I Am Scared That I Will Stain My New Clothes With Your Blood

"Congratulations, you have entered the top 30 and gained a chance to pick a reward" The voice sounded again shocking Felix who was shocked at all the rewards he just gained.

Immediately the voice finished speaking, three items floated before Felix covered in golden light and when the golden light disappeared, Felix saw the three items clearly.

The first was a sword which had several runes carved on it, its hilt also had a blue crystal embedded in it, the second was an elixir which glowed with a blue light and the third was a piece of torn paper which had nothing written on it or that was what he thought.

"I don't use a sword so the sword is useless so that leaves me with the elixir and this torn paper, I sense that the torn paper is more valuable than the elixir but since I don't know what it is or what it's used for, I have no choice but to pick the elixir, I choose the el..." Felix said to himself as he weighed his gains but as he was about to choose the elixir, he was suddenly interrupted by the system.

[Choose the piece of paper]

"What the hell?, you just blackout and abandon me and now you just suddenly appear and start telling me what to do, what happened to you?" Felix said angrily after getting interrupted by the system.

[That's a piece of map to thunder mountain]

"Stop trying to..wait, what did you just say?, thunder mountain?" Felix was about to refute the system when he heard the last part, he felt like his brain had been hit by a lightening bolt.

"Are you sure about that?" Felix asked in shock.

[Do I sound like I am joking?]

"Whoa, it's you again" Felix said in surprise after hearing the sarcasm within the system's voice, the present system sounded like when he first obtained the system.

[The one and only, hahaha you useless fool, I asked you to get stronger and you are still at the E rank, you are wasting my potential, I wonder what he sees in you]

"?????" Felix was stunned speechless by the words of the system, to move from the F rank to the E rank in just a few days was something that had never been recorded in history but now this system had actually laughed at him for moving at this speed saying he was wasting it's potential, if this was heard by others, they would probably split open his head to find the system inside to beat it to death.

Felix couldn't care less about what this two-faced piece of shit of a system said, he had other concerns right now like this piece of the map to thunder mountain, thunder mountain was a mythical place within Zenith where there existed treasures that could make SSS rank Esper's eyes go red.

It was said that thunder mountain was like a cloud, it moved around the planet never staying at the same place for long, it was once found by the first Esper of this continent who made a map that leads to a transportation array to thunder mountain but after seeing that his enemies also wanted the map, he divided it into several parts and scattered them across the continent in hopes that one day, someone may gather all the pieces.

Thunder mountain only appeared every 100 years, the continent had existed for 1000 years so from the creation of the continent, the thunder mountain had appeared 10 times.

"If I choose the map then I will only have one piece which is useless to me so why should I choose it?" Felix asked after thinking it through.

[Duh, because some idiot outside wants it so I want to play a game with them and I also believe that with my help, you can gain the other pieces]

"How do you even know that while being in the array?" Felix asked curiously.

[Hmm maybe because I am the great ability steal system, you underestimate me too much, this baby array can't stop me]

"How.. what.. I don't even know what to say" Felix said with shock as he hear the system boasting about how mighty it was.

[Then don't and just continue playing while I think of how best to deal with that D+ rank Esper outside]

"Wait did you just say a D+ rank Esper?, you want me to deal with a D+ rank Esper?, are you out of your mind?" Felix said with shock.

[Nope just inside yours]

"You know what, I don't have time to waste on a two-faced piece of shit like you, I have a challenge to continue" Felix said as he chose the map and advanced to the next level.

He was asked some questions similar to the previous challenges which he answered and was transported to a grassy plain.

"Hmm, I guess this can't be that b... " Felix said but before he could complete the sentence, he suddenly felt a huge weight on his body and he was almost pushed to the ground but he was able to steady himself in time.

"I was wrong, this is going to be harder than I thought but that only makes it more fun" Felix said as he nocked 5 arrows and aimed for 10 seconds before his body almost fell to the ground again.

"It seems like the gravity increases every 10 seconds which gives me about 7 seconds to aim and fire" Felix analyzed in his head before nocking the arrows again.

He aimed for 7 seconds before releasing the arrows which flew towards the target and struck the bullseye.He passed the challenge and advanced to the next level without resting.

Outside the array, more people had gathered around the ranking board and were staring at it with red eyes.

"He passed the first level in 25 seconds, I don't know what to think again, this is simply an expert" An Esper said within the group.

"None of us know what the third rank is all about so it may be that he is immune it" Another Esper said with a downcast tone.

"Yes that may be the case but did you notice that he moved through the two previous ranks without resting but he paused for a while before moving to the third rank so maybe he rested before moving to the third rank" Another observant Esper voiced out from within the crowd which made everyone think back to that moment and they saw that it actually made sense.

"He advanced to the next level" Another Esper said which drew everyone's attention back to the ranking board.

Within the array, Felix could be seen challenging the third level with a serious expression as he struggled to stand upright while nocking 5 arrows.

