Yoo Na shook her body violently on the chair, while trying to free herself from the bind that restricted her from saving Jisoo from ultimate disgrace but unfortunately, her efforts were wasted.

"Jisoo, I promised you a payment for your services didn't I? I hope you enjoy every moment while it lasts, you might never get touched by a guy again." A loud hysteric laughter followed In Ra's mock filled words.

The boys grabbed her up and were about to rip her skirt off when a familiar voice echoed from the other far end of the tunnel, coming from one of the abandoned buildings.

Her eyes suddenly lit up when she heard Cha Eun's voice calling for them.

"Yoo Na!! Jisoo!!" He called loudly, making his voice echo louder in the tunnels.

"We're here!!" She screamed at the top of her lung to see In Ra's eyes widen in petrification, but her face suddenly twisted into one of disgust and hate as she shot her a glare before she hurriedly turned to leave to avoid getting caught there.

The two boys let go of Jisoo, making her slump on the cold floor as they ran off into their car along with In Ra, disappearing out of sight before Cha Eun and Dae Hyun could sight them.

Cha Eun and Dae Hyun finally came to sight, with hasty steps as they ran towards them. Yoo Na could see worry etch on Cha Eun's face when he looked at her but when his eyes met Jisoo, he turned away from the shocking scene with a grim expression on his face.

Dae Hyun's brows furrowed deeply as he stared at the girl who was stripped half naked, kneeling on the floor with her hands bound together behind her back, at that moment, Yoo Na couldn't care if he knew about Jisoo being her friend as she wanted Jisoo to be out of that current predicament immediately.

"Unbind her, I'll take care of the girl." Dae Hyun told Cha Eun as he hurriedly went over the girl who was sobbing with head lowered in shame. He could see her hair had been butchered off violently as they stopped above her shoulders in an uneven way and the cut off hair sprayed on the floor.

He immediately unbind her hands and took off his jacket as he put it over her, covering her body as he buttoned it up, keeping her warm from the chilly cold. The girl continued sobbing without looking up, she was left traumatized by the assault.

Dae Hyun quietly supported her up, comforting her into his warm embrace as she sobbed without saying a word.

Cha Eun unbind Yoo Na who was obviously fuming with unconfined anger at Jisoo's predicament.

"Are you okay?" Cha Eun asked, seeing the red bruise on her lips but she didn't reply as she kept staring at Jisoo who was sobbing in Dae Hyun's arms.

"It was In Ra, wasn't it?" She could hear the raw anger and detest in his voice as he spoke her name.

"Who else would it be?" She questioned him rhetorically with a grim look on her face as she clenched her teeth in anger.

"Let's go, it's getting chilly, we'll talk about it tomorrow." Cha Eun said as he wore her his jacket, but she wasn't feeling cold, she was burning with immense anger.

"If she's not taught a great lesson, she'll repeat it again or even worse." Yoo Na said between gritted teeth as her eyes burned with fury, she wasn't going to sue her, no, the law worked in her favour, she would teach her a lesson in her own way and if it meant ending the little bride of a devil's life, then so be it.

"I'll take the girl home, you drive Yoo Na home safely." They heard Dae Hyun's worried voice say as he glanced at the terrified girl with a somber look.

Yoo Na couldn't think of Dae Hyun at that moment but she knew he wouldn't hurt the girl if he was the killer since he was last seen and he seemed genuinely concerned which tore her mind between him being the killer or not, but at that moment all she could think of was making In Ra pay for her despicable actions and giving her a taste of karma.

Cha Eun agreed to his suggestion and left with Yoo Na. She wanted to apologise to Jisoo but now didn't seem like a good time as the girl wasn't clear in the head yet after the traumatizing experience she had.

Dae Hyun gently helped the girl into the passenger's seat of his car before getting seated in the driver's seat. Jisoo was shaken up as she sobbed quietly in the car.

She remembered what Yoo Na told her about her suspect being Dae Hyun as the killer, but she found it hard to believe, as the man seemed genuinely nice and humble to her, so she swept her words to the back of her mind, feeling safe with him with no trace of doubts lingering in her mind.

Dae Hyun glanced every now and then at the sobbing girl, she seemed like the Jisoo who Yoo Na was bent on protecting but didn't do a good job protecting her from his blackmailer that seemed to have a mind almost as dark as his.

He found it funny how everything got linked and tied, In Ra his blackmailer was the enemy to his enemy, but he couldn't have In Ra as his frenemy even though both of them wanted to get rid of her.

Their methods were both different and he didn't trust anyone, he couldn't trust anyone. He wanted to make Yoo Na suffer in endless torture after making her watch him kill everyone she cared about but In Ra wanted her dead and done with and it didn't go well with him.

"What's your name?" He queried with an oblivious look on his face, his voice was calm.

Jisoo looked up at him with reddened eyes that had been swollen from crying and he immediately gave her a kerchief which she meekly accepted.

"Jisoo..." She replied his earlier question in a very low voice and he grinned inwardly.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere? I could take you to the hospital." Dae Hyun inquired with a concerned expression as he screened her body for any sign of injury.

"It's okay, I'm fine. I just want to go home." She said with a hoarse voice, almost choking back on her words as hot tears threatened to spill from her eyes as she remembered the awful experience.

"I'll report it to the police in the morning, you'll come with me to file your report." He said with a serious tone which made her eyes go wide with fear.

"No, please don't do that..." She hurriedly exclaimed in a shocking tone as she was taken aback by his offer.

Dae Hyun's brows creased together when he heard the girl rejecting his humble offer.

"Why? Are you scared of her? He asked with a slightly irritated tone and a hint of anger in it.

"Her parents are very wealthy, she'll go away with it and she might do worse if she gets angry, so please don't do anything, if we let this go quietly, she might not do it again...." He watched the girl pleading with tears flowing down her cheeks obviously scared of In Ra.

"Only poor people will think that way but I have enough power to put her behind bars for her action, don't forget I'm a public figure and the vice chairman of APEX, the law force will have no choice but give the jurisdiction in our favour, so don't worry about her repeating it again after she's faced dire consequences for her actions." Dae Hyun said convincingly and the girl looked up at him with a bitter sweet smile on her face as he tried to help her.

He was really an Angel in the form of a human, she thought to herself.

"Thank you, Mr Jang, I'm really grateful for your help." She said with bowed head as she sobbed harder.

"Don't thank me yet, I haven't even started." Dae Hyun said plainly but behind those words held a menacing meaning to it.