In Ra stomped into the classroom as she flared up in burning fury, her face twisted with the usual hate and contempt she held for Yoo Na as she marched up to Yoo Na.

She wouldn't have been bothered after abducting Yoo Na and Jisoo, because even though Cha Eun helped in reporting her to the police, no one would really pay any attention.

But to her greatest bewilderment, Dae Hyun was the one behind it all, he had helped them sue her and of course, the law enforcement took it serious as he was a well know figure.

She wondered why the anonymous gift killer would be helping his enemy, which was rather weird, she wondered what his aim was, but at that point, she had a case to take care of.

Yoo Na, Jisoo and Cha Eun were together in the classroom when In Ra marched up to them, obviously fuming in anger.

Everyone had heard of the recent development, as the news channel spread the news like wildfire all over the country, that In Ra, the daughter of the well known businessman Mr Choo was going to court and sued for physical assault and abduction.

"You really have the gut, don't you? I really can't believe you low lives sued me..." In Ra scoffed in disbelief with mixture of irritation in it.

Jisoo shuddered in fear from where she sat with head lowered, the memories of the traumatizing incident still played out vividly in her head and she could still see In Ra's dark thrilled face as she enjoyed her torment.

"Do you feel like you've won? Sorry to burst your bubble, but no matter what you do, people like me will always be above the law, why? Because only people like us matter." She said in a tone of mockery, while a sinister smirk crossed her lips and her black eyes darkened with a malicious look in it.

The students stared at them in silence, watching the drama unfold in front of them, In Ra was aware of the prying eyes, but she couldn't care less as she felt she was above everyone.

Cha Eun abruptly bounced up from his seat, his action left Yoo Na and Jisoo perplexed as he was obviously furious, his hands clenched in a tight ball, making his knuckles turn white.

"Enough of your madness now In Ra. What the heck do you think you're even doing? Abducting two people and then physically assaulting them!"

Cha Eun burst out in anger, his voice louder than usual which held an intimidating tone in it, but In Ra seemed unshaken by his action, it was visible from the glint in her black eyes that she didn't care about anyone.

She was wicked, selfish and a narcissist, moreover, she saw lowlifes like nothing but garbage, so their existence meant nothing to her, as a child, she had grown up with such mentality.

"People? Look at them, they're not in our calibre, you can't refer them as people, you should refer to them as garbage, cause that's all they are and will ever be."

In Ra drawled with a sardonic smirk pulling up at the corner of her lips as she shot both Jisoo and Yoo Na a glare.

"You did this because you want me, but look around, do you think I'll ever want a woman like you? No, do you think any man would?"

Cha Eun's words made her face twist deeper with anger as her brows knitted tightly together in anger.

"Don't get full of yourself Cha Eun, I don't need you anymore, you both can get married and have a fucking perfect life, but...I'll always be the woman she will never be, I'll be fucking influential, rich and powerful, she'll never be that woman. She'll always be a lowlife."

In Ra's voice held detest in it as she spat out her words like venom, no remorse held in her eyes or expression for what she did neither did she feel it and the students murmured at how cruel she was.

Cha Eun scoffed at her words.

"You're really unbelievable In Ra, how could you be this way, they're humans like you, yet you treat them less because of their background, you're.. pure evil!"

Cha Eun said in a low, angry voice and her jaws ticked, Cha Eun speaking to her in that manner because of lowlifes, ate through her skin, more so as he had never spoken to her in such manner.

"Like their background, their lives are less and lesser things don't matter, so why are you making it a big deal, how dare these lesser humans sue me?!"

In Ra's voice was now loud as she yelled at them in anger while gnashing her teeth together in frustration.

She couldn't digest the fact that a nobody was suing her, it was unbearable and at that moment, she wanted nothing more than to stab them all to death, including Cha Eun, not that she ever loved him anyway.

"They're more human than you'll ever be. You don't have a heart, you're wicked, selfish and pure evil, so why do you label yourself as human still, when you obviously lack humanity."

In Ra ran her fingers violently through her short black hair, pushing it backward roughly. She had had enough, Cha Eun now looked like a weakling to her, a disgusting weakling and she couldn't wait to see them all end up dead in the hands of the killer.

She would laugh at their corpses in a sadistic way and celebrate on the day their corpses would be found, courtesy of the anonymous gift killer.

She smiled devilishly just thinking of it, she couldn't wait to see them all fail miserably.

"Humanity? Humanity is for the weak, so..I'd rather become a monster if it means becoming powerful, we both know the weak ones always ends up dead."

Yoo Na held a strong meaning to her words, her eyes glinted with dark excitement and her words seemed to hold a menacing tone to it, which made her suspect on her grow stronger 'she was definitely involved in Da Yeon's death' she thought inwardly.

"We'll see you in court." Cha Eun made his final statement, he wasn't going to exchange any more words with her, she was pure evil and obviously was never going to change.

"You're lucky Mr Jang is such an angelic soul, you have him helping you, but what happens if he no longer does? Who will you run to?"

"What do you mean?" Yoo Na's voice was heard as she chipped in curiously, she was waiting for her to make more suspicious remarks and she took the bait.

To everyone else, she was saying Mr Jang was an angelic soul, but her eyes spoken differently, they held a menacing glint in them.

"Help doesn't make you great, it either leads to your downfall or this case, it'll lead to your downfall."

She enunciated on every word she spoke

with a mocking tone as she chuckled darkly while exiting the classroom without waiting for a reply.

Yoo Na had no doubts now that In Ra was either aware of the identity of the anonymous gift killer as Dae Hyun or she knew something about Da Yeon's death, or maybe..both.

The way she spoke didn't poke any suspicious thing in particular, but her instincts could sense something fishy going on with her, she knew more than she was letting on.

In Ra had been worried about Cha Eun getting killed by the anonymous gift killer, not that she wanted to tell him about her findings before, but she just wanted to warn him to be careful.

But now, things had changed, she couldn't bat an eyelid if the anonymous gift killer would kill him, in fact, she would be pleased as Cha Eun now irritated her to the core, seeing him take the side of the lowlifes and degrading her in front of everyone.

'Such audacity!'

At least, she wouldn't have to risk the anonymous gift killer finding her out, she would be in the safe and she didn't care if everyone else died.