"Let's go again." Dae Hyun whispered in her ears as he wasn't in the slightest bit tired of tasting her and she nodded in affirmation even though she was already tired and she felt a slight pain in her lower abdomen which she was the cause of their love making. He hovered above her and kissed her breathlessly as he sat her up and made her straddle him while her back laid on the head rest as hot desires burning through his veins. She wrapped her arms weakly around his broad shoulders and her wet chambers brushing against his raging monster which made his bulge even bigger and he didn't waste any more time in slipping his raging monster inside her, thrusting deeper and harder than before and her moans became louder as their hot skin rubbed against each other in ecstasy and the pain she felt was immediately overwhelmed with the feeling of ecstasy. He moved his hips harder as he stroked her and she dug her nails into his back from the collision of their softness and hardness together which left her senseless as she arched her back in pleasure which made her toes curl and she moved her hips rhythmically with his as she experienced the mind blowing, tingling sensation of his fullness and hardness inside her. The feeling of her wet walls rubbing against his raging monster as he thrust hard and fast made him experience a pleasure he had never experienced from any woman before. Their hot breaths and skin colliding against each other was electrifying as their hands roamed about each other's body massaging and caressing their soft and hard skins, every stroke he gave her left his cells sparkle in pure ecstasy and he didn't want to stop. They reached their climax of pleasure and their movements slowed down as they breathed heavily and they slumped on the bed with bodies still shaking from the intense, erotic moment they had.

Min Hye's eyes was heavy and she soon fell into a deep slumber and Dae Hyun just stared at her for a moment as she lay naked on the bed. He took a wet wipe and cleaned her up then he gently carried her from the bed and changed the sheets which were soiled with the evidence of their intense love making. He put her back gently on the bed and pulled the covers over her, covering her nakedness which he'd have preferred uncovered, but he had to keep her warm. He hated spending the night with a woman in his bed because he liked his privacy but she was different and he loved spending every moment with her. He snuggled close to her with her back facing him as he placed a muscular arm on her waist and he buried his face in her neck and filled his nose with her scent and a small smile drew across his lips as he stared at her for a long time before going to sleep.

Dae Hyun shut his eyes open when he noticed a new day had begin. It was work day but he didn't care about going late when he had a charming girl by his side. He got up from the bed slowly, in other not to wake her up since she was still asleep and he noticed the faint red stain on the bed, and he took a long glance at her beautiful sleeping face before dashing out to the kitchen to prepare something light and nice for her to eat.


The sunlight peeked through the velvet thick curtains and Min Hye's eyes fluttered open. As soon as she opened her eyes, she ached in her lower region which reminded her of the unholy events that had taken place last night and she could still remember every sensation of him inside her and her cheeks burned as she blushed. She noticed Dae Hyun was not beside her or anywhere in the room and she felt a bit gloom as she scurried to the bathroom and washed herself thoroughly clean. She came out of the bathroom with a towel tied around her chest as her eyes searched for her clothes since she had to go to work but she couldn't wear them anymore since they were already dirty and she couldn't even find them since the room was already cleaned up by Dae Hyun so she went into his closet and picked up a T shirt which made her blush as she inhaled the scent of his clothes into her nostrils.


Dae Hyun was done setting the table and sat patiently, as he sipped his coffee while waiting for her when he heard footsteps coming down from the stairs and a smile drew on his lips when he saw her wearing his clothes which was obviously over sized for her. The sleeve swallowed her arms and the T shirt stopped below her thighs, revealing her beautiful legs which made his raging monster threaten to let loose but he managed to keep calm because he knew she was still aching from last night.

"Good morning." She said with a small voice as she took a seat beside him as she was amazed to see that he had already prepared breakfast.

"Are you okay?" He asked with a smile as he lightly touched her cheeks and his voice and warm touch made her mind travel back to last night which made her blush. "Take this, it'll help with the pain." He said as he gave her a pill and a glass of water and she was touched by his gesture that he cared about how she felt. She thanked him as she took the pills and started eating in silence because she felt famished. Dae Hyun stared at her eating in silence as he rested his face lazily on his palm. She was done eating and her eyes met Dae Hyun's who suddenly averted his gaze from her and she couldn't help but blush again. What was the odds that a psychopath would be insanely interested in her and she would also be interested in him?

"We should go to work now." He said and they both got up to leave. "I bought new clothes for you, they're totally your style." He said with a sarcastic smirk and she chuckled lightly as she took the clothes from him which was exactly her style and size.

They both got to work together, not giving a care in the world if the other workers stared or they gossiped about them.

"You should carry along, I have to use the restroom." Min Hye said and even though he very much wanted to stay by her side, he had work to do so he obediently complied as he left to his office.

Min Hye used the restroom and was about to come out when So Ra immediately barged in, making her step back in, to avoid colliding with her. So Ra shut the door closed, she had been burning with fury ever since she saw Min Hye and Dae Hyun coming to work together and it was impossible for her to keep her jealousy hidden.

"What is it this time?" Min Hye asked with a flat tune, uninterested in her childish bickers that morning.

"What do you think you're trying to do huh? Flaunting your whore personality around, are you going to go after the chairman next?!" So Ra said with angry eyes shooting lasers at her.

"I and Dae Hyun are dating so if you're that upset about our relationship, why don't you date the chairman instead?" Min Hye retorted with an expressionless face and her words hit So Ra whose body shuddered slightly.

"He was never yours to begin with! I met him first and fell in love.." So Ra's voice choked back with tears that threatened to fall from her eyes. "....But it's not too late, you guys aren't married yet and even if you were, I'll still have him either ways." So Ra said with a determined look on her face as she swallowed the tears that threatened to break free to not look weak in front of her enemy. Min Hye came closer to her and said with a low voice.

"I'll love to see you try." She said with cold emotionless eyes as a sardonic smirk reached her face. She walked away from So Ra, leaving her speechless because she knew she could never have him. Min Hye's brows creased in anger as she barged into Dae Hyun's office which made him look up at her perplexed by her facial reaction.

"I want So Ra to be taken care of too." She said and a wicked grin spread on Dae Hyun's lips.