The D-Day Arrives

In a large forest, a figure could be seen rushing through as several large gorillas chased him but as the figure ran, he purposely created some distance between them and when he arrived at a large field, he stopped and turned to face them.


The figure shouted as he raised his hands towards the sky while fire in the shape of large spears rained onto the gorillas as they struck them leaving serious injuries on them but they still didn't die, the figure seemed to expect this as he once again raised his hands towards the sky.


The figure shouted as he made a slashing gesture towards the gorillas which made the gigantic wind blade which had condensed above him to fly towards the gorillas, cleaving them into two as it struck them before continuing it's advance towards the field behind, destroying several trees before disappearing.

"I think I used too much powers" Felix said as he scratched his head, he looked older and more handsome, he had been training for so long that he had lost track of times.

"How long have I been here?" Felix asked himself as he landed besides the corpses and placed them in his dimension ring.

"That should be all of them" Felix said as he sat down on the ground to rest.

[Host has completed the 100th level and gained 50,000xp and 2 points increase to all stats]

[Host has successfully completed the training regiment]

[Due to host's completion of training regiment, his bloodline will be automatically sealed

[Preparing rewards....]

"Yes, rewards" Felix said with excitement as his eyes glowed.

[Rewards gained: Strength limiting gloves,

Gravity weights]

"Huh, haven't I already gained this" Felix said as he knitted his eyebrows.

[Rewards gained from completion:

An increase of host's rank by 2

Offensive technique: Rage

Defensive technique: Mana shield

Auxiliary technique: Meridians sealing technique.

Item: Blood Devouring bow.

Golden mana fruit.]

"Oooh, so you were joking with me" Felix said as he eyes shone with an excited look.

[Preparing to send host back]

"Wait how much time has passed?" Felix asked as he prepared to be transported back.

[Calculating no of days...7 days]

"7 days, 7 Days!" Felix exclaimed in shock.

"It felt like 7 years" Felix said with shock.

[Yes the time interval is 1:70]

"So I day out there is 70 days in here, so I spent around 4½ months in here no wonder it felt so long but it's just in time for the tournament, look out Damien, you are about to be shocked out of your mind" Felix said with a grin as he was surrounded by a white light before he disappeared.


"Arrg, my head" Felix said as he say up from a bed and looked around.

"Huh, where am I?" Felix asked with confusion as he recognized that he was in an inn.

"Oh you are awake, took you long enough" James said as he appeared from the shadows.

'Shit, he is finally awake, oh God that was close' James thought as he glanced at Felix with an indifferent look.

"Huh you are a.." James said in shock as he stared at Felix, during the past 7 days, his aura had been increasing steadily and now he was also sensing a dangerous feeling from him.

"Yeah, how many days till the tournament?" Felix asked as he got up from the bed.

"Tomorrow's the day of the tournament" James answered as he picked up a chair and sat down.

"Hmm, now I still have one more day left, so why don't I take care of some past grudges" Felix said as he went out with James.

"Hey James, can you teleport me to the beast forest?" Felix as he tried to get up.

"Why just so you can get kidnapped again, no thanks you are not going anywhere" James said with indifference.

"What?, you can't keep me here" Felix said as he glared at James.

"Look, the last time you were unconscious for 7 days doing who knows what and now look at how strong you are, almost everyone thinks you are dead so let's keep it that way, tomorrow's the day of the tournament so what If something happens to you" James said coldly as he left.

"Huh, everyone thinks I am dead, how did that happen" Felix asked himself with a confused expression.

"We need to talk" James said with a serious expression.

"Wait what happened to Diemos?" Felix asked curiously.

"Who?" James asked with a confused expression.

"The guy that kidnapped me" Felix explained.

"Oh that fool, he's dead" James answered with a carefree smile.

"Dead huh, did you kill him?" Felix asked.

"Yes after getting whatever information we managed to gain, can you narrate what happened" James said with an attentive look.

"Well, after I was swallowed by the worm, I lost consciousness and when I woke up next, I was in his dreamworld, which he manipulated to form a restaurant, there he asked me where my father was, I was shocked at first, how did he even know my father, I told him I didn't know, he thought I was trying to be stubborn so he took me to hell and grabbed my head, immediately he did, I felt like my soul was being crushed, I didn't know what he was doing, at that moment I felt weak, I couldn't even do anything, then suddenly I heard the system muttering something then I got teleported to some forest to start a training regiment, all that followed was training till the end when I woke up" Felix summarized what happened to James who listened with an attentive look as if he worried that he would miss anything.

"Hmm now I understand, Diemos most probably used the 'Soul Searching Technique', it's a ruthless technique that searches the soul memories of the target, it seems that he wanted to find out the location of your father, it causes severe damage to the soul of the target, no wonder the system saw it fit to unseal your bloodline and use that energy to open it's origin dimension, the injury to the soul is the most hardest to heal because the soul is the core of your existence, well took you long enough" James said with a sign.

"I should be the one telling you that" Felix said with annoyance.

"What is that supposed to mean?" James asked with furrowed brows.

"You let me get captured intentionally, didn't you" Felix said with a glare.

"Yes I did but I did it to..." James said then stopped.

"To do what?, oh let me guess, you can't tell me" Felix said with a hmmp.

