Dae Hyun had to give a consolatory speech to the teams in his department since the company was in a state of uproar from the death of two workers within a short period of time which made everyone wary and unfocused. Some of them had even requested a leave until the serial killer was caught or until he stopped targeting the workers from the company as everyone believed.

He walked in the team's office with Min Hye beside him to see everyone's scared facial expression.

"I know it's been hard for us all with the deaths of our friends and workers but we still have to focus on our work." He said and the workers murmured between themselves.

"But..How do you expect us to focus on work when the serial killer is targeting us? It's terrifying because any of us might be next." One of the team workers stated, obviously scared and they all nodded in agreement.

"Security in the company has been tightened and work closes earlier from now on to ensure better protection." He said with a serious facial reaction and their doubts cleared off. Min Hye was in awe at his great acting skills, he seemed totally unrecognizable from when he showed her his dark side.

The workers relaxed a bit after hearing that security had been tightened and they closed work early. So Ra just stared at Dae Hyun without saying a word as she started having doubts about him.

Work had finally ended and Dae Hyun wasn't surprised to see So Ra scurry towards him.

"Hello, I hope I'm not disturbing you." So Ra said and a charming smile cut through his lips as he spoke.

"No, not at all. What do you want?" He asked, eager to end the conversation since he had a dinner date with Min Hye and he'd hate to keep her waiting.

"I just wanted to remind you about the drink you promised to have with me for the past couple of weeks now, I guess you forgot." She said with a smile but he could hear the hint of jealousy and pain in her voice.

"Ahh...I'm sorry, I'm really busy now especially with the opening of the new company. I hope you really don't mind." He said with an apologetic look on his face and her face dropped in disappointment.

"It's because of Min Hye, isn't it?" She asked and he squinted his eyes in confusion at her.

"What do you mean?" He asked hurriedly, he was getting impatient because he was keeping Min Hye waiting.

"You drive her home everyday, you thought I wouldn't notice?" So Ra asked rhetorically with a twisted face and Dae Hyun chuckled lightly before he spoke.

"What's wrong with driving my girlfriend home?" He asked and So Ra's lips quivered in disbelief as she fluttered her eyelashes, looking at him with a shocked expression.

"What?!" She almost screamed in disbelief and shock.

"I and Min Hye are dating." He said again as if she hadn't heard him clearly the first time. She opened her mouth to speak but words couldn't form, so she just stared at him for a moment before turning around to leave with tears at the brim of her eyes, threatening to fall.

Dae Hyun immediately walked away as soon as she left, not wasting any more of Min Hye's precious time. A smile garnished his face as he met her outside, standing beside his car waiting patiently for him.

"Did you wait too long for me?" He asked with a sorry look on his face.

"No." She said with a small voice and a grin appeared on his face as they both got into the car.

They arrived at his place and as soon as they reached the living room, she immediately broke the silence.

"I want to cook for you tonight." Min Hye said and Dae Hyun looked at her as he was bewildered by her sudden statement.

"But you said you don't know how to cook." He stated out and she smiled shortly.

"I started learning online." She said and Dae Hyun stared at her for a moment before he spoke.

"Alright then but do you need any assistance?" He asked with a bit of concern and she shook her head softly.

"No. Do you think I'll burn down your kitchen?" She asked with a sarcastic smile.

"Start cooking then, I'm hungry." He said and she rushed into the kitchen while Dae Hyun sat patiently and watched her with a smile on his face. He never thought of getting married but watching her pretty figure that he couldn't get tired of looking at made him want to rethink about his decision of not getting married and the more he saw her, the more he wanted her to bear his child.

Min Hye was done cooking and the aroma of the food was quite nice but when he took a spoonful, it was the opposite of what he had smelled but still, he managed to pull of an amazed face to not hurt her feelings.

"It's even more delicious than mine." He exaggerated which made a huge grin spread on Min Hye's face after hearing his compliment but when she tasted it, her face dropped in embarrassment and disappointment. Dae Hyun noticed her facial reaction after she ate her food and he regretted over exaggerating about the food.

"It's not that bad, if you learn more you'll be better in no time." He consoled her and she felt better with his words.

"Really? Will you teach me then?" She asked with a somber look and he nodded in affirmation.

"Do you want to listen to some music?" He asked and she nodded with a smile. He took her to his room and she followed behind him as she wondered why he was taking her to his room to listen to music.

"Ahh..The music player is here so you don't need to worry." He said when he saw her reaction.

"I'm not worried about anything." She replied as he played the music and he smiled at her words.

He took her hand in his and they roamed about in the room dancing lightly for some time as the sound of the slow music resonated in the room. He felt her tiptoe to reach his height as she whispered in his ears.

"I want you to make love to me." She said as she wrapped her arms around his broad shoulders and a wicked grin crept up to his face. He didn't say a word as he smashed his lips on her soft lips and he sucked and bit on it while he roamed his hands around her body. He took her clothes off, leaving her with only her undies on and she didn't feel shy, she then took off his clothes slowly in silence as she locked her gaze with him and he stood there stark naked with his masculine body and perfect abs to her full view, his raging monster made her gasp lightly at how huge it was. Dae Hyun skillfully took off her undies as he laid her on the bed revealing her sexy curves which made him feel hot inside as he collided his hard body with her soft one and kissed her passionately before trailing down to her neck, sucking on her weak spot under her ear lobe and she dug her fingers into his lush thick hair in pleasure. He trailed further down with his lips as he sucked the swell of her breasts and took her nipples in his mouth and sucked on it while his other hand massaged her breasts firmly but gently as he caressed her nipples. His hot tongue on her nipple made her feel a spark in her cells as she moaned while he did the same action to the other nipple. He went lower down, massaging and caressing her naked soft, white skin and trailed kisses to her beautiful torso as he parted her legs to reveal her wet chamber begging him for his touch. He licked and sucked the sensitive areas of her wet chambers as if he was teasing her and she pushed his head for more of his electrifying touches as she moaned deeply, shutting her eyes tightly in pleasure. He pulled back and positioned his raging monster at the tip of her wet chambers as he hovered above her between her legs before whispering in her ears.

"I'm going in." He whispered deeply as he stared at the pleasure filled face of Min Hye and his body burned hotter. He kissed her softly as he moved his raging monster into the tip of her extremely tight and wet chambers and she shuddered at the feeling of his hardness colliding with her softness and he moved slowly till he was inside her fully and she gasped at the incredible feeling of his hard raging monster inside her. He moved his hips and thrusted back and forth slowly as their bodies collided rhythmically, her walls tightened on his hard monster and the hot pleasure he felt made his pace fasten as he groaned deeply and she arched her back for more of his hardness as both their nerves sparkled in deep ecstasy, she grabbed the sheets moaning loudly from the electricity running through her veins and her brain turned mush as his pace fastened and he stroked her harder with each stroke leaving her senseless and their loud moans and groans echoed in the room till they reached their climax and she felt a cold sticky liquid fill the insides of her wet chambers. They both panted heavily and were covered in sweat as they slumped on the bed from their insanely pleasurable moment they had.