Enacting the plan....ii

In his apartment,Wanjiru took a shower before logging back into Legacy Land.He left for the business district where he purchased a heap of scrolls,two quilt and a jar of ink.Back in his room,he locked himself up for three days as he planned on his future.

He didn't care what other players were busy doing.

Fully engrossed in his planning,he didn't notice how fast the three days went by. Looking at the mountain of scrolls on his bed,he took a shower,had his meal and logged off to check on his family.

It seemed that the mother was able to convince his siblings to take the game seriously.He also learnt that a certain mysterious organization had already created a Legacy Land forum. His curiousity made him log into the forum.

Most of the threads were those of people bragging about their cultivation, while the rest featured those who received their families legacy.

There was nothing of importance to him so he logged out and laid on his bed. Activating his Legacy stone,he logged back and quickly left the inn to enact his plan.

The streets of the city were now filled with players. Some were out for a stroll while others rushed to complete quests for the rewards. Walking into a wine shop,Wanjiru bought two of their most expensive wine that cost him five hundred copper coins.

The price made him flinch,but remembering that these two bottles were key to his first step of the plan,he quickly walked into a dark ally and popping open the wine jars,he dropped two into each.

One was enough but for insurance,he decided on two.

He shook the jars as he waited for the pills to dissolve before walking out of the ally.

A grin formed on his face as he headed for the production district.

He had his eyes set on one of the smithy's.

From the information he had bought from the curvy woman,he knew that this blacksmith had no apprentice and that he stored all his forged equipment on the three stooges rings on his left arm.

It was rumoured that he had thousands and thousands of weapons and armor in there for apart from forging, the only other thing he did was drink wine.

With this knowledge at hand, Wanjiru had planned on acquiring all the items for himself.He wasn't scared of the fact that the blacksmith was a stage 1 level 4 cultivator.

This world may only respect and fear the most powerful ones,but to him,no amount of power can go against a well hatched scheme.

All those who walked past him flinched as they saw the evil grin plastered on his face.

The blacksmith never knew that he had already being targeted by a vicious viper.

The sound of hammer hitting iron could be heard from the various smithys along the production district.

Players could be seen queing outside some of the smithy's.

Following the curvy woman's direction, Wanjiru found the smithy with a closed sign on it.He was about to push the door open when a hand grabbed him from the back.

"Brother...if you value your life don't go in there.."

He turned to see who addressed him. Behind him was a tall masculine teen, from his appearance,he could tell that he was not a player. Seen the concern look on his face,he smiled at him.


He pretended not to know the reason as his mind planned a new scheme that would make his plan a hundred percent successful.

"Tom isn't your average blacksmith..."seen the confused look in the middle aged man before him,not knowing the look was just an act from Wanjiru,he added,"many have walked in when he was forging and none left the smithy alive."

Wanjiru had a frightened look on his face,but later an evil grin slowly formed at the corners of his mouth.

He handed the young man the remaining a hundred copper coins. The young man was confused at first but after Wanjiru explained his plan,a look of shock took over his face as cold sweat cascaded down his forehead.

He looked at the middle aged man and all he saw was the devil's face that made his heart constrict in fear.

Seeing the fear in his eyes, Wanjiru quickly added,help me out and I would pay another hundred silver coins.

The shocked look morphed into an astonished one...

"A hundred silver coins...."

The young man murmured. To him,a hundred silver coins was enough to last him for three months. He wondered who this player was that he had so much money on him.

If only he had known that Wanjiru only had a few tens of copper coins remaining,he would have quickly ran away from him.

Seeing the look on the young man's face, Wanjiru inwardly smiled as the fish had not only bit the bait but also the hook.

He stretched out his hand and after a while of weighing the cons and pros of the plan,the young man made up his mind. To him, the ahundred silver coins was free money as he only had to chase the middle man into the Smithy before retreating.

Seems he won't be putting his life at risk,he shook the middle aged man's hand.

"Deal..."he said as he quickly added in a timid voice after it dawned on him of the immense benefits he would earn by following this young man,"not only will this lowly one help you today,but also for the rest of his life."

Wanjiru inwardly sneered at the young man's word because he knew that he was planning on benefitting from following him,but he didn't mind having a young strong lackey as his follower.

"Then this old man accept you as his follower but first..."

Wanjiru took out a blood contract from his storage ring. He had bought a few hundreds of these when he went out to purchase the scrolls.

The look on the young man's face darkened as he stared at the blood contract.

"Don't worry,if you are sincere,I won't mistreat you."

He assured the young man before handing over the contract to him. The young man sighed as he regretted his greedy words but remembering the immense benefits and the promise from the middle aged man,he quickly took out a curved dagger and cut his index finger before dripping a few drops of blood on the contract.

The contract turned into moats of light and entered their foreheads.

Now that he had his first slave and capable one at that,he knew that his plan had now become a little bit more easy.

Since masters could view their slaves stats, Wanjiru decided to look at the young man's stats .

Name: Sinako





Status : Citizen{37/10,000}

Cultivation:Stage 0-5

Cultivation Technique: Purple Heart

Body Forging Technique:Bronze Pillar











Equipment:storage ring, Cotton t-shirt, leather pant, leather boots,curved iron dagger.

"Huh, your Sinako?"

Wanjiru asked though he already knew...

"Yes,Master...this lowly one's name is Sinako."he said as he knelt attracting attention towards thm.

"Nice name..."Wanjiru smiled as he helped him stand.

"Remember,as long as you heed to my words,I won't mistreat you."

The young man bowed as he thanked him.

Wanjiru was impressed by the young man's stats. He was about to ask him his weapon of choice when he received a system notification.




Wanjiru's jaw dropped as he looked at the rewards,he didn't expect to receive a system notification let alone the rewards.

He quickly viewed the rewards description and a wide satisfying smile formed on his face,if he had known early,he would have gotten himself a few more slaves.

Raise one cultivation speed by 200%

A one time use stone that allows one to acquire a profession of their liking.

A growth sword with potential of achieving epic grade

Bonus Stats:STR- 5, AGI- 3, DEX- 7

Skill: Sword Mist-Creates numerous swords arcs that deal damage over time.

Wanjiru wanted to give Profession Change Stone to Sinako but thought against it after he put into consideration the next part of his plans.

"Here,have this."

He handed over the sword to his new subordinate.

Sinako almost fell on his back when he saw the sword description and stats. He was about to kneel when Wanjiru held him back.

"Let's hurry with our plan, it's getting late."