Dae Hyun searched through the girls bags and phones to know their location so that he could deliver a part of them to their family and it didn't take time before he found it out. He was busy wearing a mask and glove, while he prepared the equipments as he waited for the girls to regain consciousness, but only San Hye had regained consciousness. She looked around in shock and then tried to move but the handcuffs around her wrists and legs restricted her movement, her face was full of confusion. 'Where am I?' She thought as she looked at the strange place, before her eyes fell on the man that was busy putting their phones in a large puddle of acid as well as their belongings, seeing the man, her memories came flooding in her head, the man had spiked their drinks after luring them to his house but how?, there was no way he'd have been able to spike the drink while they watched him. Her eyes shifted to her friends who were also cuffed next to her on a stretcher and Fear immediately struck her upon realising that the man had kidnapped them and who knew what he was going to do to them. Dae Hyun hadn't realised that San Hye was awake until he heard the rustling of the handcuff as she struggled to break free, as if she could.

She wanted to yell but her mouth was taped shut and he immediately turned, his gentle and calm face was suddenly replaced with a cold and dark one which sent shivers down her spine.

"You're awake? Lets wake your friends up then." He said his voice was deep and cold, devoid of emotions. She watched him as he walked over to her friends cuffed on the stretcher and lightly slapped their cheeks, the two girls groaned as they opened their eyes with creased brows. It took some seconds before they were fully conscious of their surroundings, they tried to speak but only muffled words came out as their mouths were taped. They were obviously scared as they realised what was happening, they shook in fear. Bo Ra was already sobbing really hard as she jerked up and down in fear that she was going to be killed.

Dae Hyun walked to them and took off Bo Ra's tape making her loud ear piercing cries heard.

"Sir, let me go please, my parents have a lot of money, please." She pleaded for her life which only annoyed Dae Hyun, he had heard a lot of pleas and he didn't expect hers to be any different.

"Do I look like I need money?" He asked in an irritated tone and she fluttered her eye lashes in confusion.

"W..what do wa..want then?" She stammered in fear. Dae Hyun gave a blood curdling grin as he said,

"You're so fucking loud so I'll take your tongue." His words made her eyes go wide and she immediately figured out who he was.

"'re the an..anonymous psycho." She said subconsciously in a low tune but he heard it.

"You should never call a psychopath a psycho, it only makes them mad." He said as he adjusted his gloves properly and walked over to a table with his broad back facing them, he was picking up something but the girls couldn't see it. The girls looked at each other in shock filled faces while Bo Ra wept uncontrollably.

Dae Hyun turned to face the girls with a knife in his hand and on seeing that, Bo Ra screamed praying inwardly someone would hear her.

"You can scream at the top of your lungs but no one will hear your screams, the wall is sound proof, that's what mainly drew me to this place." He said with arms wide as a devilish grin sat on his face. The girls hearts pound faster in their chest at what he said, they were doomed!

"No! Don't come near me!" Bo Ra screamed with tears flooding down her cheeks as he walked towards her with the knife in his hands. The other girls watched in fright as they saw their friend on the verge of death. Dae Hyun gripped her jaw open while she struggled in vain twisting her body and shaking her head vigorously.

"Stay still or it'll be extra painful." Dae Hyun warned with a sharp glint in his grey eyes. He held her tongue and sliced it off with the sharp knife in one swift movement,the stinging pain made her want to scream but no sounds came out from her mouth, blood poured out of her mouth from her cut off tongue and her friends watched in terror as they shed tears for their friend who was in excruciating pain.

Dae Hyun's eyes were full of excitement and a maniacally grin cut through his face as he held her bloody tongue in his hand, he took a black box from the table and placed her tongue inside carefully like it was some sort of trophy. He turned his attention to the girl whose mouth was covered with blood and tears flowing from her eyes like rainfall.

"I've never dug someone's heart out with my hand before." He said with a curious look on his face as he walked over to Bo Ra, her friends shook their heads aggressively as if it would stop him from doing what he wanted. Bo Ra couldn't even think properly because of the pain she was in and the blood loss, she felt dizzy but her eyes suddenly shot open when she felt a large hand dig into her chest with heavy force, the pain was incomparable, she felt her heart been ripped out from her chest.

Her friends watched in horror with pale faces as the maniac dug their friend's heart with his hand, he held her bloody heart in his blood soaked hand that was still throbbing faintly, her chest was soaked with her blood and it dripped on the white clean floor. Bo Ra was still alive for a split second as she coughed out a good amount of blood before she died on the spot with eyes still open. San Hye and Na Hye breathed heavily as tears continuously ran down their cheeks and their hearts were pounding so fast like it would explode any moment, they were both bathed in sweat in a terrified state after seeing their friend gruesomely murdered.

"Maybe I'll give them her heart instead." He said as he took the black box and removed the tongue while he replaced it with her heart. He turned to the girls with an emotionless expression as he said,

"You don't see me as a monster, do you?" He said to them leaving the girls in confusion but they hurriedly shook their heads in fear. He let out an empty laugh.

"You're only doing that so that I'll let you go." He said and this time the girls cried harder than before terrified for their lives.

"Don't you see how pretty your friend now looks? Aren't you jealous?" He asked with a sadistic grin on his face. The girls looked at him with pure terror written on their faces.

"Shit! She messed up my floor." He said as he looked at the blood dripping from the dead body to the floor, forming a huge puddle of blood in the floor.

"Ahh...I'm similar to a neat freak." He said at the girls who just stared at him wide eyed with bodies shaking in fear.

"Do you know what my favourite saying is? Beauty comes with pain." He let out a dark laugh that made the girls stomachs churn and suddenly San Hye wet herself in deep fear, that they were left with this monster and there was no one to save them. Dae Hyun's eyes diverted to the girl who wet herself.

"Why did you wet yourself? Are you that scared?" He asked looking at her with a satisfied expression. He let out a deep sigh as he stood in front of them.

"Who's next?" He asked with a sarcastic smirk on his face.