into the wall.

"ARRG, which coward dares to attack me behind my back"Felix asked in rage as he got up and dusted his clothes while glancing at his injuries.

"Hmm just a E rank but was able to send a E rank flying in one punch and still able to dodge my attack while obtaining miniscule injuries, interesting" Felix heard a calm voice saying and as he glanced at the source, he was shocked to discover that it belonged Damien.

"You, do you think that just because you are a D rank so you can just do whatever you want?" Felix asked in anger as he stared at Damien who smiled at him.

"Actually yes, in this world strength is everything so those with it can choose to do whatever they want with it" Damien said with a grin as he walked towards Felix and released his aura on him.

"Hahaha, yes you are right and that's why I promise you that one day I will be strong enough to crush you beneath my feet" Felix laughed as he also released his aura to clash with Damien's.

"Oh really then why wait, why don't you do it now" Damien said with a laugh as he threw a punch filled with black light towards Felix.

'Oh shit, this is bad, I can't fight against a D rank with my current strength, hmm it seems like I need to use that' Felix thought as he also prepared to block the punch with all his strength.

"You fool, don't blame me for being cruel, you forced me to do this" Felix said as he felt the force of the punch nearing him and suddenly a faint warm unnoticeable light started to appear on his fist as he got ready to block the punch.

As the Damien's fist was about to hit Felix, another fist suddenly appeared which clashed into his own and immediately a shockwave was released which flew towards Felix who moved backwards in other to block it and in the process, the faint warm light disappeared.

When the dust cleared, two figures could be seen facing each other as their auras clashed against each other.

"What the, Drake?" Felix said in surprise as he recognized the figure who had clashed with Damien.

"Hahaha, Damien how could you stoop so low as to attack someone two ranks below you, why don't you pick on someone your own size" Drake laughed as he stared at Damien who also stared at him with an ugly expression.

"Oh my God, what just happened" An E rank Esper said with shock because everything happened so fast that he couldn't see it.

"Are they about to fight, this is going to be a great battle, I am so anxious to watch" Another esper said excitedly as he stared at the two peak genius about to fight.

Well, as much as I am anxious to fight you, I don't want to spoil the fun yet, I will see you at the white jade seal tournament and you, next time we meet, don't think I will be so polite with you" Damien said to Drake then turned to Felix with a smile and left.

'Whew, that was close' Felix thought to himself as he remembered how close he had been to revealing his bloodline skill.

"Thank you for saving me" Felix said with gratitude to Drake.

"Don't sweat it, I can't let you die without challenging you myself" Drake said with a smile then left.

"They didn't fight, I was expecting them to wreck this whole hall" An Esper said in disappointment.

"Even though we didn't get to see them fight, we still discovered another genius, that guy who defeated Dominic with a single punch" Another esper said with excitement as he glanced at Felix who was moving to his seat.

"Yeah and I think I heard Connor call him "Felix", I will try to find out more about him" Another Esper added with curiosity.

"What attack did he used to attack me first" Felix asked curiously when he returned to his seat because he knew that that wasn't his ability.

"When an Esper reaches the D rank, he is able to physically manifest his mana into different shapes and as he increases in rank, he is able to control his mana easily" Connor explained with a smile.

"Oh so that's why the D+ rank Esper was able to create a flaming armour" Felix said with understanding.

"Yes but that was also due to his Esper ability "Fire Manipulation"which he is very proficient in using" Connor added as he stared at the battle that was ongoing between two E+ rank Espers.

"So everybody's mana is of a different element right?" Felix asked as he also glanced at the ongoing battle.

"Yes but most people have the basic element fire which is red, ice which is light blue, wind which is azure and earth which is brown but some talented geniuses could also have more powerful elements such as darkness which is black like Damien's, light which is golden, lightening which is blue, wood which is green and represents life and many others, there has also been mentions of Espers once having several elements at once but those are myths and legends" Connor said as he took out a blinking round orb.

"What's that?" Felix asked curiously because he had never seen it before.

"This is a message orb which is used to transmit messages over far locations, it seems like a message from my father" Connor said as he swiped it and immediately he furrowed his brows.

"We need to leave now, my father wants me back in Sotar by tomorrow, he says something has happened in the continent which has something to do with the non humans" Connor said as he walked to Drake and whispered something in his ear which he didn't hear then he heard Drake whispering something to Connor but he only heard one word, Kreed.

'Did he just say Kreed?, maybe I am mistaken but what if I am not, it seems like the Kreed I killed didn't get here by mistake' Felix thought to himself as he started to wonder the reason for the appearance of the Kreed.

"Seems like my visit will be cut short, I am needed in Sotar by my father but be rest assured, I will be here for the tournament" Drake shouted In a loud voice to the other Espers as he stood up and walked to the door together with Felix and Connor.

"I am sure you will be okay while I am gone right?"Connor asked Felix as he handed him a teleportation stone.

"Yeah I will but how long will you be gone?" Felix asked connor with a smile.

"1 week at the least but I will be here for the tournament but I will keep you updated" Connor smiled as he handed Felix a message orb.

"Hey Felix, try not to get killed while we are gone, I still want to challenge you" Drake said with a grin as he crushed a transportation stone.

