The other day at the cafe........

"Jerry, you like Min Hye don't you?" So Ra asked Jerry at the cafe. He smiled shyly as he said,

"Yes, why?"

"And I like Dae Hyun but I think she likes him so why don't you try to steal her attention, maybe she'll notice you if you try harder." So Ra said eagerly and Jerry nodded thoughtfully.

"But I think they like each other, look, they're even eating lunch together, its obvious." He said as he pointed towards their direction.

"No, but if you try harder and do your best, I'm sure she'll notice you." So Ra tried to persuade Jerry but he wasn't sure of it.

"I don't know if it'll work but I'll still try." He said and a grin formed on So Ra's face.


"So...You'll date me if only you knew more about me?" Dae Hyun asked.

"Doesn't it depend on whether you really like the person or not and if you have a connection with the person?" She asked rhetorically and Dae Hyun smirked.

"A connection...." He drawled, his facial expression seemed like he was having a long thought about the word. "I do think we have a connection but I don't know about what you feel." He continued and she smiled shyly but for only a second before clearing her throat.

"I guess so.." She said with a small voice.

"Sir! You're here?" So Ra's voice ringed in their ears interrupting their conversation, Dae Hyun's jaws ticked, he thought it was finally time to get rid of this annoying nuisance.

"Yes, any problem?" He said in a calm voice even though he wasn't feeling calm.

"Can we join you guys?" She said sweetly at him.

"Sure." He said with a charming smile on his face. So Ra sat next to Dae Hyun while Jerry sat next to Min Hye and she couldn't help but roll her eyes inwardly.

"Hello." Jerry said to Min Hye and she nodded slightly in response as she sipped on her drink, she couldn't help but twist her body uncomfortably.

"How have you been Min Hye?" So Ra asked with a fake smike as if she cared.

"You don't have to pretend as if you like me, the feeling is mutual." Min Hye said with a straight face, she didn't hide her thoughts about So Ra, she was used to saying out her inner thoughts, an advantage of having Asperger's syndrome. Jerry and So Ra looked at her with mouths slightly parted but Dae Hyun was grinning inwardly like the devil.

"How can you say something like that because of our little misunderstanding the other day?" She said with a pretentious gloomy look on her face. Min Hye just stared at her like she was an alien.

"Really? I didn't know it was a little misunderstanding, I'm sorry, let's be best friends then." She said sarcastically. Dae Hyun looked at So Ra with squinted eyes, he definitely hadn't seen this side of her.

"It seems like you don't like me even after I apologised." She lied.

"Don't you think you're being too shameless now?" Min Hye said with a hint of irritation in her voice.

"What do you mean? I'm only trying to reconcile with you and you're just attacking me, why?" So Ra was sobbing now as a pretense but Min Hye only scoffed as she realized what she was trying to do.

"Enjoy your lunch, I'm done with mine." She said as she got up immediately to leave.

"What a coincidence, I'm done too." Dae Hyun said with a genuinely surprised look on his face, the hidden mockery in his voice were caught by Min Hye and she stifled a laugh.

"W..what? Sir." So Ra called in confusion but he had already left the premises along with Min Hye. So Ra had a disappointed look etched all over her face, her hatred for her had grew by the passing days it felt like she was in an unseen war with Min Hye and she felt like she would die if she didn't defeat her.

The day's work had ended and everyone proceeded to leave, Min Hye was done packing for the day when Dae Hyun exited his office.

"I'll drop you home." She heard Dae Hyun's manly voice as she turned around to face him.

"Alright, thank you." She said and they both left together in his car. So Ra stood with arms crossed as she watched the two of them leave together and she felt the stinging of tears in her eyes as she held them back.


There was awkward silence in the car because of words that weren't said yet.

"You can tell me whenever you want, tonight, tomorrow or the day after, I won't pressure you." Min Hye said as she stared out of the window. He noticed she liked staring out the window.

"How about I tell you tonight then." He said as he locked his gaze with her. "What do you want to eat? I'll make it for you." He said with a grin on his face as she continued to look at him speechless. She blinked her eyes a few times before she opened her mouth to speak.

"Bibimpap." She said and his smile widened as she replied. They arrived at his house and she made herself comfortable on the sofa, weirdly she wasn't feeling uncomfortable in his space. They both didn't say anything as he went into the kitchen and started making the dish, she watched as he rolled his sleeves up, revealing his veiny muscular arm and she gulped at how sexy his arms were. She continued watching as he focused attentively on what he was doing and he became even more arousing in her eyes, it was weird for her to feel that way since she'd never even looked at the opposite sex that way before but she liked the weird feeling that he was putting inside her. She watched as he diligently prepared the meal with so much focus and attention.

"Dinner is ready." He told her as they both set for the table. The meal looked even more delicious and the aroma was simply mind blowing and when she tasted the food, her eyes widened in amazement.

"This is so delicious! If you weren't a director, you'd have succeeded as a chef." She said and he chuckled lightly at her remark.

"Is it that good?" He asked and she nodded in response with a smile on her face, if she hadn't seen him cooking with her two eyes, she'd have doubt that he could cook this well.

"You're like a five star Michelin." She complimented as she savoured the amazing flavour of the food.

Dinner was over and they both sat I'm the living room.

"So..Are you going to tell me?" Min Hye asked in curiousness, she was eager to know what his dark secrets were.

"I will.." He replied as he stared at her for a few seconds as if he was trying to read her expression. "I..have a hobby." He said and she looked at him with raised brows, there was nothing new about having a hobby but she could tell that wasn't all there was to it. "In society, its a barbaric thing to do but..I like it and I don't care about society..." He paused and he could tell how impatient she was to find out. "You know..You're the first woman that hasn't thrown herself at me and...You're the first person that's truly beautiful to look at." He said and she wondered why he stopped telling her about his hobby but instead diverted to a completely different track.

"Whats your hobby that the society thinks is barbaric?" She asked but there was no judging look in her eyes or fear on her face like the other women he had told before he killed them but instead she had an intriguing look on her face.

"I deliver something beautiful to people and instead of appreciating it, they're repulsed by it, how ungrateful." He said and she realized how right she was on the multiple danger signs he had been flashing right at her but she couldn't help but feel a sense of belonging when he told her.

"I..I have Asperger's syndrome and I killed someone when I was younger but I felt euphoria,my parents avoided me and I couldn't socialise with people, I felt like I didn't belong but...Being with you just makes everyone else disappear and I like it." She blurted out and she was surprised to see a grin on his face after what she told him.

"I'm the anonymous gift killer, at least that's what they call me."