Was he really a black smith....

Wanjiru counted to a hundred before opening his eyes. He had only put up the act of cultivating to deceive Sinako.

A wide smile appeared on his face as he pulled out four storage rings from his pocket.He quickly retrieved everything in the smallest of the four. This was also the one he had gotten the silver coins from.

Wanjiru was surprised by the amount of silver coins in it. He counted a total of seven hundred thousand and thirty-eight silver coins. This was equivalent to seven thousand gold coins.He quickly transferred the coins in his system given storage ring when a system notification rang in his mind.





A loud laugh reverberated in the whole room.

"It seems the heavens have started favouring me in fear of me fighting against them..."

A technique invented by the Seven Saint Brothers.

Grade: Gold

Bonus:Increase ones cultivation speed by 800%.

: Rewards 10 status points per level up and 100 per breakthrough.

A body Forging Technique from the higher realm.

Grade: Myth

Wanjiru laughed until he couldn't laugh anymore. To him,it felt like the heavens were trying to bribe him and make him give up on his plan.

Looking at the ceiling,he grinned evilly as he continued going through the content in all the rings.

By the time he was done by forth ring,only one question lingered in his mind...

"Was he really a blacksmith...?"

He looked at the inventory he had recorded...

×20 bottles.

A cultivation pill that increases one's cultivation by 500%

Each bottle had 50 pills.In total, Wanjiru had a thousand pills.

×10 bottles

A cultivation pill that increases one's cultivation by 1200%

In total,he had five hundred pills.

<2 Star Healing Pills>×50 bottles

Grade:2 Star

In total he had two thousand five hundred pills.

×10 bottles

A slow acting poisonous pill.

Grade:2 Star

×10 bottles

A strong antidote refined from ying grass.

Grade:3 Star

When he had retrieved the tens of bottle pills before, Wanjiru was astonished by the quantity and quality of the pills untill he found a locked diary in the smallest of the rings. This diary wasn't the ordinary kind, Wanjiru could tell from the runes drawn on it.

His instincts warned him against opening it. He chose to listen to his instincts rather than heed to his curiousity.

The largest was filled with different ores and animal parts. Wanjiru didn't bother checking their description.

The medium ring was the one he was most interested in.

Weapons:1000 different weapons.

Armour: 1000 complete set.

Each set had a helm or a helmet,a chest guard, pants,shin guards, gauntlet or a pair of elbow length gloves,a chain mail and boots.

Most of them were ordinary White Grade Equipment.

Wanjiru grinned as he knew that these were enough for him to equip a small army. He wondered what other players or even those with legacies think when they found out of his massive wealth,or rather armory.

He looked at the next item on his list...

Weapons:507different weapons.

Armour: 600 complete set.

With the amount of he had,he could fully raise and equip a small elite army.

Weapons:9different weapons.

Armour: 7 complete set.

There were a few silver equipment,but to him,these were more than enough for his next part of the plan.

Weapons:3different weapons.

Armour: 5 complete set.

Wanjiru grinned as he knew well that not even the city lord had such a high number of gold Grade Equipment.

The rest of the items in the storage ring were miscellaneous and ordinary ones that didn't warrant a space on Wanjiru's list.

He put all the pills and weapons in the large storage ring,the materials and the blacksmith corpse went into the medium ring, while the rest were thrown into one ring.

He planned on rewarding the final ring to Sinako after he was done with his current mission.

With everything taken care of, Wanjiru sighed as he retrieved the two system rewards and chose to learn them before starting cultivating.

Before,he had planned on achieving a cultivation of stage 0 level 3 before commencing on his next plan,but with the and the ,he could see himself breakthrough stage one in the three days.

Opting to learn the two techniques, Wanjiru called up his status panel before cultivating.

Name: Wanjiru




Status : Commoner{0/1000}


Cultivation Technique:

Body Forging Technique:










Equipment:storage rings, cotton t-shirt, cotton pant, leather sandals.

Two days later, in another part of the city,a group of hooded men could be seen seating round the table.The one at the head of the table, cleared his throat and looked at the other seven men.

"Nobody knows where he is...?"

His voice was deep but one could tell that he was a young man from it.

"Yes young master..."

An old hoarse voice replied.

"We had our men look around and a few even asked around...but it seems nobody knows about his whereabouts."

"Have you checked the smithy for any clues?"

"Young master I had my men go through the place...."

Another young voice replied before kneeling towards the young man they referred to as, Young Master.

"Young Master, this lowly one deserves punishment for his incompetence."

The room fell silent for quite along time.

Sighing,the young master ordered him to rise.

"Rise...! It seems that whoever is behind Tom's disappearance did a good job."

The young master looked at the seven hooded men once more before taking out a letter from his storage ring.

"This letter is from father to you all."

"I will inform father about this,for now...none of you is to rest until Tom's whereabouts are known."

"Yes, Young Master!"

The seven hooded men replied in unison as they knelt.

"You have to understand that a third of our armory is with him..."

He stood and headed towards the door...

"Without them,our plan has to be delayed for several months or so."

"We shall do our best..."

The seven hooded men replied while still kneeling.

Several minutes after the Young Master left,the seven men let out a sign of relief as they all stood.

The old man turned towards one of the hooded men...

"Did you find her?"

"No...she was seen living the Peach Tavern with a hooded figure."

"Continue looking for her,she is the only hope we have left."

With that,the seven men sat down before one of them led out the letter,not knowing that the woman they put their last hope on was already a corpse in a masculine young man's storage ring.