[Patrol Report] Ist Day of Records
Party leader: Han
Party members: Joe,Soy ,Humphrey , Bogart, Steak
Mission: Patrol (1000m radius)
Time Began: Dawn
Time Ended:Noon
We left at dawn to patrol the area within a thousand metres radius from camp. We met several monsters that we quickly got lid off at the same time collecting some herbs and fruits.
Everything was fine till mid noon when Soy heard noises of a fight several hundred metres from our patrol boundary. Her senses are superior than the rest of us so as the team leader,I chose to go take a look as not to put my team in danger.
There I found a Stage 2 bear attacking three people,two men, who I recognized as being my brothers from the first squad led by Sergeant Sinako,and with them was a dark elf.
They were all injured and bloody,I knew I alone couldn't help them and so I shot an arrow towards my teams hiding spot.
By the time they were arriving,I had already joined the battle.
With their help,the bear was finally defeated but we all received injuries and the three that we saved had fallen unconscious due to excessive blood loss.
I had my party members quickly made stretchers and rushed the three into camp for treatment.
At arrival ,we thought they were dead but the herbalist assured us they would leave.
Report compiled by Hardy.
[The Dark Elf Girl, having a better constitution than the two men woke two hours later,her report is titled
[I asked the party to rest and recuperate....]
"Damn....Hardy, what's with that title...
Wanjiru thought as he flipped through the scrolls in search of the psycho titled report....he searched for a quite a few seconds but didn't find it....
He thought of calling out to Shelly when she just walked in and with a bow,she handed him three scrolls.....
"Your Lordship...."
This time she didn't stammer.....
"Butler Hardy asked me to hand this over to you...."
Unfolding one of the scrolls, Wanjiru had a wide smile as he read the psycho title on it...
[Bandits Report.....i (The Dark Elf Report)] 1st Day of Records
Party: (Not assigned a name)
Party leader: Sinako(1st Squad Sergeant)
Party members: The Dark Elf,Swift,Agy
Mission: Shadow the Bandits (unassigned)
Time Began: unknown
Time Ended:-------------------
Having known of my powers,the Sergeant chose me and two of the swiftest soldiers to shadow the bandits.
We followed them to a goblin village miles away from our camp on the northern part.
There was this hut that was larger than the rest,and I could sense the faint energy similar from that of the teleportation channel in the Lord's cave but more stronger.
I shared my finding with the party members,we are came to a hypothetical assumption that the hut was there to shed a larger teleportation channel.
Seeing there was no way in the heavily guarded goblin's village,the Sergeant ordered as to leave and report everything to the Lord.
We were attacked by a stage two bear several hundred metres from camp.
The party on patrol came to our rescue.
Report compiled by Hardy.
[The other soldiers report are under the titles...
On the bottom left corner of the scroll was a piece of scroll pinned to it with a thin fish bone.
[Hardy...."My Lord,the Dark Elf has a rare shadow talent that is worth naturing..... please advise?"]
"A rare talent,I wonder what it is that both Sinako and Hardy are interested in her....."
"And thinking of Sinako...where is he...."
Wanjiru thought as he picked up the other two scrolls and read.
Somewhere else on a road towards Fairy City, in a group of twenty-two men clad mostly in white grade armor and ten women in the middle of the group a young tall and well muscled man kept on sneezing,his name was ....Sinako.
After going through the other two reports and finding them similar,Wanjiru was astonished at the far the bandits went in order to hide their hide out.
"They must have conquered that goblins village first and made a pact with the goblins chief....."
"I don't care how they did it,all I do care about is where the f*ck is Sinako....."
Again,the tall well muscled young man sneezed....
"Master.....you must be catching a cold....try some lemon boiled in hot water and a scoop of a honey.... believe me,it works..."
The only old person,who happened to be a man clad in a butler outfit gave his advice to the young man.
Sinako looked at him and thanked him out of politeness,for him,he knew well it was not a cold he was catching but the wrath of a certain person who happened to be his Master and Lord.
He urged his horse into a trot and the rest followed....it had been five days since he left and he planned on reaching the Lord's camp tonight.
In his earlier schedule....he had planned on using the teleportation channel in Fairy City to teleport to Silver Lake City before riding their horses all the way to the camp but had a change of mind.
He planned on using the teleportation channel in Fairy City to directly teleport into the Lord's cave after settling the rest in an in.
He would then send three soldiers to escort them to the camp site after he reported to the Lord.
"I hope he isn't angry...."
"We have to ride faster...."
Sinako was too absorbed in his thoughts,as he went through everything he had experienced,that he did notice he had pushed his horse into a slow gallop....not all the slaves knew how to ride horses but their horses followed the pace of the one at the front.
Each time the young man sneezed,his horse increased speed. Sinako was busy in his mind trying to prepare a good oral report of his discoveries and even escapees....and the huge expenditure on the war horses.
"I hope Master will be impressed by the horses...."
He thought as his horses speed increased once more....