Dae Hyun walked to the supermarket, he had some things to purchase to occupy his secret ware house, he moved his equipments slowly to avoid suspicion and eyes on him, he had been moving stuffs into the warehouse for more than two weeks now, he was calculative and patient.

He walked to the supermarket, it was a bit far from his warehouse but he walked any way for a bit of exercise. He walked over to the chemicals section with a trolley in his hand as he took a gallon of acid and put it inside the trolley, he picked some sedatives too and some other chemicals. He was at the safety equipments section, taking gloves and other gears when he caught sight of three highschool girls crushing on him.

"He's so good looking." One of the girls said as they swooned over him, he barely even dressed up as he wore only a hoodie and sweatpants with a hat on but still he stood out with his height and built stature and it didn't help that he had gorgeous facial features too. He averted his gaze, ignoring the girls as he continued with what he was doing.

"Hi, are you new here?" He heard one of the girl's small voice say and his jaw ticked but a smile quickly washed his face as he turned to face her.

"Yes, I'm new here." He replied and the girls smiled.

"Really? Where do you live?" They asked.

"Its just a few blocks away." He said with a calm face.

"Ahh..What are those for?" The girl asked in curiosity as she pointed at the items in his trolley, he smiled inwardly, it was a good day for a kill and it seemed like heaven was on his side since the supermarket was empty and there was no surveillance cameras.

"I'm a chemical engineer and I do some experiments in my alone time in my house." He lied so smoothly, the girls would have never guessed that he was anything close to a psychopathic killer.

"That's so cool! We even have a class assignment on chemicals, how coincidental." One of the girls said and a grin appeared on his face, everything was falling into place smoothly.

"Really? What is it about? Maybe I can help." He said his tone was carefree and his expression was so harmless, it wasn't hard for him to gain people's trust, he had a natural trustworthy and innocent appearance.

"Ahh..Its something about mixing of chemicals or something like that, I don't know." The girl was obviously a block head.

"Do you guys want to check out my lab, then maybe we could do your assignment." He said with a cheerful face but the girls were having a bit of a doubt since he was a stranger even though he didn't look dangerous. Dae Hyun saw a hint of doubt in their eyes.

"Ahh.. I'm sorry, I got lost with the topic, I'm just a stranger, you guys should head home now, its getting late." Dae Hyun said.

"Can you give us a minute?" One of the girls said as they turned their backs against him and started talking in hushed tones. Dae Hyun rolled his eyes as they whispered.

"He doesn't look like a bad person." One of the girls concluded.

"Yes and you've always wanted to date older guys, this might be your shot." The other girl said to the one with short hair.

"Yes and if he tries anything funny, we'll over power him anyway." The first girl said.

"No, I doubt he's like that." The girl with short hair said and they turned around to see the stranger still standing there.

"We'll check out your lab." The girl with short hair said with a cute smile on her face.

"I don't even know your names." He said with a curious tone.

"I'm Na Hye, this is Bo Ra and San Hye." The girl chipped in cheerfully.

"Its nice to meet you all, I'm Dae Hyun." He said with a gorgeous smile on his face and the girls couldn't help but swoon at his heart wrenching beauty. He didn't have any problem telling them his real name since they would seize to exist in a few hours any way.

Dae Hyun paid for the things he bought to the middle aged man who looked after the supermarket.The man had seen his face and he would get rid of the man after he took care of the girls, he thought inwardly as the man handed the bag with his equipments to him. The girls followed behind him as they walked to his warehouse, they chattered and conversed with him along the way and he lied all through so smoothly, it was a long distance and the girls soon got tired but he barely broke a sweat since he had a lot of stamina to spare.

They finally got to the warehouse, the vicinity were it was situated was quite empty and the girl's doubt grew a bit, Dae Hyun saw the doubt on their faces as they looked around the place.

"I like a quiet place with less people around but...If you still want to leave, its Ok but take a taxi, its late." He said with a worried face as he dipped his hand into his pocket and brought out cash, handing it to them. The girl's doubts suddenly disappeared because he would be forcing them to stay if he wanted to do something to them.

"its OK, we'll come in." They said and a smile appeared on his face. He led them into the warehouse which was more like a house because of the renovation and he actually furnished the place quite nicely, the sofas and some furniture were been covered with plastic bags.

"Sorry about the mess, I just started moving in, I'll keep these, you can sit down." He said as he removed the plastic bags from the sofas and rushed into a door.

"He's so nice." Bo Ra said as they sat down on the expensive sofa.

"Yes, totally boyfriend material." Na Hye chipped in excitedly as she blushed.

"His house is nicely furnished too, it looks like he's loaded." San Hye said as she looked around the place while the other girls agreed.

Dan Hye came out of the door minutes later.

"Will you guys like some juice before we start the experiment?" He asked so nicely they couldn't refuse.

"Yes, thank you." They said in unison.

"I'll be right back." He said with a smile on his face as he walked to the kitchen. The girls watched him as he brought a tray with a bottled juice and three glasses on it. He poured the contents from the bottled juice into the glasses as he handed the glasses to them.

"Thank you." They all said. Dae Hyun smiled as he watched them sip on their drinks, they wouldn't suspect that their drinks were drugged when he had served it in front of them. Dae Hyun had prepared everything before hand in his fake house, in case he had unexpected visitors and his idea truly wasn't bad. He had spiked all the drinks in his house in case of unexpected visitors since he didn't really live there or eat there either. Dae Hyun watched the girls as their eyelids got heavy and they tried to force it open but the sedatives overpowered them, their heads got dizzy and they slumped on the couch.

Dae Hyun carried the girls effortlessly into his slaughter room, it was neat to the brim and fluorescent lights shone brightly in the room, revealing a large drum of acid in one end of the room big enough for a whole person to occupy, there was a sharp machine blade seated at the other end and other machines and equipments neatly arranged in the room. After binding the girls with handcuffs on their legs and hands on a table next to each other, he put a tape over their mouth, he wore a glove and a mask, then he exited the premises.

Dae Hyun ran as fast as the wind and within less than twenty minutes to the supermarket but he didn't pant heavily, his face was still calm and his breathing was stable as if he hadn't just ran a mile. The man behind the counter stared at the man who had just barged into the supermarket, Dae Hyun was in luck yet again, there was no one in the supermarket or anyone at the vicinity either, he walked to the man beside the counter and the man stared at him in confusion on why the strange man stepped behind the counter. Dae Hyun grabbed the man's neck with one large hand before he could do anything and he squeezed the man's neck so hard that words failed to leave his mouth, he tried to fight the strange man off but his hits were useless, Dae Hyun raised him above the ground with his one hand as he strangled him even more harder, the man shook his leg in mid air as he tried to breath, his vein popped in his head as blood occupied his eyes, within minutes, his body fell limp in Dae Hyun's hand and his eyes gleamed with dark excitement as he stared at the dead man in his hands, then dropped him on the floor with a soft thud.