It was undoubtedly Miss Lee who had left a hickey on him, obviously for Min Hye to see it and to make her jealous. He hadn't even realized it on him, he had totally forgotten about the bite she left on his neck.

Dae Hyun clenched his teeth in anger at what the sly woman had done, if he could, he would give her a gruesome death all over again.

"That's a love bite, isn't it?" Min Hye queried rhetorically with creased brows, she wasn't asking a question, she was making a statement. Min Hye was angry that Dae Hyun let the woman leave a mark on him even though she was now dead. Trivial things had an effect on her when it concerned him, he was used to making her feel emotions she had felt alien to but now she was jealous and angry.

He tried to hide it with the collar of his dress.

"It's only called a love bite if we were in love but we're not and she's dead, so you don't have to be so upset love." He stated out as he cupped her cheeks with his large hands.

"You know how upset I get seeing you with another woman, so why did you still let her leave a mark on you? I hate seeing it on you." She said with a low but angry voice and Dae Hyun chuckled slightly.

"It just happened all of a sudden, it was unexpected." He said in a believing tone as he gave her a charming smile that made her knees go weak, she couldn't stay angry with him for long.

"You're making dinner." She stated out as she shot him a glare but he knew she wasn't angry anymore.

"What do you want to eat?" He asked with a smile as he moved towards the kitchen but she stopped him in his movements as she wrapped her arms around his waist.


A smirk came on his face as he heard her and he turned to face her.

"It seems like I've become your favourite meal." He said with a deep voice as he stared into her eyes swirling with callous desires.

"Did it take you so long to realize it?" She asked rhetorically as she moved closer to him, pushing her soft body into his hard one and she could feel the heat emanating from it as she trailed her hands down from his chest until she slipped her hand into his pants and was grabbing his raging monster.

Dae Hyun felt an electric sensation go through his body and his cells awakened as she touched him. She massaged him firmly and it didn't take long before he got hard.


It was lunchtime in Elites High but Yoo Na didn't have the appetite so she stayed in the class instead, studying books about business in her spare time alone in the class. She heard the door open and she looked up to see Jisoo walking over to her with a smile on her face.

"There you are!" Jisoo said with a grin on her face seeing Yoo Na as she sat next to her.

This was a seemingly good time for her to let Jisoo go, since it was fast becoming a dangerous road. If Dae Hyun was truly the anonymous gift killer, then he would undoubtedly target and kill everyone working with her to catch him and Jisoo would be his target also if he found out she was working with them but since he didn't know about her then it would be safer for her if she stopped now and she would be able to save her, something she couldn't do for Bae Ra and moreover, she didn't see any need dragging the fragile girl into her death since she had no liable use for her but Cha Eun, she was going to keep, since she needed his connections and even though she told him to stay away, he wouldn't since he had a score to settle with the killer like she did.

"I heard you attended the event, why didn't you tell me? I also heard someone died that night, so scary." Jisoo talked to her comfortably, it was no surprise since the girl had been visiting her part-time work place randomly and often, she would escort her home and they would spend time with each other, but that didn't mean they were friends even though the girl had oddly grown attached to her.

"Jisoo." Yoo Na called, her facial expression spoke of seriousness and Jisoo knew she wanted to talk about something important. She kept quiet and let her continue.

"You can stop now." She said and Jisoo stared at her confused with furrowed brows.


"You can stop helping me to find the killer." Yoo Na said and Jisoo blinked her lashes at her in confusion. She thought they were getting closer than before and Yoo Na had started to open up to her, so she wondered why she was saying all that so suddenly.

"Why? I want to help you too, why can't I?" Jisoo asked with eagerness in her eyes. Yoo Na knew she was determined to catch the killer also but she just didn't know how dangerous it was, she probably thought all they had to do was get evidence, find the killer and get rid of him but it wasn't as easy as it seemed especially if Dae Hyun was really the killer and he already knew all their plans which would mean a lot of innocent people were going to get hurt in the process or dead and she had a chance to prevent it from happening to Jisoo.

"It's dangerous and the only way you can help is if you don't help, it'll make it a lot easier for us, the killer is dangerous, he's not someone we'll find and just easily kill, it's not as easy as it sounds, a lot of people might get hurt on the way, I couldn't save my friend, doesn't mean I want to drag you down to your death too." Yoo Na explained and Jisoo was a bit understanding, she was right, if the killer was that smart not to have ever get caught, then it would be very hard to get rid of him. She felt a bit happy, knowing Yoo Na cared about her but she was also sad, knowing she couldn't give her a helping hand.

"I really want to help you. I'll be as discreet as possible, what if I help you out with the less dangerous stuffs, huh?" Jisoo asked with enthusiasm, she couldn't just sit and watch her friend do something dangerous alone.

"No, as of now, I have a weak suspect, but if he's really the one, then he already knows of my plan and I'm sure he'll try to get rid of everyone helping me out so, you can't be seen close to me, not until after everything's over." Yoo Na explained and Jisoo's eyes widened slightly.

"You have a suspect? Who?" She asked in wonderment.

"I can't say now. Don't tell Cha Eun anything, I'm only telling you to be aware of the danger and for your own safety." Yoo Na said with a serious expression and Jisoo realized just how dangerous it was, especially if Yoo Na was right about her suspect.

"I understand, but if there's anything you need my help with, tell me. I'll make sure to be discreet as possible." Jisoo said, still ever ready to offer her help even though she was now scared, her determination impressed Yoo Na but, it was too risky, she didn't want to see another dead body like Bae Ra's and this time it'll be worse because it'll be caused by her revenge.

"It's okay, I'll figure it out, just be safe and continue living. You still have a future and you're not dead yet, so don't let my problems worry you, I'm already dead, I have no hope." Yoo Na said with a blank tone and emotionless eyes. Jisoo had a glum look hearing her and her eyes watered as she stared at the broken and empty girl beside her. Her friend's death must have traumatized and shattered her completely for her to be that dead, she couldn't imagine such a horrible thing happening to her, she wouldn't be able to live anymore but Yoo Na held on strong as she lived for her revenge that was either going to happen with her standing by the corpse of the killer or the killer standing by her corpse.