Chapter 20 Offer From Bayern!

Castilla training base.

Lin Chen added the accumulated thirteen attribute points to the dribble again.

The original dribble of 68 points now has a full 81 points!

Although in the system scoring, 81 points have just reached the level of the five major leagues, but currently in Castilla, Lin Chen's dribbling skills can be said to be the top player of the team.

At the same time, the assistant coach Santiago, who is giving special training to Lin Chen, also found that Lin Chen's dribbling has made amazing progress.

Later, Santiago reported Lin Chen's performance to head coach Raul, who was also very surprised.

"A striker comparable to La Liga, has he improved so much?!"

In just a few days, Lin Chen has changed from a player who couldn't even hold the ball steadily when dribbling, to a player who can calmly dribble the ball under the pressure of defensive players.

Raul couldn't believe it at first, but after watching Lin Chen's training in person, he was amazed at Lin Chen's strong learning ability.

At this time, Raul had another small calculation in his mind.

Since Lin Chen's learning ability is so strong, it is better to speed up the progress of Lin Chen's special training.

In fact, Lin Chen has many shortcomings, or shortcomings. Of course, Raul is comparing Lin Chen with the standards of the first team.

For example, running without the ball, passing vision, ability to pull back and make the ball, etc. In these aspects, Lin Chen still needs to learn a lot.

If only used as a spot-grabbing center, Lin Chen is now fully qualified.

But Raul wants to evolve Lin Chen from a pie-eating center to an all-around center. In the future, in higher-level games, these abilities are necessary for an excellent forward!

After that, Santiago continued to conduct special training with Lin Chen according to Raul's plan.

Although there is a system, Lin Chen did not slack off because of this, but instead worked harder to train.

As a player, if you are not self-disciplined in controlling diet, rest time, etc., no matter how high your ability is, you will not be able to show it.

There are many such examples in the football world, such as Adriano, who was once expected to be Ronaldo's successor at the time.

Adelaide is very similar to Lin Chen. He has the physical fitness of a top striker, and eating the opponent's defense raw is the specialty of this super shooter.

But because of his indulgence in life, soon after, Adelaide, who was fat, couldn't adapt to the high-intensity game at all, and the killer who made people frightened and scored goals disappeared.

While Lin Chen was training, Castilla received an offer from Germany.

Bundesliga champions, Bayern Munich want to take Lin Chen from Castilla!

For Lin Chen, a young player, Bayern Munich directly offered a super transfer fee of 5 million euros!

You know, at the beginning of the season, Bayern only spent a transfer fee of 21 million euros in order to keep Kingsley Coman, the 21-year-old French winger, at the Allianz Arena.

And Lin Chen, as a player who has only played three games in the West Division b, actually made Bayern willing to pay a transfer fee of 5 million to take him away.

So Raul was a little surprised when he received the news. The more surprising thing was that Bayern's scouting system discovered Lin Chen, a talented center, so quickly!

Raul immediately speculated that Bayern might be looking for a substitute for Lewandowski.

Since Lewandowski joined Bayern Munich in the 14th season, the Polish center has been with the team for nearly 5 years.

Lewandowski won almost all the honors he could get during his time at Bayern, and even created a miracle of five goals in nine minutes in 15 years!

But as Lewandowski grows older, it is inevitable that the 30-year-old Polish center will decline.

At this time, it is necessary to find a player for Lewandowski who can succeed at the center position, and Lin Chen, who just meets this requirement, is young and talented!

Regarding Lin Chen's talent, Raul is undoubtedly the clearest, so although Bayern is very sincere, Raul does not think that this price can take Lin Chen away.

So Raul took this transfer offer and found Emilio, the team's youth training director.

"In the future, Lin Chen's offer can be completely rejected. I don't want these things outside the stadium to affect the future of Real Madrid!"

'The future of Real Madrid? ! '

Emilio was stunned when he heard Raul's words, and had such a high evaluation of a young player.

"Who can say for sure in the future, should you think about it again? After all, he is just a youth training player. The price offered by Bayern is indeed very attractive."

Emilio wanted to persuade Raul again, but Raul waved his hand and refused.

"Lin Chen is not for sale! This matter is non-negotiable!"

"Well, I trust your eyes!"

Seeing that Raul's attitude was so firm, Emilio gave up the idea of ​​selling Lin Chen.


In a blink of an eye, it came to April 6th.

Castilla's next game will be at home against Celceda, another senior team.

And Lin Chen has maintained a very good state after this period of special training.

Therefore, in the starting list announced before the game, Lin Chen was among them.

After hearing the news, the Chinese fans far away in the east set their alarm clocks and prepared to watch the live broadcast of the game.