"ARRG, it increased in 8 seconds, this may be where I end today" Felix said with a grin as he struggled to stand upright to the point where his legs were trembling.

"Even if I end here, I must still finish this challenge" Felix said through gritted teeth as he nocked 5 arrows while aiming at the targets with shaky hands.

[Wow what tenacity, if it wasn't for your laziness this grandfather would have been willing to take you as my disciple]

When Felix heard this, he almost fell to the ground after hearing the systems shameless words but he managed to hold it in as he aimed under the pressure while his bones produced creaking sounds and fired the arrows which shook under the pressure exerted on them by the gravity.

"You have passed third level and gained 8000 points, remaining time converted into 1000 points, do you wish to advance to the next level or rest for some time?" The voice asked in his mind.

"Leave the challenge" Felix said weakly as he was covered in golden light before being moved out of the array.

"Okay system so now how do we evade the D+ rank Esper?" Felix asked as he caught his breath.

[Well, since you are such a coward, I suggest that you keep your identity a secret until you are strong enough]

"Yeah I guess so, I don't think anyone has entered the top 30 in the last 30 years or maybe even more so if people find out that a E rank Esper entered the top 30, they will surely capture that E rank Esper to find out exactly how he could do that" Felix said to himself as he got up to leave, he still had to visit the city lord to get his reward.

As he was moving to the first floor, a shadow suddenly appeared before him which startled him because he didn't even sense its presence.

"Hello Shadow Walker, my master would like to have a word with you, I wouldn't want to use force so please come with me peacefully and everything will be alright" The shadow said with an eerie voice.

"Okay lead the way" Felix said calmly to the shadow.

"Good choice" The shadow said as it wrapped it's hands around him and they disappeared and appeared in the third floor.

"Master Ora, he is here" The shadow said to the plump man sitting behind the desk.

"Oh welcome Shadow Walker, I am sure you are wondering why you are here, well as you know it's been more than 30 years before someone entered the 30th rank much less a E rank Esper, I know you have your secrets but I am not interested in that, what I want is the reward you received after advancing to the 30th rank" Master Ora said with a smile as he stared at Felix who stood there calmly.

"Oh you mean the piece of the map to thunder mountain, yes what about it" Felix replied calmly.

"Oh...i see that you know what it is and I am assuming that you know the value of it so I am willing to buy it" Master Ora said then paused for sometime before replying.

"As you said, I already know the value so why will I be willing to trade it" Felix also said calmly.

"Well, in this situation you don't have a choice, I am already giving you face by not taking it forcefully" Master Ora said with a menacing grin.

"Oh do you think you have the ability to take it?" Felix asked with a calm expression.

"Hahaha, a mere E rank Esper dares to talk to me like this, what audacity" Master Ora said with a laugh.

"I know that the moment I give it to you, you are going to kill me so why will I make that mistake" Felix sneered as he stared at Master Ora who had an ugly expression on his face.

"I see that you have no intention of giving it to me so I guess I am just gonna have to take it myself but I will give you 10 seconds to change your mind and I may think of only breaking every bone in your body" Master Ora said as he released the aura of a peak D+ rank to pressure Felix.

"What arrogance, look what this world has come to, a mere D+ rank Esper with the Nine Heavens Meridian curse dares to threaten me, at my peak I could crush you with a thought, aren't you surprised about how a E rank Esper could reach the 30th rank?" Felix said coldly as he stared at Master Ora whose face had gone pale.

"You...how did you...this isn't possible" Master Ora stared at Felix in shock as his face grew pale with every word Felix said.

'Why isn't he affected by my aura?, how did he know about my curse?, could he be a reincarnated expert?' Master Ora asked himself all these questions as his thoughts raced in fear.

"If I am correct, you want the map to thunder mountain because you were told that the materials for preparing the Nine Heavens Divine elixir can be found there right?" Felix asked with a cunning smile as he stared at Master Ora who could only nod his head in shock and fear.

"I could suppress the effects of the curse for some years" Felix said calmly as he observed the expression of Master Ora.

"What?, that's impossible" Master Ora shouted in shock.

"Well impossible for you but not for me, do you even know who you are talking to, you mortals underestimate me too much" Felix said coldly as he pretended to be offended.

"Please forgive me for my incompetence, if you can suppress the effects then I will give you anything you want" Master Ora said respectfully.

"You mortals are so pathetic, always making promises they can't keep, I will help you suppress the effects in exchange you will search for some items for me, at my current rank I can't prepare the elixir but I will give you the instructions so that you will give it to a good alchemist to concoct the elixir for you" Felix said as he took out two separate pieces of paper and wrote something on them before handing them to Master Ora who received them with trembling hands.

