Da Yeon went to meet In Ra at her house privately the next day to tell her the choice she made in which neither was a good one but she had to choose anyway. In Ra let her in her luxurious room and shut the door closed, giving them both privacy in their conversation.

In Ra sat on the couch with a laid back expression on her face as she crossed one leg over the other, while Da Yeon stood in front of her meekly with a gloomy expression.

"You certainly came here for a reason and it's not to stand around, is it?" In Ra asked rhetorically with a hard, emotionless voice which held a slight irritation in it.

"I'll do it, I'll meet Mr Jang." Da Yeon said with a small shaky voice and a dark smile tore through In Ra's red lips.

"I always knew you'd do it, you're too full of pride and ego to become poor, but you a made a good choice anyway, I'm proud of you, it's the first time you're actually doing something smart." In Ra said with a sarcastic smirk playing on her lips and Da Yeon pressed her lips in a thin line.

"So..what do you want me to tell him?" Da Yeon queried, hoping it was not a conversation that would cause her death and she prayed inwardly that Dae Hyun wouldn't be the anonymous gift killer, she prayed that it was all a big misunderstanding.

In Ra patted at the empty space beside her on the couch, motioning for Da Yeon to sit.

"Come sit, I don't want anyone eavesdropping on our conversation." She said with a low voice and Da Yeon obediently complied as she meekly took a seat next to her which earned a smile on In Ra's lips.

"You... didn't tell anyone what I told you before, did you?" In Ra questioned with black eyes narrowing at her suspiciously and the girl immediately shook her head in negation.

"No, I swear I didn't." Da Yeon said immediately, she wouldn't make that mistake of blabbing about what In Ra had told her to anyone when she had strictly warned her to keep her mouth shut, she knew how heartless and pure evil In Ra could be, so she didn't mention a word to a soul, not even Nam Joo.

"Good, I know you're loud and a blabbermouth like your mom, so I was just making sure." In Ra said with a snicker but Da Yeon didn't retort back even when she disrespected her mom, she could easily make their riches disappear so she wouldn't dare to anger her.

"Don't say a word to a soul what you're about to do, do you understand?" In Ra warned with a hard voice and Da Yeon nodded in affirmation.

"Yes, I promise I won't." She said meekly.

"When you meet with Mr Jang, you'll blackmail him with his identity as the anonymous gift killer and make a deal with him to get rid of Yoo Na, or else you'll expose him. If he's really the anonymous gift killer, he wouldn't want ugly rumours like that spreading about him, so he'll take the bait but if he's not, you won't have sleepless nights thinking the anonymous gift killer is out to hunt you." In Ra said with a dark chuckle and Da Yeon's eyes widened in horror as she gulped heavily at what In Ra was telling her to do, she disliked Yoo Na a lot but she wasn't that heartless to want her dead, she could act all strong but in reality she was just a soft, fragile girl.

She couldn't believe what In Ra was telling her to do and the danger she was about to put her in without thinking twice about her safety, that she could get hurt but she should have known better that In Ra wasn't really her friend and she didn't care about her, they had only become friends because their families were from the same highclass in the society and they bullied weak students together but apart from that, they weren't real friends and In Ra didn't care about her, she was too heartless and selfish to really care and now, she was putting her in danger for her selfish and dark reasons, because she wanted Cha Eun to herself and Yoo Na dead.

"In could you want someone dead? I know Yoo Na's been annoying but it's really not enough to send the anonymous gift killer after her, don't you see how gruesome and inhumane he murders his victims? I wouldn't even wish that fate on my worst enemy." Da Yeon said with a terrified expression but In Ra kept staring at her in silence with a hard, emotionless face but her black eyes were filled with contempt and disdain in them as she spoke.

"Since when did you start caring about that filth? She's nothing but garbage and I'm not doing anything wrong by making dispose of it and even better, someone else will be taking care of it, not me and, don't also forget to tell him, Yoo Na is on his tail so that he'd have an even more stronger motive to get rid of her, it'd be easier..." In Ra said thoughtfully and a devilish smirk appeared on her face as she chuckled darkly which made Da Yeon even more terrified of her, she hadn't noticed how much she hated Yoo Na until then.

Da Yeon's lips quivered, what had she gotten herself into? If only she had known, she would have never been friends with such a heartless maniac but it was too late to regret then.

"In Ra, why don't you ask Nam Joo to do it instead?" Da Yeon asked with a somber voice and In Ra stared at her for a thoughtful second before replying her.

"He doesn't have anything to lose, his father's a talented chef and he doesn't do any illegal business but as for you, I can't say the same for your dad, there's a lot of illegal business he does, there's embezzlement, slush funds, sexual harassments and so on, that's why you're perfect for the job, because your dad has a lot of Karma I could use to ruin him for life." In Ra explained with a devilish grin and Da Yeon felt the world slowly weighing down heavily on her shoulders and silent tears rolled down her cheeks but it couldn't move In Ra, she was going to get her plan completed by every means possible.

"Don't cry, there's a chance Mr Jang might not be the anonymous gift killer, then we'll live our lives like we normally did, but if he turns out to be, then you'll have to stay away from me after talking with him, in case he targets you so I won't be on his target list." In Ra said with a cold voice and Da Yeon sobbed harder.

"Why are you doing this to me In Ra? We've been friends for six years, how could you force me to do something so dangerous?" Da Yeon said with a croaked voice in between her sobs.

"Do you expect me to endanger myself instead? You said it yourself, we've been friends for six years, so why can't you help me with one little favor, why are you so fucking selfish?!" In Ra's black eyes held fury in them as she spoke with an angry tone in between gritted teeth and Da Yeon's sobbing died down as she shuddered in fear. She knew In Ra wouldn't change her mind, she didn't care about her so she had no choice but to do what she was asking her to do, all she could hope for was that Dae Hyun was not the killer, then no one would die or be targeted.

"Get out! You should get ready, you're meeting with Mr Jang tomorrow." In Ra ordered with an angry voice as she shot her lasers with her eyes and Da Yeon swallowed heavily with tears stinging at the back of her eyes threatening to fall out, she wondered how In Ra could be so cruel to her after all the years they had spent together, even though they had only been friends because of their families wealth, she had gotten close to In Ra over the few years, ignoring all her flaws but now she was sending her to a death mission, without batting an eye lid.