Defective System

In a large restaurant, several people could be seen eating as they conversed with each other, at the far end of the restaurant near a window with a clear view of a large sea, Felix could be seen seated with a confused expression.

"Waiter, yes that's our order" A handsome young man said to another man wearing a uniform as he sat opposite Felix.

"Hello, you are probably confu.." The handsome man was saying when he was suddenly interrupted by Felix.

"This is a dreamworld, right?" Felix asked the handsome man.

"Yes, so you actually know of the existence of a dreamworld, this makes things actually sim.." The man was saying when he was interrupted by Felix again.

"Who are you?" Felix asked with furrowed brows as his memory started returning to him, he was in the beast forest fighting the Earth Groundworm when he was swallowed and then he lost consciousness, the next thing he remembered was waking up here.

"You know, you really shouldn't interrupt people when they are talking, didn't your parents teach you that" The man said with a menancing grin.

"I asked you a question" Felix said with a glare.

"You can call me Diemos" The handsome man said as the waiter brought their order.

"What a stupid name, well I guess that's to be expected" Felix mocked with a laugh.

"And what's that supposed to mean?" Diemos asked with annoyance.

"Look at you getting all worked up, what am I doing here?" Felix asked with disdain.

"Do you believe that I could kill you with a snap of my fingers?" Diemos asked with a glare.

"Yes I do but I know you won't" Felix said with a grin.

"Oh, and why is that?" Diemos asked with a laugh.

"I mean its obvious, someone as stupid as you can't be the leader, which means you are just a dog, you are under the command of someone" Felix said with a calm voice as he stared at the ocean.

"What are you trying to pull off?" Diemos asked with an ugly expression.

"You see what I mean, anyone with even a little bit of sense will be able to tell that I am stalling you" Felix replied with an 'isn't it obvious look'.

"Hahaha, and who do you expect to come and save you?" Diemos asked as he laughed.

"Well, James will definitely find you and then you will be sorry" Felix answered as he leaned backwards with a relaxed smile.

"You have a big mouth kid, too bad that isn't going to last long, after what I am about to do to you, you will be lucky to be alive" Diemos said with a ruthless smile as he leaned forward to grab Felix's head but seeing this, Felix immediately dodged as he poured a bowl of hot soup onto his face and ran.

"Arrg, you foolish...when I get hands on you, you will be sorry" Diemos's angry voice rang out behind Felix as he ran away.

"How do I get out of here" Felix said to himself as he rushed out of the restaurant.

"What the?" Felix said in shock as he appeared back in the restaurant.

"Hahaha, what did you expect kid, it seems that you don't understand the concept of dreamworlds" Diemos's said with a mocking grin as he enjoyed watching Felix's shocked expression.

"In my dreamworld, I am God" Diemos said as he laughed wickedly.

"I intended to do this the easy way but since you want me to do this the hard way, then so be it" Diemos shouted as the scenery changed into a fiery background.

"I can do whatever I want here, now tell me where is your father?" Diemos asked as chains appeared from the ground and held Felix who struggled to free himself in vain.

'How does he know my father?' Felix asked himself with shock.

"I don't know where he is, he left a few years ago" Felix answered.

"Well then, have it your way" Diemos laughed wickedly as he stepped forward and grabbed Felix's head.

"Arrg" Felix screamed in pain as he felt like his head was being hit with a hammer.

"Hmm, you are still offering resistance" Diemos said with surprise as his hands glowed with darkness which seeped into Felix's body.

[Unrecognized presence sensed, initiating jolt sequence]

"What the?" Diemos said with shock as he suddenly felt a strong power repel him from Felix's body.

"Arrg, arrg!? Diemos screamed in pain as lightening struck his consciousness which made him fall unconscious.

[Sensed severe injury to host's soul, preparing to unseal bloodline power to heal soul injury]

[Bloodline power unsealed, initiating emergency training sequence, sequence will last 6 days]

[Level 1: Kill all enemies]

"So that's what happened" Felix said as he appeared in a forest, he knew what was going on through the system's messages.

"Where are the enemies?" Felix asked as he glanced at his surroundings, he didn't sense any killing intent at any presence in his surroundings.


"A tiger?, what type of tiger is this?" Felix asked himself as he saw a tiger come out of the trees which he tried to see if he recognized the tiger but in the end, he didn't.


The tiger roared as it jumped at him, almost slicing off his head with it's sharp claws, but he managed to dodge as he retreated with shock, the speed of the tiger was equal to that of a D rank.

