The Magic Weapon And The Streak Of Light In The Distance

After transversing through the forest and killing some more monsters, Felix laid back to rest as he waved his hand and another figure appeared with a sorry look.

"Hmm, what do I do with you?" Felix asked himself as he stared at the kreed.

"Kill me, I will never tell you anything" The kreed said to Felix coldly in an eerie voice.

"With pleasure, I will let you join your friend on the other side" Felix said coldly as he waved his hand and another kreed's head appeared which he threw at him.

"Kira, you killed him" The kreed said with rage as he glared at the head before him.

"Yes I did actually, may his soul not rest in peace like yours is about to" Felix said with a smile as he walked over to the kreed.

"If you tell me what I need to know, I will make your death a little bit easier, why are you in the continent?" Felix said with as he took out his poison dagger.

"I won't tell you anything" The kreed replied in its eerie voice.

"Wrong answer" Felix said as he stabbed it in its leg.

"Now let's try that again, which superpower is working with you?" Felis asked as he took out the dagger.

"I told you that I won't tell you anything, arrg" The kreed shouted in pain as it felt the cells in its leg rotting.

"Do you feel that?, that is the the feeling of the poison eating away at the cells on your leg, it's will slowly spread towards your heart before killing you and at this rate you will be dead in a few minutes but the pain intensifies every minute so I will try this again, if you answer my question I will give you an easy death now who sent you?" Felix said with a ruthless grin as he stared at its leg.

"I don't know, I am one of the lowest of our unit, our job is to transfer messages" The kreed said with a pained expression.

"Good was that so hard, the next question is how long have you been transferring messages?" Felix said with a smile.

"I started a few months ago" The kreed answered with an ugly expression.

'Whew thank God, I thought they had been tracking me for years' Felix thought to himself.

"Why are your superiors so interested in me?" Felix asked with a serious expression.

"Your father had something they wanted" The kreed replied.

"Wait my father, what do you know about my father?" Felix asked in shock.

"...." The kreed didn't reply but just stared at the ground.

"Wrong answer, damn it I thought we were past this" Felix said with slight rage as he stabbed the kreed in the stomach.

"ARRG, ARRG, just kill me already" The kreed shouted in pain.

"Are you begging me to kill you, well that's a first, not until you tell me what I need to know" Felix said as he pressed the dagger deeper into its stomach.

"I don't know anything okay, I am just a messenger" The kreed screamed.

"Lies, lies and more lies, well then since you want to die so much, as you wish" Felix said was he removed the poison dagger, placed it in his dimension ring and took out another dagger which he plunged into the heart of the kreed who issued a screech.

Immediately the dagger entered into the kreed, it suddenly started glowing with a red light as the body of the kreed withered at a quick pace and within a minute all that was left was a desecrated body of the kreed which looked like a mummy.

After killing the kreed, Felix felt that he had hunted enough so he left the forest and after some minutes of meekly dodging his spies, he finally arrived at the inn.

He ordered some food and beast blood then after eating, he moved to his room and laid on the bed before entering deep thought.

Everything was so confusing to him, he felt like within the few days that he had been here, he had made more enemies than the previous Felix had done in his lifetime.

He had a system but couldn't fully utilize it for fear of levelling up at a suspicious speed and then there were the people who say they wanted to help him although he felt like they had ulterior motives.

Connor and his family looked like they wanted to help him but his gut told him that there was more to it than meets the eye, James also seemed like a good person but he acted too strange, he didn't know his full strength, there was also the mysterious cloaked man who had given him the system and caused all his problems to start.

When he thought about it, he felt suspicious because he didn't know if the stranger knew about the system or not and why will he just gift him the system like that.

Then there was the war which everybody just keeps on mentioning but don't always emphasize on it, he also had several unknown enemies spying on him from the shadows then there was also Shadow who doesn't seem to want to give up on killing him.

"All this is giving me an headache" Felix said as he shoved all his thoughts at the back of his mind.

"Hmm, maybe... " Felix said suddenly as he waved his hand and a book and a crystal appeared, this was the book that he had gained from the son of the D rank Esper.

He placed the book on his lap and the crystal in his left hand then bit on his finger and held it over the book, letting a drop of blood drop on it.

After letting the blood drip onto it, Felix then stared at the book as he waited but when after some minutes nothing happened, he laughed at himself for what he just did, he had read about this in webnovels so he decided to try it out.

"Hmm maybe I was wrong..." Felix said to himself but as he was about to place the book and crystal back in his dimension ring, the book suddenly started to glow with a golden light.

"What the.." Felix said with surprise as he stared at the hole which had appeared on the cover of the book that had the same shape as the crystal, he first glanced at the crystal in his hand then inserted it into the hole.


[Does host wish to extract memory shard using the unsealing rune]

"Yes" Felix said as he remembered that during his visit to the mansion, the system had said something about extracting a rune from the crystal but because it was too slow, he had forgotten about it.

[Memory fragment extraction: 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90%, 100%]

[Memory fragment extraction completed]

[Memory merging beginning]

Immediately the extraction reached 100%, Felix was immediately hit by a wave of pain as his brain felt like it was being heated in a furnace, he was overwhelmed by the pain.

