Dae Hyun smiled upon seeing her reaction, she wasn't anxious, nervous or scared. She had an intriguing look glued on her face the moment he told her that he was the anonymous gift killer. His secrets were dark but somehow she could feel understandable with his dangerous hobby. It was easy for her to accept who he was because of her lack of emotional condition even though she knew very well that he was wrong and he was a murderer, a psychotic one at that but she wasn't bothered by those facts, she wasn't bothered about the future, all she wanted to do was live in the moment with her strange attraction towards him.

"Are you scared of me?" Dae Hyun asked in a low deep voice. A normal person would have ran as fast as they could for their dear life after his confession but she sat there comfortably as if he hadn't just told her that he was an infamous serial killer.

"No...I don't feel things like fear." She replied with a stoic expression.

"Then what do you feel towards me?" He asked with a smile on his face as he watched her flustered reaction.

"I'm not sure...I can't really tell how I feel." She said with a low voice as she fiddled with the hem of her skirt.

"What is the first thought when you see me?" Dae Hyun asked with curious look on his face. She looked up for a moment before saying,

"Uhm...You're enigmatic." She said with a thoughtful expression.

"I find you puzzling too, I can't tell what's going on in that amazing mind of yours which makes you even more intriguing." He said as a grin cut through his face. Min Hye couldn't help but blush at his words as she gave him a shy smile, no one had really paid so much attention to her or listened either, they were either talking about themselves or how pretty she was but he was different, he liked to hear her opinions and he was a great listener too.

"Do you have parents or siblings?" She asked because she wanted to know more about his family, if he had one.

"My parents are dead and no sibling." He replied. "What about you?" He asked.

"I just left, they never really wanted me because of how weird I was, they sent me abroad for years and then I just left because I knew they didn't want me ." She explained with a blank face.

"Its their loss then, and my gain because I had to meet such a brilliant, intriguing woman like you...." His words made her face flush red, she wondered if he was being charming as a pretence but when she looked at his eyes, all she could see was genuine sincerity in them. She gave a shy smile on hearing him. "..And you're beautiful too, which is odd because I only see beauty in death." He said with a grin on his face as if he hadn't just said anything weird. She fluttered her eyelashes not knowing whether to be thankful or wary of his compliments.

The room was quiet for a while as they both sipped their wine. Dae Hyun stole glances at her when she wasn't looking since she mostly looked at the window. He watched her black long hair sit perfectly on her head, he admired her snow white skin, her large grey eyes with long dark lashes, her aristocratic nose, her pink full lips. His eyes went lower down to her smooth neck, he wanted to kiss, then lower to her collar bones, then her round moderate moulds placed perfectly on her chest, he wondered if they were real but he knew that she wouldn't be into plastic surgeries since she didn't care about what people said, they were obviously natural, naturally beautiful.

Min Hye stared at the window thoughtfully, who knew he would be the anonymous gift killer, he was so smart and charming to the public that no one would ever suspect him. She knew he looked mysterious and had dark secrets but even she didn't know how dark his secrets were or even thought for a moment that he would be the anonymous gift killer. She took a deep breath, she had finally found someone she could be herself with, she could connect with even if he was a serial killer. She knew it was wrong of her to be with him, everything was wrong but it felt so right. She would enjoy the moment and stop thinking about everything, she thought to herself as she turned her head to his direction just to catch him staring at her fully engrossed.

He immediately looked away. A grin appeared on her face at his actions, 'he was truly weird' , she thought, but she liked him even more.

"Do you want to kiss me?" She asked and Dae Hyun looked at her confusedly with raised brows.

"Do you want me to?" He answered her question with a question.

"Yes." She said with a small voice. His face had a sarcastic smirk as he moved closer to her, her breath hitched in anxiousness and she had never felt anxious before. She realized that he was capable of making her feel things she never felt before. He placed one arm on her cheek as he moved his face closer and he tilted his head to the side as his lips neared hers, she smelled wonderful and he wanted to lose himself in her touch. He pushed his lips into hers and they melted into one another, her lips were so soft, he cupped her face as he collided his lips harder with hers, their hot breaths against each other, he slowly parted her lips with his tongue as he invaded inside of her mouth and she gave in, he stroked and twisted his warm tongue with hers, their rhythm flowed perfectly as his kisses got harder and she let out a moan as she wrapped her arms around his hard shoulders and slipped her fingers into his dark inky hair as she felt the softness of his hair. His hands went lower and stopped at her tiny waist, while he roamed about freely under her dress feeling her soft white skin in his hold, their bodies were burning with passion from their hot kisses, none of them were thinking anymore as they let their bodies colliding into each other do the thinking.

Min Hye's brain had been filled with nothing but his deep kisses as his hands gently caressed her soft skin under her clothes that she wanted to forget about the world and just lose herself in his arms, she felt a pool of hotness under her stomach and she realized how horny he had made her from just his kisses.His hard body pressed into her soft one and he felt his lower region getting harder, his desires to take her right there were too strong for him to ignore, he wanted to see her naked and he wanted to fuck her hard but he never lost control and he wouldn't now. Min Hye watched as he pulled from the kisses with dark desires swirling in his eyes as they both panted heavily, she watched as he slumped on the chair, not because he was tired but because he was done kissing her since she had only asked for a kiss, but it wasn't enough for her. She was looking at him in confusion as she wondered why he stopped, she took a peek at his manhood to know if maybe he wasn't in the mood but her eyes widened when she saw how big his bulge was, she wondered why he stopped then if he was obviously in the mood.

"You only asked for a kiss remember?" He said with a flat tone as he noticed her expression. She felt the hotness burning in her cheeks because of how flustered she was.

"OK, I'll get going now, I forgot I have to feed my dog." She said shyly as she got up to leave. He watched her with an expressionless face as she straightened her dress, ready to leave.

"Are you okay? You don't seem satisfied." He said and her cheeks reddened even more.

"What? I..I'm okay." She stuttered embarrassingly.

"I can satisfy if you want, without having to go the whole way. I know you're still a virgin." He said shamelessly with a blank expression on his face but her eyes widened a bit. How on earth did he know she was a virgin? She blinked her eyes numerous times.

"How did you know that?" She asked shyly as she averted her gaze from his.

"Because I've fucked a lot of women. You gave it away as soon as I kissed you." He explained and she couldn't help but admire how observant he was. "So..should I satisfy you?" He asked again but she shook her head in negation.

"I really forgot to feed my dog, I can't leave him starving for too long." She said as she stood up to leave. Dae Hyun's jaws ticked, he had thought she would stay but now she was leaving because of a stupid dog but a smile managed to appear on his face.

"Alright, lets see tomorrow." He said until he saw the apologetic look on her face.

"Sorry but I have a lot of things to do tomorrow, I'll be really busy but we can see the next day after right?" She asked trying to figure out his blank reaction.

"Its okay." He said as his jaws ticked even harder.