"I will return in 10 days to check on the items and if you think I am lying, I give you my word but in exchange you can not tell anyone about this meeting or else.." Felix said coldly as he smiled and pointed his hand to a corner of the room and immediately golden light shone on that location before disappearing then the shadow appeared and started trembling before suddenly exploding.

"That is for if you think of any funny moves just know that I can still easily kill you, goodbye Master Ora" Felix said with a mysterious smile as he turned and left the third floor leaving Master Ora with cold legs and cold sweat running down his face.

Only after reaching the first floor did Felix let out a sign of relief as fatigue tried to overcome him, when he thought back to what he just did, he couldn't help but shiver.

"That must have been the most craziest thing I have ever done since I arrived here, I can't believe I pulled it off, that was close" Felix said to the system with a grin.

[See I told you it would work, with this grandfather, you can scam even a SSS rank Esper]

"So you were actually sealed in the system to help me, why would he do so much for me while not knowing me?" Felix asked no one in particular.

[Kid, you better not think about that now, the person who gave you the system is someone who even at my peak could kill me with a wave of his hand at his peak]

"What do you mean at his peak, is he injured?" Felix asked curiously.

[Kid I told you to stop thinking about it, all you need to know is that with due time, you will know all you want to know but for now you need to grow stronger to commence the plan]

"Aren't you angry that he sealed you in the system?" Felix asked the system.

[He didn't seal me for no reason, I deserve this, he showed me mercy by not killing me, what you need to do is to get ready for the war]

"What do you mean he showed you mercy and you also said said something about a plan and why does everyone keep talking about a war" Felix asked curiously but got no response.

"Fine if you want to stay mute then do as you wish" Felix said angrily but when he thought of how the system helped him, his expression went soft.

He had risked everything when he was speaking to Master Ora, when the shadow had approached him, the system had given him a crazy plan which he cursed several times before accepting, everything he said was from the system, he had bet everything on the plan and even used his bloodline skill on the shadow but thankfully it worked otherwise he would have been in serious trouble.

"Next stop, the city lord" Felix said and was about to leave when he sensed that someone was staring at him so he looked at the person and was shocked.

The person staring at him was a beautiful woman and not just that but a one of a kind beauty, he had seen beautiful women on earth but none of them could compare to this woman, her face was covered by a veil but he could still see a faint outline of her face but even then he couldn't help but gasp at her beauty but it only lasted a second before he looked away.

Even if she was beautiful, it wasn't that he was going to ogle her, he wasn't that kind of person not to mention the fact that he didn't have time for that but before he could leave, he sensed someone approaching so he turned again to find out that it was the guy standing near the girl.

'I wonder what he wants" Felix said as he saw the malicious smile on his face.

"Hello there, my name is sharpshooter" The man said as he extended his hand, he had sensed when Felix reached the first floor but he hadn't paid him much attention after finding out that he was just a E rank Esper until he saw his senior sister Yu Yan staring at him intently but the youth only stared at her for a second before turning away which shocked him because most people would usually stare at her for some seconds before turning away and even then they would occasionally glance at her but this youth had only stared at her for a second then turned away without even glancing at her again which garned his interest and his interest had been further piqued when he saw his senior sister Yu Yan furrow her brows so he had made up his mind to find trouble with this youth but he didn't expect the answer the youth gave him because most people would tremble when they heard his name.

"So?" Felix answered after studying the youth for some time.

"Well I notice that you only glanced at my senior sister for a second before turning away, are you trying to say that she isn't worth your attention" Sharpshooter said in a voice that wasn't loud but was audible for everyone to hear.

"So you wanted me to ogle her?" Felix asked with mockery.

"No that's not what I am saying" Sharpshooter said with slight anger.

"Actually that's exactly what you are saying" Felix said with a grin.

"What I am saying is t... " Sharpshooter said but paused because he was unable to continue, he didn't know what to say and only now did he see how stupid he had been.

"Have you seen how impulsive you are?" Felix asked with sarcasm as he thought.

'Youth on this planet are more impulsive than those on earth, they always want to start fights for absolutely stupid reasons' Felix thought as he stared at the youth who couldn't say anything after being shunned by him.

"So are you saying she isn't beautiful?" Sharpshooter said as he tried to put the youth in trouble.

"Well, I didn't say it you did" Felix replied as he turned to leave.

"Hey where do you think you are going, can't you see that I am talking to you" Sharpshooter said with a menacing grin as he grabbed Felix's arm.

"Take your hand off my arm, I don't want any trouble, leave me alone and I will forget this matter" Felix said coldly as he stared at sharpshooter.

"Hahaha, you want to run after disgracing me, not going to happen, are you afraid that I am severely injure you" Sharpshooter asked with a menacing grin.

"Yes I am afraid" Felix answered calmly which made sharpshooter smile but his next words almost made him faint from anger.

"I am afraid that I will stain my new clothes with your blood" Felix said to sharpshooter with a calm and mocking smile, his words weren't loud but were heard by everyone in the room.