Min Hye had been oblivious of what Dae Hyun had been doing in the past few days, he didn't tell her anything about being blackmailed by Da Yeon or when he killed her, the night he killed Da Yeon he had told her he had something to take care of without giving her details but she didn't question him, she was already aware of what he meant but she didn't know who.

"Why did you kill her?" Min Hye queried as they cuddled while watching a movie together. Dae Hyun turned the volume down on hearing her question and turned to face her with a blank look on his face.

"Kill who?" Dae Hyun asked with an oblivious expression, his facial expression seemed so innocent, like he couldn't harm a fly. If she hadn't seen him taking care of two bodies in front of her, she would have doubted him as the killer but there was no doubt about it.

"Soo Da Yeon. You said you'd stay low for a while." She stated out with a low voice and she watched as he pushed his glasses up slightly before a sarcastic smirk appeared on his lips.

"It was...unexpected but nevertheless fun." He replied as his smirk turned into a devilish grin.

"I'm curious to know why, can't you tell me why? Don't you trust me? I'm already mad that you don't tell me anything, I'm your wife and I deserve to know everything too, I've never hidden anything from you and being a...having a hobby isn't enough reason to hide it from me." Min Hye blurted out her thoughts with a hint of frustration hidden in her voice.

Dae Hyun's grin dropped to be replaced by a frown on his face. He knew how curious she was to find out more about his secrets but he didn't know just how angry and frustrated she had been for shutting her out.

"I'm sorry if you feel that way, I really love you and I trust you but I feel it'll be a burden if I placed my problems on you, it's easier and better if you don't know." Dae Hyun said with a calm voice, his grey eyes swirled with genuine emotions as he looked at her and it weakened her.

Dae Hyun didn't trust her enough, he couldn't trust her, he knew she loved him and she loved his dark sides too but his safety would be on the line if he trusted her with his plans, it would be easier if he only knew and no one else, he didn't want to have to make the choice of burying her to bury his secrets If he ever told her, she didn't know but keeping his secrets from her meant keeping her safe from him, an inauspicious problem might occur and he'd have no choice but to bury his secrets with her if ever he told her, so he would never make the mistake of telling her anything.

Min Hye sighed deeply, she knew there was no way he'd tell her whatever he was scheming even if she begged him for an eternity and she wondered why he was so reluctant in sharing his plans with her, it didn't seem like he doubted her loyalty. She figured Da Yeon's death was somewhat connected to his schemes which would be connected to Yoo Na, after all it was obvious to her because the girl attended the same school as Yoo Na, she wondered what the connection could be.

"I understand what you mean but...I just felt like you shouldn't leave me in the dark, I'm your wife and whatever you're planning, I will support you." She said as a final argument, she wouldn't argue anymore or force him to tell her, she would just watch instead like he had told her to do.

"I told you not to query me about my plans, wife. I know you're very inquisitive and I love that about you but you also know I don't like nosy people, so can we end the discussion now?" Dae Hyun said, with a slightly impatience heard in his voice. She didn't want to anger him already so she silently dropped the topic, lowering her head down in dismay as she fiddled with her dress.

"I'll drop the topic but I'm not going to lie about how I feel." Min Hye said with a low voice, her face was still blank but he could see the hurt in her eyes when she looked up at him.

"I didn't mean to hurt you, you should know whatever I do is for your benefit and also because I love you, so don't feel hurt, it'll hurt me too." He said with a low voice as he took her small hands into his and planted a light kiss at the back of her palm. A small smile garnished her face and the hurt in her eyes slowly disappeared to be replaced by a feeling of want and rouse.

He cupped her small face with his hands as he stared deeply into her eyes.

"I love you too." She said with a small voice before feeling his hot lips on hers, making her body go aflame with carnal desires. She wrapped her arm around his neck as she kissed him back, pressing her soft lips into his as she straddled him in the process. She stroked his lips with hers as she pressed her soft body firmly into his hard one, leaving him hot blooded as his raging monster hardened and stood erect. She pushed her small tongue into his warm mouth, entwining their tongues together while exploring his mouth, biting and sucking firmly as he placed his hand on her buttocks, massaging it hard, pushing it to brush his raging monster which made his body turn impatient to fill her.

She pulled from the kiss as she caught her breath from the breathless kiss. He made her seat on his lap with her back facing him, then he slipped his hand underneath her short flimsy gown she was wearing, he went higher to realise she wasn't putting on any underwear, a mischievous smirk garnished his handsome face as he teased her, stroking her folds and then he deepened his fingers into her wet chamber, making her let out a cry of moan as she closed her eyes in raptures while he stroked her walls with slow movement, he pulled out his finger and then he unzipped his pants to reveal his raging bulging monster that stood erect, he pulled her dress up to reveal her naked behind and made her seat on his raging monster, he grabbed her waist making her buttocks grind his raging with firm but slow movements, forward and back ward, they were in a state of delirium as their naked skins collided against each other, sending a wave of electrifying excitement through their body and he threw his head back on the couch with eyes closed in elated pleasure. They both started taking their clothes off with frantic movements unable to contain their lust. He tore off her gown from her body in a swift movement, to reveal her naked body while she frantically took off his clothes till he was fully naked.

She straddled him and immediately collided her soft body into his hard one as their bodies were burning with an all consuming flame of intense lust. He sucked and kissed on her soft white neck firmly which released a moan from her lips as she felt his hot lips on her skin which sent tingles in her body. He lowered his kisses down to her chest as he took one hard nipple in his mouth, sucking on it firmly as he massaged the twin pair, leaving her in maddening excitement and she couldn't wait for him to fill her insides that was itching to feel him.

She immediately rammed his raging monster into her wet chambers as she drove her waist down on it. A loud moan escaped both lips as his raging monster slammed her walls, brushing into them aggressively as he moved her hips voraciously, thrusting her insides hard with racing hearts and ragged breaths as they both reached cloud nine, every touch left them both touching the skies of euphoria but their thirsts for each other could never be quenched.