The Game of ****

Hello you ARE interested in playing this game?...Are you sure...okay.

May I ask you why?...No reason huh? You're just curious? Okay then....

I'm going to explain the rules to you, feel free to write them down or do whatever you need to do to remember them. Every rule in this game is important, so make sure you follow them to the T, Got it?

Okay, let us begin then.

This game doesn't have a huge payout...and there is no real reason for ANYONE to play this game, but I're here for the rules.

To start the game, you need to be inside a room at 12:00 a.m. There can't be any light source in the room, not even the moonlight, make sure you cover your windows. You'll also need to have your room clean and bed well made before then.

You need to lie on your bed, in a position where you are looking at the ceiling. Wait for 5 minutes and you will see a black portal-like hole on your ceiling. Mr. Luche will fall on top of you, greet him warmly, and don't acknowledge his abnormal attributes. (AKA His outfit from another time period, his many glowing eyes, long black limbs, an abnormal mouth, and slimey skin.) I'm only saying Mr. Luche because you are female, For males, there is Ms. Luche and the same rules apply.

You will feel high levels of discomfort from Mr.Luche laying on top of you, ignore this feeling and do not portray your feelings of fear in any way, shape, or form, you'll anger him if you do.

Mr. Luche will start to caress your face and even lick your face, and you will feel even more uncomfortable, but do not react. It's been ages since Mr.Luche has seen another human, and he wants to understand your anatomy.

Mr. Luche will whisper into your ear, you must act depending on what he says. If Mr. Luche says "Red", you must allow him to scratch your arm and draw blood. If he says "Green", you must allow him to lick one of your eyes. It'll burn, but you must endure the pain, it'll heal quickly enough. If Mr. Luche says "Blue" his limbs will constrict your body, squeezing your arms and legs tightly, this is what Mr. Luche calls affection. Hug him back, as tightly as you can.

At this point, Mr. Luche will try to initiate a conversation. He wants to know you more, so he will start asking very personal questions, and you will have to answer them. Answer truthfully, NEVER lie to Mr. Luche, he will know, and it won't end well.

Once Mr. Luche finishes speaking with you, he will sit up, you can now sit up as well. He won't remove his arms from your body, and he will only want to sit VERY close to you, even trying to get you in his lap, once again, act normally and do not show any signs of fear. He'll also try to bury your face into his chest, if he does this, ask him kindly to 'take it easy'.

Mr. Luche will continue conversing with you, speaking softly and sweetly. He'll ask if you want to go to his home with him, no matter how sweet he sounds, politely decline. Once you're in his domain, he won't let you leave...just sayin'.

Mr. Luche will get bored of talking and ask for quiet, you must be silent and wrap your arms around him, only speak when he speaks, or when he asks you questions.

Once the sun starts to rise, Mr. Luche will leave, and before he does, he will ask for a souvenir. Let him take something from your room, no matter how valuable it is. Then smile and wave at him as he goes into the portal on the ceiling.

If Mr. Luche returns, you did something wrong and he's taking you to his home, regardless of what you say. Don't ask me what happens in his realm, I do not know, but I heard it's some version of let's avoid that.

Those are all the rules for this game...have fun playing it...I guess? Just don't get trapped in his realm...okay?