Torturous Obsessions


Before you read:

You take the role of a young girl named Laura who's being stalked by an obsessive psychopath named Morgan during a late midnight hike through the woods, and it doesn't end well for young Ana.

Laura- You (the reader) take the role of Laura so the story will be told with words like 'You' and 'Your'. Laura's personality is shy and timid, and she gets very creeped out easily.

Morgan- A crazed man who fell in love with Laura by watching her from a distance. He soon became obsessed with the young girl, and eventually started stalking her ruthlessly. Then, one fateful night, he finally found her whilst she was alone late at night, brandishing a sharp knife for 'reasons' he takes his chance and shares his feelings with her.


You take the role of young 17 year old Laura as you walk around the hiking trail late at night. You peacefully listen to your favorite music, as you stroll through the area happily.

As you continue walking, the trail grows darker and darker, your path only being lit up by your phone. You were slightly unnerved by the darkness, but you quickly sent it to the back of your mind as more of your favorite songs started playing.

After several minutes, you decided that it would be best to turn around and head back home since you didn't want to get lost on such a dark evening. As you turned around to start heading back, something catches your attention off to your left; something that made you stop dead in your tracks. There, off into the darkness of the forest, was someone sitting cross legged on a bench with their hands in their jacket pockets, eyes wide open and staring at you, breathing deeply as he giggled quietly.

"H-hello..." You say, slightly nervous by his appearance, but trying hard to be polite. "Are you alright?"

The figure giggles again, but this time it's a bit louder. It makes you jump, then chuckle lightly yourself.

"I'm... I'm fine." The voice says, sounding almost familiar to you. But not enough to make you think anything of it. "What brings you out here late at night? You know it's dangerous for young girls like you to be out here this late..."

It took a few moments for you to answer, but you responded: "I' was just going on a late night stroll." You smile warmly. "I don't live far away, though, so I should be fine if I go slowly."

He chuckles softly, still smiling himself. "Well....How about I walk home with you? know, you won't be all alone?" He asks with a wide smile across his face.

You didn't feel comfortable walking with a stranger, especially this man, you responded. "That WOULD be nice." You reply, flashing him another smile before turning around. "B-but my parents aren't too keen on me walking with strangers!"

Morgan's face contorts into a frown. "Okay...get home safe then."

You smile nervously at Morgan as you walk away. You were happy to be away from that weirdo. As you continue on your way to your home, you come upon a small clearing where there are trees and bushes surrounding you. You call this area your 'shortcut'. You quickly turn into the clearing and continue onward.

You hear a slight shuffling behind you, you turn around quickly to notice That same man, standing feet away from you, staring at you intently. His hand goes down to his pocket as he reaches into his coat and pulls out what seems to be a box cutter. Without warning, he starts to slowly approach you, his blank stare never changing.

"Please, don't walk away, I've waited too long to see you face to face....I just want you....I love you..." He says in a hushed tone, getting closer, box cutter in hand. Your heart races faster than ever before as you look desperately around for help, but there's no one else nearby. All you can do now is try to run, but the ground beneath your feet becomes slippery under the moonlight, causing you to trip and fall onto the ground, causing you to cut your knee on a tree branch. He catches up to you and kneels, staring blankly as he looks at your deep leg wound. He then places his hand on it and kisses it, causing you to wince in pain. "I'll fix it later..." He whispers, kissing your forehead before getting up and grabbing your shoulders. "Now, let us be together forever..."

He drags you towards the center of the clearing, right between two trees. He holds your chin in his large hand as he whispers into your ear.

"My name is Morgan...I already know who you are Laura. You're my true love..." He says as he grabs your forearm, pointing the blade of the box cutter to your skin. He then begins to carve his name into your arm as you squeal from the pain. "...and we'll be together forever."

You break free from his grasp, somehow finding energy to run away. You run fast, as he watches you from the distance, a sick sadistic smile now spread across his face.

When you arrive home, you quickly put on some ice packs to ease the throbbing pain in your arm. After putting them on, you head upstairs to your room. As you lay down in bed, you close your eyes, feeling exhausted after such an eventful hour.

After a few more hours, you find yourself in your bedroom watching TV, whilst you wait for your parents to arrive so you can tell them what happened. You made sure to lock all your doors and windows, and you sit upstairs in your bedroom as to avoid being seen by that creep. You turn the volume up high when suddenly you hear a loud knock on your front door. You quickly grab your phone and your house key, preparing to leave your room as you open the door.

