If This Was A Webnovel Story Then I Would Be The Villain

"I am afraid that I will stain my new clothes with your blood" Felix said to sharpshooter with a calm and mocking smile, his voice weren't loud but were heard by everyone in the room.

"Hahaha, you sure have a sharp tongue, that's why I am going to cut it off and shove it down your throat" Sharpshooter laughed wickedly as he stared at Felix with a ruthless smile.

"Look I understand that you are trying to impress a girl, it's okay, that's what normal youths do, I think, but you don't have to go this far so I will give you 5 seconds to change your mind otherwise the least you will get is a broken arm" Felix said in a caring voice and when the onlookers heard this, they were confused about how things became like this, this looked similar to an adult advising a child.

"And who the hell do you think you are to try and scare me like this, I think that fear has screwed with your head" Sharpshooter said angrily.

"You have 2 seconds remaining" Felix said calmly.

"Hahaha, I don't have time for this, I will teach you a lesson to try and mess with me ag.... ARRG" Sharpshooter said mercilessly with a laugh but before he could complete the sentence, he suddenly felt a huge force twist his arm and the next moment he only heard a cracking sound before he was overwhelmed by pain but before he could touch the ground, he felt a fist land on his chest which caused him to fly backwards like a broken kite and slam against a wall, nobody knew if he was alive or not.

"Holy shit!, what the fuck just happened?" An Esper shouted in shock as he stared at Felix who was leaving with a grin.

"I don't like saying I told you so but I told you so" Felix said with a grin as he turned to leave.

"I'm sorry, can I help you?" Felix asked with a smile as he turned and saw the two people behind him, he acted calmly but in his heart he went on guard because he sensed that the two of them were D ranks and not average ones at that.

"Hello, my name is Feng Shui and this is my friend Yu Yan, I am sorry for the lack of manners of my other friend sharpshooter, he sometimes tends to act impulsive, I would like to apologize on his behalf and hopefully make friends with brother?" Feng Shui said with a smile as he introduced himself and Yu Yan who stood calmly at the side.

"Felix, Oh so it's the 10th rank Feng Shui and the 9th rank Yu Yan, I am also sorry for beating up your friend, I just wanted to teach him a little lesson" Felix replied with a calm smile.

"I understand, I am also quite curious about junior brother Felix's strength so how would you like to engage in a friendly spar?" Feng Shui asked with a provoking grin.

"I am sorry but I have to reject your offer, I know that I can exchange blows with a E+ rank Esper but against a D rank Esper, I wouldn't last more than 5 blows" Felix said humbly tactically rejecting the challenge.

"Oh then I hope to see you at the White Jade Seal Tournament, I hope that then you will be able to last more than 5 blows" Feng Shui said with a menacing smile as he turned and left with Yu Yan who glanced at Felix deeply before leaving.

"Both of you pick him up and take him home" Feng Shui commanded two Espers who quickly picked up sharpshooter and took him out.

After dealing with the both of them, Felix left the training facility and crushed a transportation stone before he was taken to the city lord's mansion.

"I am here to see the city lord" Felix said to the guards who took him inside the mansion to a huge hall and at the end sat the city lord.

"Welcome Felix, I have been expecting you" The city lord said cheerfully to Felix as he ushered him to take a seat.

"I am sorry for letting you wait for long, I was caught up in some business" Felix said respectfully to the city lord as he took a seat.

"Well I won't keep you waiting for long, in this dimension ring is your share of the beast core and beast flesh and this medallion is a rank 4 honorary citizen medallion, it gives you the ability to enjoy some privileges that are unavailable to normal citizens" The city lord said as he waved his hand and a dimension ring and a medallion appeared in his hand.

'Wow, so this is the power of a C rank, I will one day reach this rank' Felix said with expectation.

"Thank you for the rewards, I appreciate it" Felix said respectfully as he bowed once.

"Hahaha, it's rare to find someone as brave and courageous as you, I see great things in store for you, you can leave now" The city lord laughed as he praised him.

After placing the rewards in his dimension ring, he turned to leave but as he walked through the doors of the hall, he saw 5 figures moving in his direction and his face immediately grew pale because these were the same guards who had almost caught him the previous night.

He was relieved when he passed by them without them even noticing him but he didn't notice that one of them glanced at him deeply and furrowed his brows when he passed by them.

"What is it?" The leader of the group asked that figure when Felix left.

"That boy that just passed by us, his aura seems strangely similar to the one that I sensed the previous night but that's impossible because this boy is only a E rank Esper" The figure answered with furrowed brows.

"Yes it is strange but we can't rule out any possibilities, send a scout to study that boy closely and report any strange activities" The leader also said as they entered the hall and walked over to the city lord and bowed to him.