"ARRG, ARRG, shit, ARRG" Felix shouted in pain and still had time to cuss in between and at last even with his high tolerance for pain and his terrifying perception, he still lost consciousness.

"Where am I?" Felix asked himself weakly as he observed his surroundings, when he lost consciousness he had been brought here.

"Felix?, is that you?" A voice sounded behind Felix which caused him to freeze in shock because he knew who the voice belonged to, it belonged to his father.

"Dad?, is it really you?" Felix asked emotionally as he turned back to see a handsome young man who looked similar to his father.

"You are not my father, who are you?" Felix asked the imposter with slight anger.

"I am your father, this is my true form" The young man said to Felix with a smile as he walked towards him which caused him to uncoinsciously take a step back.

"If you are my father then prove it" Felix said to the man coldly.

"Okay, on your fifth birthday, I bought you a book which said "The history of the ancient races" and when you saw the part about the light race, you told me that you had seen them before and I told you that it was impossible but later that day I asked you to promise you never to say a word about that to anyone, you had laughed but done it anyway, on your seventh birthday I ha... " The man replied with a smile as he recounted the past which Felix remembered and confirmed so he interrupted him.

"That's okay, how are you here?" Felix asked as he stepped forward and hugged him.

"Actually I should be asking you that question, you know what that doesn't matter" The man said with a smile as he hugged him tight as if afraid that he would disappear.

"Where is this?" Felix asked the man as he let him go.

"This is a broken world, I know you have a pile of questions for me but we don't have time, you must have unlocked the memory shard" The man said happily to Felix.

"Yes I did but I don't know what it is" Felix said with a grin.

"A memory shard is a manifestation of a will that is condensed into a memory that can take any form, it contains the will of whoever created it and can serve as a link" The man explained to Felix with a caring smile.

"So I am not really here but my consciousness is here" Felix said with a smile.

"Yes but if you are here then have they found you?" The man asked as his expression darkened.

"Who?" Felix asked curiously.

"The light race" The man said with rage.

"No why would they be looking for me" Felix asked with furrowed brows.

"That's good, they are looking for you because I..." As the man was talking, the ground suddenly started trembling furiously.


"Shit he is coming, you have to go now" The man said with panic and fear as he stared at the ground.

"What is that?" Felix asked with fear as he stared at the ground.

"As I told you this is a broken world, it was once a normal dimension but over the years, the seal has grown weaker, I have grown weaker and he has grown stronger, it won't be long before this dimension crumbles down, you need to get here before then because only you have the bloodline power to find me, I sealed your bloodline for a reason but now it seams that the seal is weak so you can use a little part of it, you need to be careful when using it because they can track you use it, don't let them find you, he will find you and bring you to me, you need to trust him" The man said with a smile as he held Felix by the shoulder.

"What are you talking about?, who will find me?" Felix asked as he stared at his father with worry.

"Don't worry when he finds you, you will know but until then take care of yourself, just know that no matter what happens, I will always love you, goodbye son" The man said with a smile as he hugged him one more time before he whispered some words in his ears then Felix immediately felt a huge wave of pain assault him which caused his vision to go dark but before he did he saw his father's eyes glow with a golden light as his hair started to turn golden.

"We shall be united once again and you shall finally meet your mother" Felix awoke with a cough as he muttered the words his father whispered to him.

"How long have I been unconscious?" He asked himself as he moved to the window and peered out to find sunlight shining on his face.

"I need to go to the library" Felix said as he remembered his appointment with James so he quickly exercised, took his bath, ate some food and had a change of clothes before making his way to the library.

On the way, he thought of what his father told him but the more he tried to think of it, the more he became confused so he just threw it at the back of his mind as he entered the library.

This wasn't the first time he had entered the library as a bookkeeper, he had to gather information from different sources so he was quite familiar with the librarian.

"What section would you like to visit?" The librarian asked without looking up from the book he was reading.

"The public section" Felix replied indifferently.

"Okay, have a good time" The librarian said as he continued reading the book.

"Thank you" Felix said with a smile as he navigated through the bookshelves trying to find a particular book.

"Ha found it" Felix said as he picked up a book from the shelves.

"The history of the ancient races, nice book" A voice sounded behind Felix.

"Oh you are here" Felix said as he turned around to see James.

"Come with me" James said as he walked over to a table and took a seat.

"Okay, you told me to come and here I am so start talking" Felix said to James as he placed the book on the table and scrolled through it.

"I only have one thing to tell you, you have to get the 1st rank in the White Jade Seal Tournament and I will help you to do that with my strategy, you will train in your own way for 17 days and the last 10 days, I will personally train you" James said straightforwardly with a grin as he also opened the book he was holding.

"You told me that you will tell me all I need to know" Felix said with furrowed brows as he raised his head from the book he was reading.

"Yes and that is what I am doing, your thoughts are all jumbled around in your head which tells me that you are confused so telling you more will only add to your confusion" James said with a smile.

"Wait can you read my mind?" Felix asked with surprise and shock.

"Maybe, maybe not, who knows" James said mysteriously.

