Chapter 21 Famous In China! He Is The Hope Of Chinese Football!

Game day.

Castilla vs Cerceda

Perhaps for Spanish football, this is just an ordinary day.

Even though Castilla's results are very good recently, it is only a game of West Division B.

But in China, this game has a different meaning.

It was already 2:30 in the morning in Huaguo, and an unknown number of Huaguo fans were waiting to watch the live broadcast of the game.

In the last game, although the Huaguo fans did not see Lin Chen, the news of Castilla's live broadcast spread like wildfire.

After the news spread for a week, most of the fans who followed Lin Chen knew about the live broadcast room of Firebird Football.

So the game hasn't even started yet, but there are already nearly 40,000 online viewers in the Firebird Football live broadcast room.

But at this time, there seemed to be some minor accidents in the live broadcast room, and the game screen could not be loaded.

"Hurry up! Hurry up!"

"Aren't you ready! Big anchor!"

"Turn it up! I can't wait!"

"I'm going to let me watch a black screen when labor and capital stay up until 2:30?"

The fans in the live broadcast room may have waited too long, and they are already a little impatient at this time.

The anchor of Firebird Football was also anxiously debugging the software. Finally, just as the game started, the live broadcast room successfully displayed the game screen of Castilla.

The anchor of Firebird Football also breathed a sigh of relief. If the fans were released again, it is estimated that they will not be able to survive in the Chinese football circle in the future.

April seven.

7:30 p.m. local time in Madrid.

Castilla will face the visiting Celceda team at the Di Stefano Stadium.

At this time, nearly 9,000 seats in the stadium have been filled by Castilla fans.

As the music sounded, Lin Chen followed his teammates out of the player tunnel.

Under the dazzling lights, Lin Chen is adapting to the light of the court.

Suddenly, in the noisy stadium, a familiar voice came from the stands.

"Lin Chen!"

Chinese fans? !

Lin Chen reacted immediately, and then looked at the source of the voice.

I saw three young people from Huaguo standing on the stands, shouting loudly to themselves.

This was the first time that Lin Chen saw Hua Guo fans supporting him at the scene, which made Lin Chen pay more attention.

The red flags held high among these fans!

The moment Lin Chen saw the flag, his nose felt sore.

In the European arena, Lin Chen finally saw this flag!

"Come on! You are the hope of our entire village!"

After that, three Huaguo fans shouted to Lin Chen again.

At this time, the Huaguo fans who were watching the live broadcast seemed to be touched by the emotion in their hearts, and they also burst into tears.

"I made it big when I came up, and I cried."

"Labor and management are here to watch the game, not to sensationalize!"

"This is the real fan, just watch Lin Chen play live!"

"No, I can't help it anymore, it makes me feel sad and happy at the same time!"


The anchor who was broadcasting the game also said with emotion at this time.

"It's hard not to be touched by this scene!"

"I don't know how long it has been, but I have seen this flag again in the European competition, even if it is only in the second division B!"

Perhaps to record this very memorable moment.

Many viewers who were watching the live broadcast took screenshots of this scene and then sent them out.

Perhaps it's been too long since Hua Guo fans have seen this flag appear on the European field, so once the picture was released, it immediately caused a sensation in the football circle!

Suddenly, various football forums, fan groups, and even circles of friends circulated this picture.

Many fans who saw the screenshots were also aroused by curiosity and asked them what game it was.

After learning that there are Chinese players playing in Castilla and scoring 11 goals in three games, everyone is not calm.

Hua Guo still has such a good player? !

In order to seek the truth, many fans who did not know Lin Chen before flocked to the live broadcast room of Knowing Ball Network to watch the game.

All of a sudden, the traffic of Firebird Football's live broadcast room surged, and the number of online users directly exceeded 100,000!

Perhaps it was due to the large number of spectators, which caused the live broadcast to freeze abnormally.

The backstage inspectors who know the ball net also discovered this situation for the first time.

'What's the situation, which league is playing the national derby today? Why is the traffic of the live broadcast line used so much! '

When the backstage staff followed the data to find the live broadcast room of Firebird Football, they were shocked.

One hundred thousand people are online!

It was just to watch a game of West Division B. For a moment, the staff who knew the net felt that Huaguo fans were crazy.

But when he learned that there were players from Huaguo starting, he immediately understood the madness of the fans.

But then, the staff realized something was wrong.

This is piracy!

If the number of people is not large, it may not have any impact, but at this time there are already 100,000 people online in the live broadcast room, and the number of viewers is still growing!

Thinking of this, the staff suddenly felt that the matter was too big, and hurriedly reported it to the senior management.

When the high-level executives of the football net heard the news, they were also terrified, and hurriedly asked the staff to cut off the live broadcast signal of Firebird Football.

Immediately, the high-level executives who knew the game sighed a little, Lin Chen's influence in China is too great!