"I have to take this battle seriously" Felix said as he waved his hand which caused two daggers to appear.

"Come at me, little cat" Felix said as he took on a battle stance.


As if sending his taunt, the tiger jumped at him as it prepared to slice him down, but he was prepared this time around as he dodged as slashed his dagger at the tiger which swung its tail which grew spikes at his head.

"That was close, what sort of tiger is this" Felix complained as he remembered the sight of the tiger's tail almost blasting his head off.

"Close range battle is tricky so I will just use my bow" Felix said as he took out his bow and nocked several arrows.

"Take this little cat" Felix said as he shot the arrows at it.

"Just as I expected" Felix said as the tiger dodged the first wave but immediately it did, he shot the second wave leaving it no room to dodge.

"Let's see how you will dodge this" Felix said as he watched the arrows approach the tiger but just as they were about to hit it, it's skin suddenly hardened which caused the arrows to break after contact.

"What the?" Felix said as he stared at the tiger with wide opened eyes.

"Did it just wink?" Felix said as he went speechless, he could swear that the tiger just winked at him.

"Isn't this tiger too OP" Felix complained as he stared at the tiger in shock,

"it has fast reflexes, lightening speed, spike tail and now hardened skin, what next, fire breat.." Felix didn't even finish talking before he saw the tiger breathing a sea of flames at him.

"Oh God, this is the effects of having a defective system, well then I guess I will just use light hand" Felix said as he shook his head, but the system's next voice almost made him slip and fall to the ground.

[Due to certain conditions, the use of bloodline skill has been restricted]

"Are you kidding me, is this training or punishment?" Felix asked as veins appeared on his head due to anger.


"Hmm, that was too easy" A black cloaked man said with a large sword which was covered in black blood at his back as he stood in front of a large stricture that looked like a church, behind him were thousands of demon corpses.

"Huh, won't open" The man said as he tried to open the door but it didn't budge.

"How dare you" The man said as he took his sword and lightly swung it at the door but as he did, half of the structure was immediately blasted away.

"Shit, I used too much strength, hope I didn't kill him" The man said as he put his sword behind his back again which glancing at the interior of the structure where Diemos and Felix's bodies were slumped on the ground.

"Shit I think I killed them, damn it" The man said with frustration as he walked towards Felix and examined him before breathing out a sign of relief.

"Thank God, he isn't dead, what happened here, I better inform brother" The man said as he glanced at Diemos before taking out an orb which he injected with his mana as it suddenly glowed before it turned dim and shattered, in its place stood James.

"Oh you found him, nice work brother" James said with a grin as he walked towards Felix.

"Next time you interrupt me when I am training, you will regret it" The man said coldly.

"Come on you don't mean that" James said as he placed his palm on Felix's chest.

"You know I do" The man said as he observed the structure.

"Hmm that's strange, his lifeforce seems to be steady but his aura suddenly grew stronger, he is already at the peak of the E+ rank, just a little bit away from the D rank.

"He seems a little bit weak, don't you think?" The man asked as he touched the walls of the structure.

"Did you kill this one?" James asked as he glanced at the body of Diemos.

"No when I arrived, he was already like this" The man answered as he also stared at the body of Diemos.

"Hmm, that's strange, there doesn't se to be any visible injury to his body but his lifeforce is extremely weak which shows that he sustained serious damage but that would only mean.." James said as he inspected the body.

"The damage was to his consciousness or soul, but that's impossible, when I arrived there wasn't anyone who was here" The man said with furrowed brows.

"Then it means that it was done by him" James said as he pointed at Felix.

"You are joking right?" The man asked with a grin.

"I wish I was but that is the only reasonable reason, let's go" James said as he picked up Felix and Diemos before disappearing together with the man.


A few minutes ago, Felix could be seen standing over the body of the tiger as he sat down on the ground with an exhausted expression.

"You are one stubborn cat, you hear me" Felix said as he caught his breath, he had finally defeated this tiger with extreme difficulty, the painful part was that he couldn't even use stealth, the body of the tiger had numerous scorch and cut marks all over.

[Host has completed the first level and gained 3000xp and 2 points increase to all stats]

"Wow, I am just a few xp points from D rank and 2 points increase increase to all stats, I guess you aren't a defective system after all" Felix said with a grin.

[Level 2: kill all enemies within 1 hour

Note: Failure to complete the training will result in a 2 points decrease to all stats]

"????????" Felix just sat there, he didn't even know what to say.