There, on the other side of the door, stands a tall, pale man smiling a wide sadistic smile as he tries to open your front door. You recognize his appearance quickly as the man who followed you and cut your arm earlier, and you quickly duck behind cover as to avoid being see by him.

"Honey....come out. I want to see your face." He says in a playful tone. "Don't make me break this door up..and LET ME IN."

With a sigh, you stand back up and walk to the side of the hallway, trying to think of how to escape. You consider using the stairs, but he'd surely follow you down.

And as you start to think of ways to get out of the situation, You hear the door swing open as he walks inside. You freeze in fear as he walks over to you and puts his hands on your shoulders. He smiles at you as he leans in to kiss your neck. He begins to kiss you deeply, forcing his tongue into your mouth as he pushes you against the wall. His hands go to your hips and he starts pulling at your clothing as he stares at you with a sadistic gaze.

"No...NO!" You say in protest as you try to struggle free from his grasp. Morgan pulls out the box cutter and stabs your right hand. "Ah, Ah, Ahhhhh...No misbehaving darling..." He giggles as you wince in pain. "You're not going anywhere until I'm finished with you, you know?" He says in a calm, almost motherly tone as he continues to press the tip of the box cutter into your flesh. "You're not leaving until I hear you say you love me...Say you love me Laura...Say it, NOW."

You don't know what to do, but you know you don't want this man hurting you. You shake your head, "N-no, I don't want to." You whimper. "I'm not saying that to you."

Morgan chuckles darkly as he moves the box cutter to your left hand and repeats the action, stabbing it into your hand. "Why?....Why won't you say it, my love?" He asks as he pulls the box cutter back out. "Do you really want me to hurt you so badly?" He teases, pressing the tip of the blade into your skin.

You start to tremble, and you realize that this man isn't going to stop until he gets what he wants. But still, you refuse to give in. You look into his eyes; His stare is full of madness and obsession. "Please parents will be hear any moment...I won't tell anyone about you, just leave me alone!" You beg, to no avail.

"Oh, my dear little Laura." Morgan laughs. "They won't be coming here for a while. They'll be sleeping soundly in their coffins. Now...say it...say you love me..."

(Now dear reader It's clear at this point that Morgan has a very twisted mind, and his obsession with you is slowly turning him into a monster. If only someone saw him stalk the young girl and put a stop to it, maybe this wouldn't have taken place.)

"SAY IT!" Morgan demands, now sounding angry and impatient as he slams you against the wall. "SAY YOU LOVE ME LAURA, SAY IT!!!"

"M-m-morgan...I..." You stutter out. "I..." You can't finish it. You feel weak with each passing second, as Morgan's grip on you tightens. The pressure makes it hard for you to breathe, but still, you try to speak again: "I..."

"Come on...just say it." Morgan taunts, pushing the tip of his box cutter onto your skin once more. "Say it..."

"D-d-do. I-i looove..." You gasp, trying your hardest to complete his demand. "I love you..." You say with shaky breath.

Morgan chuckles softly, still smiling. He kisses your forehead before getting up and walking to where you were sitting. He sits down next to you, placing his hand on your thigh, he looks in satisfaction as he twirls the box cutter around in his hand. "I knew you loved me Laura..." He says as he pulls you closer to him. "I've always known you did..."

Morgan begins to stroke your hair as he leans in to kiss you gently on your lips. You look as he pulls a syringe out of his pocket. "I'll ease your pain for you Laura.....because I love you." He says as he pushes the syringe into your neck, releasing whatever liquid was inside into your body. You feel the pain slowly go away as Morgan kisses you again. He then pulls away from you and stands up, looking into your eyes. He places a finger under your chin and tilts your head upward. He then leans in to kiss your neck again. "You're mine, and we'll be together forever..." He whispers into your ear as he presses the tip of the box cutter into your skin. "...You'll always be mine..always. I'm so infatuated with you...I don't know how it started, but I fell so in love with you, I wanted you all to myself...." He says gently, whilst rubbing your open wounds. You listen to his confession whilst still being high on the medicine he injected within your body. His touch feels soothing to your skin, making you melt a bit from his gentle caress, you begin to sob as he shushes you and coos at you, as if you were an infant.

"My darling Laura..." He whispers as he continues to caress your wounds, whilst you sob hysterically. "You'll always....BE MINE....."