"Okay bye"Felix said as he watched Connor and Drake fade away.

"Now at last I can get my revenge" Felix said with a menacing grin as he headed in the direction of the slums.

In a huge room, 7 people sat around a huge table ranging from males to females, they all had serious expressions and the least rank among them was the S rank as they discussed a topic.

"Things are getting worse this year, first a portal to the ancient continent appeared in a rank 4 city in the eastern region of the continent and suddenly the non humans have gained the nerve to infiltrate the continent, there is also the issue of the lightening esper who obtained the book from auction, we don't know if he is an enemy or a foe" A green robed middle aged man with a fierce aura around him said to the others.

"Yes, it would seem like this year is very unusual so I suggest that we speed things up a little this year" A red robed man with red hair also chipped in.

"Doing that won't help us Blake, we need to gather more talents" A blue haired man with blue eyes said as he glanced at his fingernails which radiated a strong intent of cold.

"Not now Frost, we are already preoccupied with dealing with all the present threats, we don't need your negative attitude adding to our problems" A beautiful middle aged woman with sparkling silver hair said.

"Hasn't anyone of you sat down to think this through, why is it that the city that the lightening Esper went to was the same one that the portal appeared in, hasn't anyone of you thought about that, he must certainly know something, if we can get a hold of him maybe we may be able to understand what we are facing" A golden robed man with a calm expression said as he drummed his hands on the table.

"Hmm same old Alexander, observant as always, just like you to figure something like this out but there is just one problem, what if he was the one who created the portal or what if he went there for the portal, we will literally be handing it over to him" A white cloaked figure who radiated a terrifying intent of darkness said with a grin.

"Hmm, your observations are very keen but what we need now are solutions, the non humans are soon going to take action" The silver robed man at the edge of the table surrounded by providence said with a soothing voice.

"Emperor, we all know who the major threat is now, it should be the lightening Esper, we need to join our forces to capture him" The white cloaked figure said to the silver robed man with respect.

"Do you always solve all your problems with violence?" The golden robed man asked the white robed man with slight anger.

"Actually Alexander yes I do and so far it has worked out just fine" The white robed man said with a menacing grin which was meant to clearly provoke the golden robed man called Alexander.

"Well I promise you that one of these days, you are going to take on something that will end you" Alexander said calmly as he suppressed his anger.

"Are you really fighting right now, when we need to be united but the both of you are behaving like a bunch of kids" The Emperor said with slight anger in his voice.

"Sorry Emperor, I was just saying that since the lightening Esper didn't attack us directly, attacking him will be the same as declaring war on him, I think we should take a peaceful approach" Alexander said respectfully to the Emperor.

"Hmm still cowering inside your shell, I still wonder how you made it to your current strength with your cowardly attitude, I say we attack him with force and capture him with our number as our advantage" The white robed man said with disgust as he made his point firmly.

"Don't provoke me Shadow, you will regret it" Alexander said angrily as he stood up and slammed his hand on the table, his aura flaring up.

"Hmmp, I would like to see you try, you still thinking about your dear wife, I did her a favor by ending her life and now she isn't here to see how weak you have grown" The white cloaked man called shadow also responded as he stood up to release his own aura.

"I should have killed you a long time ago" Alexander said angrily as he prepared to attack but suddenly the temperature of the entire room fell as a cold air enveloped the room.

"Why do I always have to be the one to separate the both of you, it's getting old" The blue haired man called frost said as he stood up to separate the both of them.

"All of you sit down now!" The emperor's voice boomed as his body became covered in a silver light which radiated a powerful intent that suppressed the rest.

"Wow, isn't it just exciting to get all of you together here, you sound like dogs fighting over a piece of meat" A calm mocking voice sounded in the room as a silver cloaked man came out of the shadows.

"How did you get here?" The green robed man said in shock as he stared at the silver cloaked man who had just materialized out of nowhere.

"How I got here is not the main issue, its what I am doing here, before I made myself visible to you, you were all arguing on a similar topic which was to kill me or not to kill me, that was the question and now I am proposing two peaceful solutions" The silver cloaked man said with a calm voice as he took a seat amidst the shocked gazes of the others who listened intently for his proposition which he intentionally withheld for some seconds before continuing.

"The first is that I propose a treaty, the question is do you accept and the second is that well... I kill all of you" The silver cloaked man said with a calm voice then his voice suddenly gained a bone-chilling tone at the end which shook the hearts of the others.

On a dark street in the slums, a man could be seen walking through it with two ladies at his sides and another man who seemed to be his bodyguard being him.

"Well my father is a D rank Esper so he technically has sufficient power to grant you your wishes so what do you say we move to my house and...what the.." The man boasted proudly to the women by his sides but suddenly heard a sound behind him so he turned and was shocked to discover his bodyguard on the ground and before he could do anything, a hand suddenly clasped around his mouth and he was dragged into an alley.

After reaching the alley, his assailant slammed him against the wall and revealed his face to him which caused him to choke in shock.

"Hello remember me, congratulations, happy death day" Felix said to the man who had caused trouble for him in the weapons shop before slitting his throat.