"Do you have any leads on the killings?" The city lord asked with a tired expression.

"We connected the three cases together and found out that it was done by a single person who is also a dual-ability Esper, the reason is not clear because the people killed in the three cases have nothing in common" The leader said to the city lord.

"What?, a dual-ability Esper" The city lord exclaimed in shock.

"Yes and the only lead we have is this card, we discovered this same card at two of the murders like the person was intentionally trying to send us a message" The leader said as he handed over a card to the city lord who stared at it with shock.

"Shadow, what relationship do they have with Shadow?" The city lord asked curiously.

"So far we have discovered none whatsoever but we are still trying to connect the dots" The leader replied.

"Okay is that all?" The city lord asked.

"Actually, we were told that someone by the name of "Shadow Walker" entered the top 30 at the Scarlet Panther training facility" The leader said.

"Do you think that he may be connected to the murders?" The city lord asked with suspicion.

"Maybe but even if he isn't we still have to take note of that person, it's been almost 100 years since someone entered the top 30" The leader replied.

"Okay good job, you can leave now" The city lord said with a sign.

"What do you think father?" The city lord asked after they left.

"That boy that you rewarded, what was his name?" An old voice sounded as a white haired man appeared beside the city lord.

"His name was Felix Argus" The city lord replied.

"Argus, Argus, that name sounds familiar, who was his father?" The old man asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"I don't know but I will let someone find out, why do you want to know?" The city lord asked curiously.

"I sensed something special about that boy but I just can't figure out what it is" The old man said.

"Hmm, yes there is definitely something strange about him otherwise how could he have stalled a beast horde on his own that is why I gave him the rank 4 honorary citizen medallion which I am sure he doesn't know how important it is" The city lord said with a strange expression.

"What did you say?" The old man asked in shock, he had heard many things in his lifetime but this was just on another level.

"Hahaha, I almost didn't believe it at first but junior Brother confirmed it" The city lord laughed as he said.

"This city is just getting crazier and crazier" The old man said before joining in the laugh.

Meanwhile Felix had moved to the inn after leaving the city lord's mansion, he ordered some food and beast blood before moving to his room.

"Well that's the end of my adventure today" Felix said with a sign as he lay on the bed after he just finished eating.

"Now it's time to play a little game" Felix said with a ruthless smile as he waved his hand and two figures appeared on the ground with pale expressions, they were bound by their hands and legs with thick ropes.

"Who are you?, what do you want from us?" The two figures asked with fear.

"You pathetic fools, don't you remember me?" Felix asked with a grin as he took off the hood on his head revealing his handsome face.

"You look familiar, wait..i think it's Feellixx.." one of the figures screamed in shock.

"Yes correct for 100 points, I am quite surprised that you were the one who remembered me Red not this idiot" Felix said with a wicked grin as he stared at the other figure.

"I think I am hallucinating, this must be a dream" The other figure said with shock.

"Oh I assure that you are not hallucinating Derek" Felix said to the other figure with a grin as he stood up and slowly approached him.

"How Is this possible?, no no, how are you this powerful?" The other figure called Derek asked himself as he saw Felix approaching him.

"Well this is all thanks to you" Felix said as he knelt down beside him and took out a dagger.

"Now you are going to tell me all what you told your boss or so help me God, let's end it at that" Felix said as he immediately released his full killing intent on him.

"I can't tell you anything, I signed a contract, if I tell you I will die" Derek said with a fearful expression.

"Well then you have little use to me but I can work with that" Felix said as he stood up.

"Just kill us already, I know that's what you want to do" Red said through gritted teeth.

"What? and why will I do that?" Felix asked with a smile.

"So you are not going to kill us?" Derek asked with a strange expression.

"Of course not, killing you will be giving you an easy death which you don't deserve, tomorrow we are going hunting at the E rank beast forest" Felix said with a grin and when they heard the first part, they were relieved but when they heard the other part, they felt like a bucket of cold water had been poured over them.

Felix laughed at their ugly expressions as he waved his hands and placed them in his dimension ring before exercising for some hours then laying down to sleep.

The next morning, Felix got up and exercised for three hours, took his bath and had breakfast before heading out.

As he walked outside he felt several auras lock onto him which made him pause slightly to think of what to do.

"I am being followed, is it Shadow?, damn I thought they had given up already" Felix said to himself as he glanced around him to try and spot those following him when he spotted a familiar figure.

"Hey it's James right?" Felix asked with a smile as he walked towards the guy he had met at the training facility.

"Yeah, what are you doing here?" James asked with a smile.

"I was just headed towards the E rank beast forest so I wanted to know if you would also like to go" Felix replied with a grin as he observed the auras.

