Chapter 7 Professional Debut, The Beginning Of A Legend!

March 18.

It's two o'clock in the afternoon.

The twenty-eighth round of West Division b.

Atletico Madrid's b team played at home against Real Madrid's second team, Castilla.

At this time, the more than 3,000 seats in the Espino Nuova Stadium are already full.

After all, it is the home court of Atletico Madrid B team, so most of the audience are wearing red and white jerseys, while Real Madrid fans gather in the North Stand.

For the local fans in Madrid, although it was only a match between Real Madrid's second team and Atletico Madrid's second team, it did not affect the enthusiasm of the fans at all.

Moreover, Atletico Madrid's youth training has always belonged to Spain's top youth training, and it has produced countless outstanding players.

Perhaps surprisingly, Real Madrid legend Raúl Gonzalez, who is now Castilla's head coach, actually started his career at Atlético.

Atletico Madrid closed the youth training camp in 1992. Raul was one of those players who left. Afterwards, Real Madrid accepted the young shooter and started his legendary career in Real Madrid.

Thanks to the excellent youth training level, Atletico Madrid fans also like to watch the games of the second team, and there may be future superstars among them.

Lin Chen sat on the bench and felt the shouts coming from the stands, and felt a little excited inside.

'Who would have thought that this was just a West Division B game, and in terms of attendance alone, I am afraid that only the Chinese Super League can compare. '

Lin Chen was a little bit moved by the football atmosphere abroad, which is unmatched in China. He didn't want to return to play football in China before, and he also had this consideration.

As the music sounded, players from the two teams came out of the player channel one after another.

The fans also gave their warmest applause.

'Carmelo! '

Before the game started, the fans of Atletico Madrid shouted the name of a player in unison, and the latter also smiled and waved, which attracted another round of cheers from the audience.

Looking at the figure on the field, Lin Chen is no stranger to him.

The forward who will be generous in the grid farewell game in the future is still training in the b team at this time.

And he loves a young player so much, it can be seen that Atletico Madrid attaches great importance to youth training.

With the whistle of the referee, the game officially kicked off.

Atletico Madrid set up a 3421 formation and launched a frenzied attack on Castilla from the very beginning.

Castilla's players were obviously not mentally prepared for the 'charge' of Atletico Madrid's b team.

Captain Seoni was caught in the siege of Atletico Madrid, and even holding the ball became extremely difficult.

Under the fierce attack of the Atletico Madrid b team, the score was rewritten in the fifth minute of the game.

Atletico Madrid b team midfielder Ruiz made a through ball and easily tore through Castilla's defense.

Carmelo, who received the ball, did not live up to the expectations of his teammates. He strode the ball into the penalty area, and then easily tricked the goalkeeper into scoring with a lob shot.

'Carmelo——! '

Atlético fans shouted the goal scorer's name frantically, while Real Madrid's fan area fell silent for a while.

Raul on the sidelines also did not expect to lose the ball so quickly.

"Cheer up! Can you win the game with this kick?"

Raul frowned and shouted to the players.

Central defender Dani stood in the middle circle with his hips akimbo helplessly, looking at the players of Atletico Madrid's b team who were celebrating.

At this time, goalkeeper Meha Ramos picked up the ball and walked to Dani's side to comfort him.

"It's just one ball, it can be recovered."

The game starts again.

Castilla's players seem to have had enough of being passive all the time and began to constantly attack Atletico Madrid's defense.

But the Atletico Madrid B team also inherited the defensive level of the first team, and Castilla couldn't find any obvious defensive flaws for a while.

The two sides came and went, and the game came to the forty-fifth minute.

Just when the Castilla players were about to breathe a sigh of relief, Carmelo snatched the ball from Dani's feet in a mysterious way.

Then he took a long shot directly, and the ball drew a beautiful arc in the air, hanging straight to the upper right corner of the goal.

Although the goalkeeper Moha has stretched out his posture with all his strength, he is still unable to touch the ball.


"Two goals! Carmelo!"

Atlético fans celebrated the goal to their heart's content.

With two goals conceded in less than half time, the Real Madrid fans couldn't take it anymore.

'What a poor defense, Dani didn't seem to be on the pitch at all. '

A Real Madrid player was a little angry, and this remark attracted the approval of many Real Madrid fans.

Before kick-off again, the referee stopped the game in the first half.

The Castilla players returned to the locker room in a low mood.

Just when Lin Chen wanted to go back with the team members, Raul stopped him at this time.

"Lin Chen, you don't need to go back to the locker room."

'Don't need to go back to the locker room? '

Lin Chen was a little surprised when he heard the head coach's words. He didn't do anything wrong, so why didn't he let him go back to the locker room.

Just when Lin Chen was about to open his mouth to argue with Raul, another sentence came.

"Go to warm-up training first."

Lin Chen was taken aback for a moment, and then he reacted immediately.

"Yes! Head coach!"