Chapter 6 It Is Impossible For A Chinese To Play In Real Madrid, And Neither Is The Second Team!

Castilla vs Atletico Madrid b team.

Although it was only a game of West Division B, thanks to the fact that the first teams of these two teams are both La Liga super teams, and because it is the rival Derby in the same city, this game has also attracted a lot of media attention.

Before the game, the media was not optimistic about Castilla. In the past two seasons, Castilla has been struggling on the verge of relegation. This season, it suffered a six-game losing streak.

As the newly promoted Atletico Madrid b team, it continued the strength of last season.

In the last 10 games they participated, Atletico Madrid B team got 6 wins, 3 losses and 1 draw, and they are currently in the upper reaches of La Liga B.

So the media is not optimistic about the situation of Castilla's game.

For example, "League News" releases dynamics: look forward to Atletico Madrid b team winning streak!

"90min" even directly wrote that Castilla may suffer a disastrous defeat at the Pinocchio Stadium in this game.

As for the local media in Madrid, although they are objective and fair, they are still optimistic about Atletico Madrid b team winning the game.

The day before the game, the two sides announced the roster.

When everyone saw the roster, they found that Castilla had carried out a large-scale rotation, and three of the previous main players were not among them.

And as Castilla's top attacker Saul Garcia also did not appear in the squad due to injuries.

Now the media are even less optimistic about Castilla.

On social media, even Real Madrid's fans felt a hint of pessimism.

Although Lin Chen is also on the big list, he didn't attract much attention.

After all, as the second team of Real Madrid, the mobility of players is very large, and some players from the youth academy often come to the second team to train.

But at this time, in the far east, a blogger called "Overseas Player Report" suddenly posted a post.

'The twenty-eighth round of West Division b, Castilla player list'

The picture below is the roster of Castilla for this game, in which 'No. 68 Lin Chen' is specially marked.

'Overseas Player Report', as a senior football blogger in Huaguo, focuses on reporting consultations of Huaguo players overseas.

Since most Huaguo players are mostly in the lower leagues and the youth teams of the team, fans also jokingly called the blogger a "second team handling expert".

Ridicule is ridicule, but this blogger still has some authority in the Huaguo football media.

So even though it was already late at night in Huaguo, this news still attracted the attention of many fans once it was released.

'Chinese people? '

When seeing the specially marked yellow font on the roster, this is the first thought of most fans.

Perhaps the blogger was not sure about Lin Chen's nationality, and just moved the list without explanation.

But at this time, many fans have commented below.

"Castilla has another Chinese player?"

"Lin Chen? Which domestic youth academy did you train for before?"

"Who is this person, have you never heard of it before?"

"Just a big list, without any explanation, it's identified as false."

But the blogger seems to have not seen the heated discussion of the fans, and did not post a dynamic response.

In order to seek the truth, some fans went to Real Madrid's official website to view player profiles.

But it may be that Lin Chen has just joined Castilla, and the player list does not show the player No. 68 at all.

So after checking the information, the fan directly reported the fan group on the blogger's overseas players, asking the blogger not to spread false information.

Attached below is a list of all Castilla players just checked.

'I just said how is it possible for a Chinese to play in Real Madrid, even the second team is impossible. '

'The blogger must have made a mistake. I haven't heard any news of Chinese players signing with Real Madrid recently. '

'That's right, even for the second team, the Huaguo media has already written a lot about it, so it's only now that there's news. '

The discussions in the group were so heated that the bloggers could only answer questions in person.

'The list is indeed true. I haven't found detailed information on the specific nationality, but from the name, there is a high probability that they are Chinese. '

'Wait for tomorrow's game, if you can play, there should be more detailed reports. '

After the blogger finished posting these two sentences, no matter how the group discussed it, he stopped responding.

Game day.

In the morning, Madrid began to drizzle.

Maybe it's because it hasn't fully warmed up yet, and the weather is a bit cold, so Lin Chen nestles on the bed in the dormitory to check the latest system tasks.

'System task: Get the first victory in a professional game. '

"First victory in the league?! Has a new mission been updated so soon?"

"I just don't know what reward will be given this time."

The last full-level attribute card was a big enough surprise for Lin Chen.

So when Raul put himself in the squad for the next game yesterday, Lin Chen was only slightly surprised, but not too surprised.

After all, with his perfect physical attributes, on the court, if only in terms of confrontation ability, basically no one can match him.

Thinking of this, Lin Chen couldn't help but look forward to today's game against Atletico Madrid b team.