"Oh sorry but I have other plans but my destination is close to the beast forest so I would love to accompany you" James said with a sorry expression.

"It's okay, I know that you are also preparing for the tournament" Felix said with a grin.

"Well then let's go" James said with a smile as he patted Felix's shoulder.

"What the hell?" Felix said in shock as he felt a certain calm energy enter him when James patted him.

"Don't act surprised act normal, there are people following you" As Felix was about to voice out his realization, he suddenly heard a voice in his head which shocked him because the owner of the voice was none other than James.

"Holy shit, this guy is actually a C rank Esper" Felix shouted in his head as his eyes widened in shock while he tried his best to act normal.

"Let's go, I don't want to waste much of your time" James said with a smile as he turned to leave.

"I will answer all your questions at a later date but all you need to know now is that I am here to help you" James's voice sounded in Felix's head.

As they turned and left, the spies followed them closely until they entered into a crowd of people and lost them.

"Damn we lost them, how is that even possible, did they know that we were following them?" Two figures asked each other with doubtful expressions.

"That's impossible, they couldn't have sensed us and how could their aura have suddenly disappeared, we have to report back" The figures asked said to themselves before leaving.

"I think we lost them" Felix said as they arrived at the city library.

"Yes we have, I know you have a lot of questions but they will be answered eventually, all you need to know is that the answers you need are within your memories, meet me here tomorrow and I will explain" James said as to Felix who had a suspicious look on his face.

"Who are you?" Felix asked suspiciously.

"I told you I will explain tomorrow, now you better leave before they find you again" James replied with a smile as he glanced behind Felix who also turned to look.

"Okay so what time should I come?" Felix asked as he turned back but was surprised to see that James had disappeared.

"Oh well, I guess I am just gonna have to come early" Felix said as he turned and left, moments later he arrived at the E rank beast forest.

"Identification please" The guard said with an indifferent expression.

"Identification?, what do you mean identification?" Felix asked with surprise because he had never heard that identification was needed to enter a beast forest but then again he had only entered a F rank beast forest once so his knowledge of the matter was quite shallow.

"Do you have a citizen medallion?" The guard asked coldly.

'Hmm a citizen medallion, wait isn't that what the city lord gave me' Felix thought as he waved his hand and a medallion appeared which he handed to the guard who received it with a cold gaze but after staring at it, his face instantly grew pale as his hands started shaking with fear.

"Hey what's wrong?" The other guard asked curiously when he saw his partners hands shaking.

"Rank 4 honorary citizen.." The first guard answered with fear as his voice trembled.

"What?, let me see that" The other guard said with shock as he collected the medallion and also stared at it and immediately he also started trembling with fear as he stared at Felix's poker face.

"My lord please forgive us for our previous behavior, we failed to recognize your mightiness" The other guard said with fear and respect as he handed Felix the medallion and turned and opened the array.

"It's okay" Felix shrugged as he went into the beast forest without paying attention to their expressions.

"Where do I start, I have just a month before the White Jade Seal Tournament so I have to engage myself in intense practice because I only have one goal which is the 1st rank, now I will be alternating between practicing within the beast forest and the training facility, the first agenda for today is revenge" Felix said with a grin as he took out his bow and moved forward.

"Okay you will do" Felix said with a smile as he stared at a Two headed flaming panther which glared at him with thick killing intent.

He waved his hand and two ruffled figured appeared that had ugly expressions on their face.

"Oh hello, today is a new day and we are in the E rank forest, as I said we are going on a hunting trip but when I said 'we' I meant 'you' so here's the first hunt, kill it or it kills you and don't even think of running or the next thing you are going to get is an arrow through your skull" Felix said with a grin as he caught off the ropes which he used to bind them and pushed them forward then disappeared.

Immediately he pushed them forward, the two headed flaming panther shot forward like a beam of light that waved it's claws at Red who was closest to it.

Seeing the approaching threat, Red panicked but was quick enough to throw over 6 fireballs which hit the E rank beast and caused it to pause slightly causing insignificant damage but it gave him enough time to move over to Derek who was ready as he rushed forward, his skin becoming covered by a thick layer of clay as he clashed with the E rank beast but even with his layer of protection, he still wasn't safe from the sharp jaws and claws of the two headed flaming panther which repeatedly clawed at his thick protection, tearing away huge chunks of it but luckily with the coordinated attacks of Red and his quick regeneration they were able to weaken it and as they were about to kill it, an arrow made of lightening suddenly flew over and struck it in the head killing it instantly.