"It's not that I don't want to, it's just..." James said with a sign then stopped again.

"It's just what!?, I mean it pisses me off that up till now I have been honest with you and you still don't trust me, do you think it's easy to just trust a stranger who just magically appeared out of nowhere and tells you he wants to help you, I trusted you now I want you to do the same" Felix said with a sad expression as he spoke from his heart but after James didn't respond, he stood up and walked to the door.

"Well I guess you are right, you have been honest with me and now you deserve the truth" James said as he stared at the window.

"Hmm it's about time" Felix said as he returned to the bed.

"First of all, you have to first understand that this world is bigger than you think, in this world, there are millions of races with humans being the weakest, there are Kreeds, werewolves, vampires, hybrids, beast races, demons, humans and many more, the most strongest races were the demons, Phoenixes and dragons but after the great war, the phoenix race was exterminated and the dragon race were forced into hiding which brought the demon race to the top" James said slowly then paused before continuing.

"Over the years other races had climbed to the level of the demon race such as the light race, that Diemos who captured you was a member of the demon race, the demon race are the direct enemies of all other races but with them being the apex predators, there are few races which would dare oppose them with fear of their power, the demon races are arrogant but strong, one of the reasons I came here was because I discovered that some humans were plotting with them, one thing I hate most in this world is demons but above that is humans that side with the demons, I despise them more than anything" James said and for a moment the whole room was filled with such killing intent that Felix felt true fear as he glanced at James but it only last for a second before disappearing.

"I investigated this for a long time but I found nothing useful but I discovered that you were their target, so I came here to protect you, without expecting them to act before the tournament, after seeing them act so soon, I couldn't miss this chance so I used you as bait in hopes that the system would protect you, I used you and I apologize for that, but on the good side we managed to destroy a side branch of the demons, how they got into the city puzzles me because that would mean they had help from the top powers of this continent, at this moment I have a few suspects in mind but I am not absolutely sure, Diemos refused to talk but tomorrow we will definitely know who it is" James said then stopped as he looked at Felix.

"Huh, wow, my mind is blown right now, but still there is something you didn't tell me, why are they looking for my father?" Felix asked with a smirk.

"Well you will know that at a later date, that's enough for today" James replied with a smile.

"What?, then tell me, can you defeat the emperor?" Felix asked curiously.

"Hahaha, that is like asking if an ant can defeat an elephant" James laughed as he got up to leave.

"Wait so are you the ant or the elephant?" Felix asked with a grin.

"The elephant obviously, what sort of question is that" James said with a mocking smile.

"Look at you getting worked up about this" Felix laughed at James.

"You should use the Meridian Sealing Technique to suppress your strength to the E+ rank, you don't want to attract attention to yourself" James said with a mysterious grin as he walked away.

"I already knew did you?.." Felix asked with shock.

"A magician never reveals his secret" James said as he opened the door.

"Hmmp, you think you are so mysterious" Felix said with a smirk as he watched James.

"Rest well, tomorrow is a big day, after going through such a tough training, your mind should be strained" James said as he left.

After leaving the room, James suddenly took out an orb as his smile vanished.

"He's awake, he doesn't know what happened, he ready for tomorrow, start phase 2 of the plan" James said as the orb glowed with a red light the dimmed as he waved his hand and it disappeared.


In a bar somewhere in the continent, a drunk man with a cloak took out an orb and heard James's words then smiled as he stood up.

"About time, finally some action" The drunk man said as he left the bar.


Somewhere in the continent, a cloaked figure could be seen walking through the streets, behind him several people were professionally stalking him, he suddenly stopped and disappeared, a second later all the stalkers fell to the ground as the figure appeared behind them the took out an orb as James's voice sounded.

"I thought you'd never say that, hahaha" The figure laughed as he continued walking through the streets, leaving the bodies lying on the ground.


Somewhere in the continent, a cloaked man with a large sword on his back could be seen holding a C rank esper in the air with one hand as the esper struggled to break out of his grip.

"You better tell me where he is otherwise I will torture you to death" The man said coldly as he further tightened his grip on the man's neck.

"He the..the inn" The man struggled to speak.

"Good boy, give me a minute" The man said as he released his grip on the esper causing him to fall to the ground.

"Hmm, about time" The man said as he took out an orb and heard James's voice.

"Hah, where were we..he's gone, you want the hard way huh" The man said with a sign as he discovered that the man had disappeared.

"Cerberus, go get him boy" The man said as he waved his hand causing a huge two-headed dog to appear.

"Go get him" The man said to the dog as it roared as rushed through the streets, within some seconds, the scream of a man could be heard as the dog dragged his bloodied body back.

"You know I originally intended to let you leave but now I am disappointed, did you lie to me?" The man asked the esper who stared at the dog in fear as he petted it.

"No no..please don't kill me..I didn't lie, he is there" The man said in fear as he begged for his life.

"Now I don't trust you, eat up boy, food is served" The man said to the dog as he walked away.

"Noooo.." The man shouted as the dog ripped him apart and devoured him.


Across the continent, several cloaked figures heard James's message as they each prepared for the next day, no one knew but the next day something would happen that would shake the continent and it related to these cloaked figures.