Dae Hyun gave his glasses a slight push as the Officers stood in front of him, ready to speak.

"Good evening Mr Jang." The Inspectors greeted him politely with a false smile as everyone watched them with focus. Dae Hyun returned the greeting.

"What a nice surprise to see the both of you here, but don't you have a case to investigate? You shouldn't be lagging behind in your work to attend a consolatory speech." Dae Hyun said in a scolding manner with a concerned expression and the Inspectors shrunk in embarrassment, as they were being ridiculed by Dae Hyun in front of the audience but they couldn't reveal to the public, that Dae Hyun was their suspect as the anonymous gift killer, he had won the hearts and trust of the people and they had no strong evidence or claims to back up their words.

"We're here to represent the police force and extend our thanks for your financial support towards us for progressive investigations. It's very generous of you." Inspector Han diverted the topic as he gave a slight bow in gratitude and everyone easily bought it.

Dae Hyun gave a small smile at his words, he knew very well the reason they came for his consolatory speech and it was definitely not to thank him, but he played along.

"Ahh...You don't have to, I should be thanking you all instead for continuously searching for the killer with dedication and determination even though there's not a single evidence or lead on the investigation." Dae Hyun said with a serious expression, his tone was neutral but he coated it with mockery.

"We have an evidence." Inspector Han retorted firmly.

"Ahh I heard. He's left handed but still, it's yielded no efficient result, you should try to look for critical evidences and not incompetent ones." Dae Hyun said, feigning concern. The Inspectors stayed silent as Dae Hyun won the word exchange which went unnoticed by the audience as they mistook it for concern.

The cameras clicked as they took pictures of Dae Hyun and the Inspectors conversing together and they shook hands to finalise their conversation.


Min Hye was watching the scenario played out by Dae Hyun when she felt someone hovering behind her but she didn't turn to look.

"Min Hye, can I talk to you for a second." Min Hye heard the familiar voice of Mi Ra say behind her and she rolled her eyes before turning around to meet her with her usual stoic expression.

Min Hye walked out of the hall and Mi Ra followed behind her till they were out of sight in the empty corridor. Mi Ra couldn't get used to Min Hye's natural facial expression as it seemed intimidating but she swept it aside as Min Hye impatiently waited for her to speak up, it was obvious she didn't like her.

"I just wanted to clear the awkward air between us about Dae Hyun." Mi Ra said with an apologetic look and paused as she studied Min Hye's expression that stood unchanging. "I know how you feel about me because I liked Dae Hyun but it's nothing serious, Dae Hyun is a natural likeable man so you don't have to worry or feel insecure about me." Mi Ra said, passing her points across, she didn't want Min Hye to see her as her rival, since she knew about her crush towards Dae Hyun.

"You're not someone I'd feel insecure of losing Dae Hyun to, if you knew him like I did then you'd know you don't even stand a chance to compete or compare." Min Hye said with a firm tone and walked out on her without waiting for her reply. Mi Ra stood frozen on the floor with slightly parted mouth and widened eyes at the lady's arrogance and unfiltered words but it became obvious to her that Min Hye strongly spoke out her mind.

Min Hye knew better, she couldn't trust the words of people like Mi Ra who acted all nice and sweet on the outside when she was obviously harbouring romantic feelings for Dae Hyun silently, she had told her it was nothing serious but Min Hye noticed the looks she gave Dae Hyun whenever they came across each other which made her dislike Mi Ra more than she already did and she wanted her dead.


Dae Hyun caught sight of Min Hye and they set to leave from work which had been closed for the day.

"What's with the look?" Dae Hyun asked Min Hye as he drove the car. There was silence for a few seconds before she spoke.

"I want you to get rid of Mi Ra." Min Hye said with a look of detest in her eyes. Dae Hyun was surprised at her remark because he knew she was a reasonable and rational person but now, she was asking him to murder someone for her.

"You know I can't, at least not now, I'll be laying low for awhile." Dae Hyun said thoughtfully and she was disappointed but there was no look of disappointment on her face as her stoic expression hid it.

"Okay then." She said and stayed silent while looking out the window.

"You shouldn't be jealous of such a dimwit, she doesn't hold a candle near you, so you shouldn't feel jealous of her." Dae Hyun said firmly with a stern look and a smile garnished her face at his words. She no longer cared if Mi Ra crushed on Dae Hyun, he was right, there was no use wasting her jealousy on someone who wasn't worth it like he had stated.

She had a grin on her face as she played with a strand of his black, thick hair while he drove, he took a glance at her and noticed she was giving him a seductive look and he smirked.

"Don't look at me like that, I'm driving." Dae Hyun stated firmly as he tried to ignore the elevating hotness in his body.

"Like how?" She questioned with a low, sexy voice as her hands lowered to his neck and she caressed it. Dae Hyun adjusted in his seat as he felt blood rushing down to his groin.

"Stop, please love." Dae Hyun whispered pleadingly as he felt her fingers going lower to his chest and she caressed it softly as she went lower till she was grabbing his raging monster in her hands which made it impossible for him to think properly so he had to halt the car at the roadside in the expressway.

He laid his head back on the headrest as he closed his eyes while he felt her hands massaging his raging monster and a low, deep moan escaped from his lips. She withdrew her hands and Dae Hyun watched intently as Min Hye slipped her hands underneath her skirt and pulled down her panties, she unbuttoned her shirt and then her bra came off next and she immediately straddled him and slammed her lips firmly on his as she dug her fingers into his hair while he stroked her hardened nipples as he massaged her full, supple breasts firmly.

She pulled away from the kiss and lowered her hands to his pants and started undoing his belt in a hurry as neither of them could wait to get a taste of the other. She unzipped his pants and revealed his raging monster and she hovered her naked buttocks above it before bringing it down fiercely on him, thrusting her deeply and a loud moan escaped from their lips as they felt a wave of pleasure hit them.

He grabbed her waist firmly as she moved it on him up and down with a slow pace that elevated as the seconds passed. Their bodies pressed against each other firmly as his raging monster ground the insides of her wall hard and fast and their skins burned with electric sparks from the ecstatic feeling. She rode him harder and faster and Dae Hyun's grip on her waist made her ride faster, with deep strokes that reached depths that made their nerves accelerate with a scintillating feeling of ecstasy.

Dae Hyun arched his back as he pushed his fullness deeply into her, moving his waist rhythmically with hers as he thrust her deeply and stroked her wet, sensitive skin fiercely leaving the both of them in a deep wave of pleasure. Their moans grew louder and filled the insides and outside of the car.

They reached their climax and she slumped lazily on him with skins glistened with sweat and shaky bodies with hitched breaths from their erotic journey.