The one month leave for the newly wedded couples had expired so they were both back to work, back again into the world they both deemed annoying and nerve wrecking and most of all, unbearable.

Min Hye was seated behind her desk next to Dae Hyun's office as usual when she heard the elevator chime and the iron doors slid open to reveal a teenage girl coming out of the elevator and walking towards her desk. The girl was wearing a highschool uniform which she recognized to be the one Yoo Na and Cha Eun wore, so it was obvious she was from Elites High and she wondered what the girl was doing there.

It wasn't hard for Min Hye to figure out the daughter of a rich family and she looked nothing less than them, from her head to her toe, it was obvious money had been lavishly spent on her, her skin was glossy, her brown wavy hair, silky and well treated but she didn't have the regular pompous look like the ones rich kids usually wore, instead it seemed like she was having an inner battle with herself trying to keep a straight and composed face.

"How may I help you?" Min Hye asked in her usual professional tone with a stoic expression on her face, she hoped it was one of Dae Hyun's highschool crush so she could easily get rid of her.

"I'm here to see Dae Hyun, I have an appointment with him, it isn't in his schedule but my dad sent me to deliver a message to him." She lied gracefully, fortunately, she was a good liar but Min Hye still had her doubts as she shot the girl a suspicious look, she doubted her father had sent her and to deliver a message.

"What message? Why didn't your dad send someone else other than his pampered daughter to run an errand? I know you're lying, if you're here because of your crush towards him, sorry but you're not going to see him today or any other day." Min Hye stated out firmly with a blank look on her face.

"I'm sorry I lied's nothing like a crush, but it's personal, why don't...." Da Yeon's words were interrupted by the sight of Dae Hyun coming out of his office with files in his hold.

Dae Hyun's gaze fell on the highschool teenage girl staring at him with fearful eyes even if she managed to keep a straight face.

"What's going on?" Dae Hyun questioned as his gaze fell on Min Hye.

"Nothing.." Min Hye said but Da Yeon immediately chipped in.

"Can I talk to you for a few minutes, sir, it's important." Da Yeon said with seriousness as she stared at the man that was supposedly accused as the killer. He was gorgeous beyond words to the eyes and she had had a crush on him since he was known all over the country as the vice chairman of APEX but after In Ra had accused him as the anonymous gift killer, she thought of him differently but she couldn't quite believe the accusations herself since it was baseless and the man looked as harmless and serene as an Angel.

Da Yeon saw the man gave her a slight nod at her request and motioned for her to follow him into his office. He had left the door slightly opened but she closed it shut which made Dae Hyun's thick brows raise up questioningly.

"I need our conversation to be discreet." Dae Hyun heard the girl say with a firm voice but the fear in her eyes couldn't escape him. He silently stood with his hands in his trouser pocket, waiting for her to speak. He saw her gulp softly and a bead of sweat broke on her forehead.

"I...know you're the anonymous gift killer." Da Yeon blurted the words out with courage she summoned, she tried to act strong in front of him in case he was truly the anonymous gift killer. She saw that he didn't flinch or bat an eyelid at the accusation, instead, he just gave her a blank look with empty grey eyes staring at her and her feet subconsciously moved back a few steps warily.

Dae Hyun was a bit surprised by her outburst but he wasn't flustered in anyway.

"Who are you again?" He asked her instead, ignoring her accusation blatantly which made her blink her eyelashes at him, wondering if she should tell him her real name or not.

"Even if you don't tell me, I can find out from the logistics in the company, you've been caught on the CCTV so they can just run a profile database on you and get me everything about you." Dae Hyun said with a calm voice and she gulped, she felt like she had walked into a trap, no wonder In Ra had sent her to do her dirty work for her, in case he was the killer, then In Ra would be safe while she would be hunted but she hoped inwardly that he wasn't.

" name is Da Yeon, I'm Soo Lee Oh's daughter." She mentioned quickly, making it aware to him that her father was equally powerful in case he was the anonymous killer and he tried to kill her, but now that he knew all about her, if he wasn't the killer, then he would surely report her to her father for accusing him as a murderer but getting in trouble with her father was far better than being hunted by a psychopathic serial killer.

"Is it a hobby of yours to go around accusing people of being murderers? I'm very well acquainted with your Dad and I can easily report you for your unruly behaviour, would you like that instead?" Dae Hyun threatened her but his eyes were calm and his voice gentle, it didn't seem like he would hurt her in even the tiniest way, he stared at her like a lost child.

"I know you are, I have evidence!" Da Yeon blurted out confidently again as In Ra had told her to but her quivering lips didn't escape Dae Hyun's eyes and a sarcastic smirk crossed his lips.

"Where is the evidence?" Dae Hyun questioned with a doubt filled voice and she gulped, thinking after all, he might not be the killer but his odd personality made her a bit wary.

"Do you think I'll be that stupid to bring them here?" Da Yeon asked rhetorically and he nodded his head thoughtfully.

"You're right, but I'm not the killer, so you're wrong and I know you don't have any evidence, so give it a rest kid." Dae Hyun said with a humorous voice as a short chuckle escaped his lips. The more time she spent with him, the more she doubted him being the killer, he was too calm and laid back for him to be the killer.

"So..I want to know, if I was really the killer, what did you want from me?" Dae Hyun queried curiously, waiting for her reply.

"Since you claim you're not, there's no need to tell you." Da Yeon said and turned around to leave but she halted when she heard him speak.

"I am the killer, so tell me why you're here or I'll bash your head against the wall and no one will be able to find your body." Dae Hyun said with a spine chilling voice and her body shuddered in fear as she slowly turned around to meet the cold, dark grey eyes of Dae Hyun giving her a hard look, he now looked the opposite of what he had been pretending to be, she found it hard to believe he was the killer, but with the murderous look he gave her, her doubt seized to exist.

"Didn't I ask you a question?" Dae Hyun questioned with an impatient hard voice and her body jerked in fear.

"I..I want to get r..rid of Y..Yoo Na, she kn..knows who you are..." Da Yeon stuttered with tears stinging at the back of her eyes as the man's face darkened.

"I don't think it concerns you if she knows, so why do you want her dead?" Dae Hyun questioned with a sadistic smirk and she felt her blood freeze, her nightmare had turned into a reality, who would ever have guessed that he was the anonymous gift killer.

"It's personal." She replied with a small voice and she watched him with alerted eyes in case he tried to kill her but she knew it was almost impossible to hide a body in the office.

"Alright, you can go now." Dae Hyun said with an uninterested voice as he pushed his glasses lightly and her face twisted in confusion.

"Even if you tell people that I'm the anonymous gift killer, no one will believe you and I know you don't have any evidence, so the moment you speak, I'll come after you and I'll kill you." Dae Hyun spoke with a hard, cold voice and his grey eyes darkened as he locked his gaze with hers. Adrenaline flowed through her veins hearing those words from him, he was right, no one would believe her even if she screamed her lungs out that he was the anonymous gift killer without evidence and no doubt he would hesitate to kill her if she made a sound.