"Wow that was awesome, if I didn't want you dead so much, I would have considered taking you in as my lackeys but don't worry, in the next life maybe you will learn your lesson, okay on to the next one before I fill you with arrows" Felix said with a smile as he appeared beside them, he had watched the fight and he had to say, they were a good team but he didn't care about that because he had made a plan and it was simple, he would tire them out while stealing their kills and when they were exhausted, he would leave them to die at the hands of a monster.

As he directed them to the next kill, he could feel the thick killing intent coming from them but he didn't quite care about it because he knew that they couldn't do anything to him and they also knew that so for the next several hours even if they wanted so much to tear off his eyeballs and stuff it down his throat, they could only do as he said.

"Please we are exhausted, let us rest and eat then we can continue till whenever you want, we can even become your hunters, we will hunt whatever you want and in exchange you let us live" Derek said with exhaustion as he rested on the side of a tree, by now they were deep within the forest and they had encountered several E+ rank monsters.

"Okay first of all let me just make things clear, if I were to say how much I trusted you on a scale of 1 to 10, I would say -10 so you can see how 'strong' my trust for you is and the main purpose of this exercise was to exhaust you so that you can serve as lunch to some monster so why will I let you rest and eat so that you can continue scheaming on how to kill me... wait you know what why not, I mean it's just some minutes rest, what could possibly go wrong" Felix said with a smile then paused then continued as a wicked plan started to take form in his mind.

"You are really going to let us rest?" Red asked suspiciously.

"Yes and I am even going to prepare a sumptuous meal for you to eat and don't worry about me poisoning you, I still have use for you" Felix said with an innocent smile as he prepared a fire and got to roasting the meat of the red furred sharp toothed boar with some recipes he learnt from earth and within some minutes, a sweet smelling aroma drifted from the meat of the red furred sharp toothed boar, the two prisoners were so hungry that as they stared at the meat, they totally forgot about their suspicion of Felix trying to poison them as they dived in and ate the food like savages while Felix sat at the side eating his part with a mischievous smile as he chuckled at this.

Time passed as they were eating and by now the auras of several monsters had appeared and among them was a strong one that caught Felix's attention, the other auras were stagnant around them but this one was approaching them at a fast pace.

"Hmm, that was a nice meal wasn't it?" Felix asked with a smile as he stood up and stretched.

"Yes it was, I have never tasted a meal that was as delicious as this one.." As Derek was talking, he suddenly heard a boom as a huge monster came into view.

"Oh would you look at that, another red furred sharp toothed boar and a female at that" Felix said with pretense shock.

"Why does it look so angry?" Red asked suspiciously.

"Oh I don't know maybe because you just finished eating it's child, boom this just happened, I guess you didn't see that coming did you, did I forget to tell you that it's mother was around, oops must have slipped my mind and as a symbol of my apology, i will let you eat the rest of its meat and if you survive this battle then you are free to live, bye" Felix said with an innocent smile and a sorry expression as he disappeared and Red and Derek stared at him with horror, they couldn't believe what they just heard, now they knew why he had allowed them to eat, he was fattening them to be sacrificed, what a bad way to die, they knew that they wouldn't survive this but they were determined to fight to the death.

"I know that we won't survive this so let's fight to the death and die a brave death" Derek said to Red who nodded his head and rushed towards the raging peak E+ rank monster.

The red furred sharp toothed boar rushed forward with frightening speed as it slammed it's body against Red who was caught off guard and was thrown backwards like a broken kite, since he didn't have a formidable defense like Derek, all his bones were immediately crushed, he died an instant death.

Seeing his partner killed with one hit, Derek made use of this opportunity to throw a punch towards the leg of the monster but he greatly underestimated the reaction speed of the red furred sharp toothed boar which turned with its quick speed and rammed Derek who had no choice but to switch to defence.

Immediately he was hit by the red furred sharp toothed boar, he heard a cracking sound and felt his hands go numb as he felt all the bones in his arm break.

Even after giving it his all and breaking a few bones in the process, he still couldn't block the attack and was sent flying and crashed into a tree, broke it in half and still moved forward before stopping some meters away.

After stopping, he tried to stand up but his whole body felt like jelly, he had broken bones all over his body and his eyes felt dizzy as he struggled to stay conscious.

As he was struggling to stay conscious, he looked up and felt a huge shadow approaching, the last thing he saw was the horns of the red furred sharp toothed boar piercing his brain and shredding him into two before his eyes closed forever and he was sent into eternal slumber.

"Oh shit, what a bad way to die" Felix said with a grin as he appeared behind the red furred sharp toothed boar and stabbed it's heart with his poison dagger, killing it immediately.

"If this was a webnovel story, then I would definitely be the villan" Felix said with a smile as he stored the body of the red furred sharp toothed boar and moved deeper into the forest.