"Okay what about the people who want me dead?" Felix asked as he continued reading.

"I will take care of that, all you need to focus on is your training and try not to get in unnecessary fights and also try harder to cover hide your hair we don't need people discovering that you are from the light race, I will find you in 18 days but until then stay out of trouble" James replied as he stood up and turned to leave.

"Actually there is something you need to know" Felix said but as he raised his head up he discovered that James had disappeared.

"Damn it, now I know how that feels like" Felix said with frustration and as he did, his eyes fell on the book James was reading or rather the page he was reading.

"Demon race.." Felix said as he picked up the book and started studying it.

Meanwhile above the slums, a bright light suddenly appeared as space was torn apart, 8 figures stepped out before the space was once again back to normal.

"Let's go" A silver cloaked man at the front of the group said before moving to the forest, the array sealing the forest was like paper as it was blown away by his aura.

The others followed behind him as they moved with lightening speed, any unfortunate monster that met them would be crushed to death by their aura without them even making a move.

As they were moving through the forest, the silver cloaked man at the front suddenly stopped and closed his eyes.

"What do you think he is doing?" Shadow asked suspiciously as he stared at the silver cloaked man who just stood in the air with his eyes closed, an hour had passed and he had been standing like that without moving.

"Shut up Shadow, how would we know what he is doing" Alexander said coldly to Shadow who in return glared at him with killing intent.

"Can't the both of you stay together for 1 minute without starting a fight, we need to be careful, I sense the aura of a weapon ahead and not an ordinary weapon" The silver cloaked man said as he opened his eyes and made some signs with his hands then moved forward.

"What weapon is capable of harming us" Frost said with a smug grin.

As they moved forward, they encountered stronger monsters but they still met the same fate, they were crushed to death by their auras but after moving for sometime, the silver cloaked man paused again then made some symbols with his hands and moved forward.

"Hmm, this is the last one" The silver cloaked man said as he once again stopped and made signs with his hands.

"Last what?" The Emperor asked curiously.

"The last core of the illusion" The silver cloaked man replied as he repeatedly made signs with his hands.

"There is no illusion, what illusion?" Shadow asked with an ugly expression.

"This illusion" The silver cloaked man said as he stopped making signs with his hands and stretched then towards the sky which caused bolts of lightening to fly from all the points where he had previously made signs with his hands to the sky and as they were flying, they suddenly crashed against an invisible shield, ripping it apart.

After the invisible shield was destroyed, the surrounding suddenly changed as the sky grew dark and in the distance, one could see a streak of light reaching from the forest to the sky.

"There was actually an illusion here and we didn't see it, you were the only one unaffected, there is only a single type of weapon that I know is capable of accomplishing something like this" Alexander said with shock as he stared at the streak of light in the distance.

"A magic weapon" The green robed man said with shock as he also stared at the streak of light.

"Our next destination is that streak of light but be careful along the way, we may encounter some difficulties along the way so I will need you to listen to every word I say, let's go" The silver cloaked man said then moved towards the streak of light in the distance and when the others heard what he just said, they went on guard because he had told them something previously but they hadn't taken him seriously and the result was that they had fallen into an illusion.

At the same moment outside the beast forest, several guards were gathered around the forest.

"Seal this place off, no one gets within 100 meters of this place..." The head guard said to the others with a calm voice then suddenly.


"Oh shit, what the fuck was that, what is that streak of light reaching to the skies" A guard asked with fear and immediately the sound of flying was heard as the city lord appeared in the air with an alarmed expression.

"It's the city lord" Another guard said with respect.

"He is actually flying" Another guard said with worship.

"So this is the power of a C rank Esper, wow such power" Another guard said as he stared at the city lord who stood in the air with his hands behind him while staring at the streak of light with a serious expression, seeing him like this he looked like a God to the guards.

"What was that aura right now?" The city lord asked no one in particular quietly.

"The aura of a weapon but definitely not a normal weapon" A voice sounded near him.

"A magic weapon, is it that streak of light in the distance?" The city lord said with shock as he stared at the streak of light.

"It should be" The voice responded with surprise.

Meanwhile in the library, Felix was reading the book about demons when he heard a loud boom as the whole library shook.

"What was that?" Felix asked In shock and alarm as he rushed out of the library to join a huge crowd of people staring at a streak of light in the distance.

"System, what the hell is that?" Felix asked the system saying every word one by one.

[A magic weapon, it's just a stupid magic weapon, why are you all so alarmed by it, wait a minute, holy shit that isn't just any magic weapon, that's the..]


As the system was talking, there was a loud boom as everybody saw a huge figure come out of the streak of light.

"What were you about to say?" Felix asked with panic.

[That's not just any magic weapon, that's the Space Cloak]

"How did you know that?" Felix asked suspiciously as he saw the figure rise up fully.

[I know that because I created it]

As everybody watched, a surprising scene which will be forever carved into the hearts of those watching occurred, they suddenly saw a tiny figure flew towards the huge figure's direction and immediately the whole sky suddenly grew dark as lightening started gathering at that point before it struck the huge figure, causing it to explode totally destroying it.